

Ask @antidem

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Did Pope Benedict have a duty to continue ruling?

So it seems.
But who knows what the real story behind his "retirement" was?

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We are told that it is good to venerate our nations history.Yet as an American and excluding the Confederacy what figures does a reactionary have to look up to ?

Give up and turn to European history instead.

What's with you laptop's keyboard?

You mean the spill protector? When I was living in Japan in 1998, I managed to destroy my PowerBook 190 by spilling a bowl of miso soup directly into its keyboard. Never again.

Is morality real or is it merely a fiction? And if it isn't a fiction - then how does it sidestep Hume's Is-Ought problem.

Define: real. I'm not just busting your balls here; this is an important question. Do you mean sensuous - a solid object that I can reach out and touch? If not, then what makes something real? I hear that fiat currency isn't real, but if I put some on a bar, I'll get a beer - that sure seems real to me. Or do you mean that someone made it up, and it's a social construct? Maybe - but you wanna know what *isn't* a social construct? Living in a hole in the ground, getting chased by wildebeests, and dying of dysentery at 25. Everything else is a social construct - from the laws you have to obey to the engineering that built the house you live in and the flush toilet that makes your excrement magically disappear to a place where it will trouble you no more. So let's not give social constructs a bad name here.
I'm sorry, but your question as currently stated is too vague to answer.

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Why do you care so much about the TRS folks? Insane retards are not worth your precious time. Might as well get worked up over what some Esoteric Hitlerist thinks.

Core TRS seems to have come to the conclusion that diplomacy and restraint when dealing with allies is a good thing. Mostly the problem at the moment is certain commenters and hangers-on. So let me speak in general, with this not directed at anyone in particular:
I'm all for "no enemies on the right", but as with all truces, everyone has to hold to it, otherwise it's not really a truce, it's just letting someone kick you in the nuts for free. As the great philosopher Stefan Molyneux once said: "Real niggaz don't play dat". If there's a person who simply cannot be restrained from shooting at what he claims is his own side, sooner or later you just have to call him an enemy and napalm him. After all, what *is* an enemy other than someone who continually shoots at your side?
Anyone can become more trouble than they're worth, and the graveyards really are full of indispensable men.

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What ancestry is were your non jewish grandparents

One British, one Irish, and one we don't really know because that branch of the family was in New York City before the American Revolution, but we can't trace them back any further than that.

Why are so many people complete autists when it comes to the JQ?

There sure are a lot of Spergfuhrers out there.
In the end, I think it's white dinduism. Literally the most anti-white thing I could possibly think of is the idea that whites have so little agency that we are irresistibly compelled to do things just because a bunch of Jews told us to. If that’s the case, then we’re practically begging to be subjugated, and we richly deserve to be.
I don’t believe that to be the case, but it’s strange how many people who call themselves “White Nationalists” do. They do it because honestly evaluating your own flaws and embarking on a path of self-improvement is hard - emotionally, physically, and spiritually - while bitching and groaning about how some other group of people done you wrong is easy.
The thing is: anyone who says they have an easy way out of this mess is a fraud.

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Liked by: Ian NO NAME

Regret admitting your jewish heritage on twitter yet?

"You're a crypto-Jew, Antidem!"
It's not "crypto" if I said it on my public Twitter account.
Anyhow, I was half-drunk on cinnamon schnapps tonight, and it put me in a mood to fuck with some trolls on the TRS forums. What can I say - as a way to amuse myself on a Friday night, it was cheaper than a movie, and less sinful than bopping my baloney.

I'm optimistic. We're experiencing a Leftist Singularity and the Cathedral is on its course to collapse. Share my sentiment?

Gloves are off, ready to fight
Like a lion I will survive.
Will I? Will I?
You gotta stand for something
Even if you stand alone
Don't be afraid
It's gonna be alright
You find the truth in a child's eyes
When the only limit is the sky
Living proof
I see myself in you
When walls starts to close in
Your heart is frozen over
Just show 'em what you're made of
When sun light is fading
The world will be waiting for you
Just show 'em what you're made of

No, Marx understood Christianity only too well -- that's why Bolshevism had such a receptive audience amongst former seminarians like Stalin, for example. Universalism is found in many places, that's true -- but it's from Christianity that Westerners were infected by it. That's just the sad truth.


Spengler succinctly wrote that "Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism". The statement someone made on here about the left infiltrating Christianity is simply ahistorical, your response to it is risible. I call bullshit on both of you.

Do you want to kill your grandmother? Why not?
The left has made killing Christianity, by any means necessary, its #1 priority for 250 years now. I’m simply amazed that there are people who claim to be on the right but who never seem to ask why that might be the case, let alone go on to ask: “I wonder whether helping my worst enemy to achieve what has been their #1 goal for 250 years really *is* the key to victory?”
The thing about heretics and fanatics is that what they do is to take an essentially good or valid idea to a crazy extreme. It’s good to care for your neighbors when they’re in need and to give to people who for some reason can’t provide for themselves - widows, orphans, cripples and the like. The fact that this good principle has been taken to a crazy extreme by fanatics doesn’t mean that the original idea wasn’t sound. It just means that fanatics gonna fanatic.
Think of it this way: Marxism took some essentially good ideas to a crazy extreme, and Objectivism is a crazy extreme overreaction in the opposite direction. The truth is that both of those “philosophies” are shit-tier junk that could never work in the real world, nor would any sane person want to live under them. I once heard someone describe Atlas Shrugged as a Russian Jew’s complete and total misunderstanding of WASP American culture, how it worked, and what made it the basis of the greatest economic and industrial powerhouse that humanity has ever seen. If you said that Marxism was a German Jew’s complete and total misunderstanding of Christianity, how it worked, and what made it the basis of Western culture, where does that leave you?
How about here?: Don’t let European Jews reinterpret your culture or religion for you.

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Liked by: Skylark

Is it fun trolling pagan/fedoratards at the TRS forum?

No, it's just a pain in the ass. I've heard "zOMGkikeonastickLOL!11!!!" enough times - it's old and boring. It's teenage "Fuck you, dad!" edginess from people who ought to be too old for that shit. Frankly, in a way, that makes them a lot like bronies - arrested development cases whose refusal to leave childish things in childhood is something that they think is charming but everyone else thinks is just creepy.

Don't you think the ill effects of free speech could be countered by simply applying it consistently to both Left and Right? Because right now, it's mostly progs who are allowed to voice their ideas unimpeded.

As Mike Enoch said, let's be on our own side for once. We tried tolerance, fairness, and pluralism, and it didn't work. New policy: When we have power, people with crazy ideologies that are toxic to decent society have to shut the hell up. There are some monsters too dangerous to let out of the basement, so let's not let them out.

Your analysis of Serious Man was more than just an analysis. It was a great motivating piece all on it's own

Thanks, goy.


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