

Ask @antidem

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Is there any specific evidence or experience you had/saw to convert?

Yes, but I prefer to keep that a private matter for now.

As far as I can tell, mainstream conservatives seem to be fairly pro-HBD but anti-sex-realism. What do you think? And as far as I can tell, "freedom of speech" just means more global warming propaganda and cretinous pop culture.

Egalitarianism runs deep in American thinking, and as soon as someone connected feminism first to business, and then to the sainted, holy, inviolate military, many were on board. And yes, you're right about freedom of speech - the people who ratified the First Amendment never saw modern mass media, much less The Cathedral. These things have rendered both freedom of speech, and democracy itself, obsolete. The (non-internet) media is cartelized - in the hands of a few, almost all of whom have exactly the same political opinions. Do we really have "freedom of speech" if 90% if the (non-internet) media all say the same things? If they forbid - entirely or nearly so - other viewpoints from being aired? Even the internet - which is a technological black swan which the mainstream media hates - is beginning to get concentrated into a few hands. For many, the internet *is* Facebook and Google/YouTube. As soon as there are gatekeepers, the gates will be kept, and we all know who will and won't be let in. There may not be Soviet-style censorship, but there doesn't really need to be: The Cathedral doesn't need to fool all of the people all of the time, and knows it - it just needs to fool enough of the people enough of the time, and with the biggest, loudest megaphone on the block and nobody there to stop them, they can.

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Was your Catholic conversion empirically based, or even just logically concluded?

Yes, though it was a choice between Catholicism and Orthodoxy, and if Francis had been Pope when I converted, I would likely have gone with Orthodoxy.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

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Do you think a military career is a good choice in the modern world? If not, what careers do you recommend?

The military is only a good career choice if you have ambitions to rise high in it and be part of a military takeover of the US Government. I would keenly encourage anyone with such ambitions, but otherwise, I'd avoid military service. As for career choices, I am not well-qualified to offer my advice in this matter.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

Do you like MMA, wrestling etc?

I am a great fan of professional wrestling. I believe that modern (especially American) politics cannot be truly understood without a working knowledge of professional wrestling. I plan a column on this soon - planned for release around the time of Wrestlemania.

Do you think the south should secede?

I think everyplace should secede. The US Government is far too big and powerful. America should become something more like ancient Greece or medieval Italy - "American" in sharing a basic language and culture, but divided into politically independent city-states and self-governing regions. Mankind seems to work best in situations like this - small-time regional governments, united in general values by a strong, universal church.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

What's your opinion on Islam and the Arab Spring?

I am generally quite friendly to Islam. Of course, as a Christian, I obviously disagree on some theological points, but as non-Christian religions go, I probably like Islam the best. Some say: "No enemies to the right" - I say "No enemies among people of faith and traditional values". The Muslims seem to be, among all the peoples of the world, just about the best as far as resisting the disease of Modernity goes, and for that, they have my admiration. Muslims may be the enemies of Israelis, neocons, and American armchair Napoleons, but I am none of the above, and see no reason why Islam is my enemy. If it were up to me, I would join forces with them, and concentrate all firepower upon atheo-leftist Modernity.
As for the Arab Spring, the most notable aspect of it is the utter incompetence of American foreign policy.

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Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

What sort of music do you listen to?

I don't listen to music. My iPod is filled to capacity with podcasts and audiobooks. I've just finished the audiobook version of Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs, and have started on Brian Jay Jones's biography of Jim Henson. Both were geniuses, hugely influential in the 1970s and 1980s, but two more different human beings in terms of personality could hardly be imagined.

Which religion were you born into? When did you convert?

Agnosticism. I became Catholic as an adult, of my own accord, a few years ago.

Do you think the Russians will try to take Kiev?

Highly unlikely. The most likely scenario seems to be annexation of Crimea. At some point, eastern Ukraine may form a shadow parliament and vote to join Russia as well. If Putin is smart (and he is), he'll take the best parts of Ukraine, and leave its debts, basket-case government, and poorer western section to be the EU's problem.

Richard Dawkins. Discuss.

It's one thing to be wrong, it's another to be an asshole about it. That latter is all too common these days.

If it turned out that homosexuality was caused by a pathogen, would you support efforts to eliminate the pathogen?

Of course I would. Why wouldn't I?

Modern contraceptive devices and antibiotics have virtually eliminated serious risks associated with casual sex. Therefore traditional sexual mores need not be taken seriously. Discuss.

I don't need to - Aldous Huxley discussed it eighty years ago, far more effectively than I could in this limited space. Read Brave New World - if that sounds like a society that you want to live in, then modernity should make you very happy. But not me.

Why do you hate on the mainstream right so much?

I wouldn't say that I hate them. Quite the opposite, really - not all that long ago, I was one of them. And I do think they have promise. But there are a number of things they need to fundamentally get their heads out of their asses about. One of them is their bizarre attachment to Israel; and its attendant, their bizarre, obsessive, seething hatred of Islam. If nothing else, at this point, distant Muslims are so far down the list of important priorities for anyone on the American right that devoting a single second to worrying about them is pointless. Similarly, their attachment to the American Empire - we have too many problems to fix right here to worry much about the rest of the world's problems. That leads into their weird attachment to the military and police forces of a government that hates them and increasingly oppresses them. And finally, there's their attachment to democracy, and to the US Constitution, both of which are plainly failed institutions that no amount of "restoring" to some mythical incorruptible state is going to fix. Believing you can do that is more or less the belief that if you don't like how a movie ends, you can simply rewind the tape to a certain point, hit play, and maybe it will end different this time. What will more "separation of church and state" get us but more Christian bakers forced to bake gay wedding cakes? What will more "freedom of speech" get us but more Hollywood leftism? What will more democratic voting get us but more Barack Obamas? Why would we think that things would go any differently next time than they did last time? Einstein's definition of insanity at work, I think.
Another Twitter commentator (I forget who at the moment) called mainstream conservatives "the kind of fools who would allow an entire civilization to be destroyed in the name of a constitution". So far, he's right. Mainstream conservatives need to wake the hell up, drop their outdated attachments and sentimental delusions, and start fighting for decency and order as if they actually mean it. I believe, by the way, that a very large number of them actually will, eventually, after things get bad enough. I've said before that Neo-Reaction is what mainstream conservatives lie awake at night trying to talk themselves out of believing, and someday they will find themselves unable to do so. Until then, I will continue to criticize them, to cajole them, to question what I believe they have wrong, in order to help them along the path that they must eventually travel.

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Fair enough. But could a woman respect a submissive man?

Probably not. But the more important question is: could his children - boys and girls both - respect him?

Is Putin a good man?

Who cares? He's a good leader for his country, and an example of good leadership for the world, and that's all that matters.

You are granted a single wish, but it is limited to something that must be accomplished by means of a finite (but substantial) amount of money and it must be achievable in fewer than five years. What do you choose?

I have very little personal desire for money, and other than the universal complaints of all mankind, I am satisfied with my lot in life. All my other complaints, then, are of a political and philosophical nature - things that would take huge resources to put right. Or related to the universal complaints of all mankind, which would take even huger ones. So I'm afraid I have very little with which to answer you.


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