

Ask @antidem

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What is your favorite story your parents told you?

"The United States stands for liberty; it is a free society in which the government represents the will of an educated and enlightened people..."
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

If you don't want to be corrected then don't purposely tweet things that are wrong.

It takes a while to get used to my sense of humor, I'll admit. But not that long. After a while, I do expect you all to simply be able to keep up.

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favorite alcoholic beverage?

Bailey's Irish Cream straight up, El Presidente brandy and Coke, or Appleton Estate rum on the rocks.
Liked by: Ogrest

Why are you against women fighting ISIS?

Because women fighting in combat is horrible, degenerate, dishonorable, unnatural, uncivilized, and shameful. Any society that would allow women to do their fighting for them deserves to be destroyed. Good riddance - off you go to the dustbin of history with all the other degenerates, loons, and societies full of girly-men.
Liked by: Freedom Fries

You have one minute to ponder the ethical ramifications of omnivorism vs. vegetarianism. Go.

I am nominally a vegetarian, mostly for health reasons, though I cheat more than I should.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

"I don't mind you asking." Well, do you mind answering?

I'm not going to answer because I have no desire to rock the doxx. But you can ask all you like.

Thoughts on south american political leaders? (Evo Moralez, Jose Mujica, Dilma Rousseff)

Bring back our juntas!

could "free speech is not hate speech" possibly be the dumbest idea/mantra progtards have ever come up with?

Probably but I think you got the saying backwards bro.

Who is John Galt?

Some character from a godawful boring novel that would be twice as good if it was half as long.

Say, what's up with NRx and transhumanism? How do these go together?

You got me. I've even joked that the Anissimov/Tunney dustup was caused by an argument about whether transhumanists or transsexuals got ownership of the word "tranny" to describe themselves.
I know that a fair chunk of the core NRxers drifted in via Less Wrong, and there's apparently a pretty substantial transhumanist element there. But other than that, I really couldn't tell you.

You missed the point I was trying to make with the Gallup link. I was trying to say that women self-servingly support abortion and oppose pornography (and in a feminised culture, the men just follow what the women support, hence you get a majority aligned with women).

Democracy was barely functional/stable before women got the vote. After, it's been a total shit show.

Would you encourage a leftist to despair, and give up his leftism and idealistic, *hopeful* (at least through his eyes) utopianism, or is it unforgivable to encourage someone to sin?

It is wrong to discourage people from staying on the right path. It is right to discourage people from staying on the wrong path.


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