

Ask @antidem

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I like the majority of your answers, but the fact that you are a brony bothers me a fucking lot.

Dude, I watched like, five episodes of that show, ever, a year ago, wrote a single blog post about it, and ever since then I've been getting maybe three questions a day on Ask.FM about My Little Pony. As for the Sunset Shimmer thing, someone else (probably on 4chan) started the "conservative Sunset Shimmer" meme, and I just picked up on it and added Moldbug quotes and TRS banner slogans to it. That's all.
My opinion on the show is that from what little I've seen of it, there doesn't seem to be much wrong with it per se; it's a perfectly fine TV show for little girls. Its fans are another story, but there's only a limited amount that you can lay the blame for a gooberish fandom at the feet of the property that is surrounded by it.
So no, I'm not a brony already.

Aren't the people who bang on about fighting "bigotry" and "hate" really by far the most bigoted and hateful people themselves?

They're members of a fanatical utopian cult. It's useless to bargain or reason with cult members, or to try to accommodate them. You can't persuade them that they're wrong. You can't convince them to stop or slow down. They have utopia in their eyes, and that beautiful vision blinds them to all else. Of course they hate you, and pity you as well - how else would one regard a person who doesn't see the beautiful shimmering vision in the distance, and who would't do absolutely anything in order to reach it? Forward! Always forward! they must march, and any who would impede their march of progress must be destroyed.

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Is there any hope that the recent imposition of sodomite "marriage" will lead some states to consider secession?

It's definitely a nail in the coffin, and a big one, but I don't think it will be the final one. FedGov is due for a serious diminution of power in the next couple of decades as its military becomes more visibly incompetent, its fiat currency's position as the unit of international commerce erodes, its economic power declines, and its massive debt becomes even more obviously unpayable than it already is.
You have to time these things right. In 1968, enacting a slate of modest reforms got Czechoslovakia invaded by their Soviet "allies"; in 1990, Lithuania seceded from the Soviet Union completely and got away with it. Just twenty-two short years' difference. But when the time finally was right, the world was shocked at how fast it all happened. In 1988, the Soviet Union was a globe-striding colossus; by the end of 1991, it was out of business - dumped in history's trash can, unmourned by much of anyone.
When the time is right, it will happen here.

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Lucasta Pendragon or Sunset Shimmer? Which is cutest?

To the best of my knowledge, Sunset Shimmer does not have an extremely protective Catholic dad who I'd rather not trigger by appearing to be overly flirtatious with his daughter over Ask.FM. This may affect my answer.

Explain neocons to me, please. Why do those people keep pushing for more wars America can not (and does not) win? Don't they realize that soon there will be a very high price to pay for that?

Easy. Neocons are people whose primary loyalty is to Israel. Talking Americans - who are high-trust suckers - into fighting Israel's enemies for it is a great deal for them. If the Americans win, even if just by degrading the ability of Israel's enemies to cause it any trouble, then great. If America loses, then too bad - but better that American blood and treasure should be wasted in the attempt than Israeli. To them, Americans are big dumb goons who are useful as sources of money, free weapons, and cannon fodder to be thrown up against their enemies. And they're right - that's exactly what Americans are: slack-jawed credulists who are eternally ready to believe whatever bunkum some slick-talking snake-oil salesman has in store for them.
Liked by: Ian

There is a phrase in Brazil that says: Democracy died when they accepted political socialist left. The fight was better when it was just liberal vs. conservative, both rightists.

Democracy *is* political socialist leftism. It is a train that goes in only one direction, and has only one destination. Beg your junta to come back and save you.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

Is distributism a realistic alternative to modern economies? If so, what would it look like in practice?

From the little I know of it, it seems so.

There's a scene in Braveheart where the king tosses his gay son's homosexual lover out the window. Ignoring the fact that this never actually happened, do you think this response was justified?

Twenty years ago, when that film was new, I would have said no.

"elders rotting away in filthy nursing homes" I dunno, that might be related to lack of time (nobody at home 24/7) and the steady rise of dementia; sufferers are really hard to care for, and bad cases need a lot of attention, patience, and/or the right environment. A job for professionals.

Funny how humanity managed to take care of that problem for 99.9999% of its history before those "professionals" arrived. It's almost like they showed up when a market appeared: people who were looking for someone to take care of unwanted parents for them for a nominal fee - as little as possible though, please - because it's terribly gauche to just put them on an ice floe and push them out to sea the way that old-fashioned savages used to.
Liked by: NO NAME

#LoveWins. Do you agree?

Under the understanding that Modernity has of love, yes. But this is the understanding that allows people to throw away their wives and husbands when they get bored of them, that murders children rather than risk raising them in circumstances less than 100% guaranteed to produce them to a Whig ideal, that gives us elders rotting away in filthy nursing homes rather than being cared for by loving children. Modernity is soulless and sterile, and its understanding of love is limited to something that makes them feel good in the here and now. That definition of love did indeed win this past week.

Hey speaking of Carlin- do you have any podcasts of his in particular to recommend?

My favorites are Ghosts of the Ostfront, Death Throes of the Republic, and Punic Nightmares

Why do libertarians frame everything as a conflict between the individual and the state? Where do families, churches, and communities enter the picture?

Because they're Moderns and Modernity is radically individualistic. It is of the individual, freed from all bonds, bowling alone, and miserable.

re: Dan Carlin: AFAICT, he's an amateur historian with no academic background, which has me a little worried. Does that greatly impact the quality/accuracy of his work or can I safely listen without being misled?

>In 2015, with academia in the state it's in
>Thinking that someone coming from our Cultural Marxist university system means that that they won't mislead you about history
Everybody point and laugh.

"Same-Sex Marriage: Not Best for Children" Is this relevant to your interests? http://www.acpeds.org/same-sex-marriage-not-best-for-children

Nope. I'm sure that these academic papers that you linked are full of facts and logic and reasonable, nuanced arguments. Those mean precisely nothing to a fanatical utopian cult in the thrall of a radical egalitarian ideology. Believing that facts and logic and reasonable, nuanced arguments matter is part of a high-trust worldview. That doesn't work when you're dealing with low-trust people, which includes utopian cults because utopian cults believe that the cause of bringing about utopia is so important that it's perfectly justifiable to be dishonest in its pursuit.
If you show a ten thousand page report full of facts and logic and reasonable, nuanced arguments to one of these cult members, they'll pore over it word by word until they find in the entire thing three mild, perfectly explainable inconsistencies they can use as "gotchas" to discredit the whole thing. Which they will, on The Daily Show, accompanied by one of those famous, election-changing Jon Stewart smirks. Or they'll discredit the whole thing by finding that one research assistant who worked on it had a boyfriend's sister's second cousin who once talked with Jared Taylor for five minutes while sitting next to him on a crosstown bus. That's how low-trust, deceptive people operate. They'll count on high-trust people to respond by withdrawing the whole report, apologizing for ever having created it, and firing everyone involved, which the high-trust people will because they're high-trust people, i.e. suckers.
Stop dealing with low-trust people under high-trust rules. They don't care about your scientific report from qualified professionals, and soon enough they'll have those qualified professionals begging for forgiveness for ever having presented these hatefacts. Until we treat low-trust people as they deserve to be treated, that's how things will continue to go.

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If our ancestors, who were by any sane measure greater than us, manage to lose the culture wars against leftism and degeneracy, then what hope do we in the present have?

We have their mistakes to learn from. They didn't know which ideas would be disasters - it all sounded plausible to them. They didn't know how steep the slippery slope was, or what really waited at the bottom. They were reasonable, decent, trusting people and believed that you could deal with a fanatical utopian cult under reasonable, decent and trusting rules.
The Enlightenment was a disastrous wrong turn during which our ancestors stopped listening to the wisdom of their ancestors. They thought they had something better figured out. They were wrong, and we are still paying for their mistakes today.

If you could make anime real, what would you do?

Let's just say that the Hestia Society really *would* be run by Hestia.
Mmmmmm... Hestia.

If you had the money to fund other reactionaries and their projects, who and what would you fund?

Let's just say that The Daily Shoah really *would* be daily.


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