

Ask @antidem

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Which of the NRx could cause the most damage if he suddenly became a leftist and went rogue?

Why is this question even a thing in the past day? I have no worries about this at all.

who or what are you doing right now?

See, this is what I was talking about with my comment about how people write in with questions that they're *hoping* to get jerkish/funny answers to. You know as well as I do that this question is phrased to get me to say "Your mom". Well you know what? I'm not gonna do it. Sorry - no way I'm giving you what you want on this one. Just no.

Is it just me, or has your ask.fm gotten significantly more autistic lately? I don't mean you the answerer, but rather your askers.

Oh, you have no idea.
First, without blasting my own horn too much (but toot toot, I guess), I seem to be particularly popular on Ask.FM. Other reactionaries have more Twitter followers, but for some reason I get tons of questions here. I wonder if it may be related to the fact that I'm actually a much bigger jerk here than I am on Twitter (and I'm a much bigger jerk on Twitter than I am in real life). I think people are just amused by jerkish answers.
Speaking of which, you don't even ever get to see the worst of the questions I get. I delete maybe 30-40% of what I get as just being too stupid, trollish, or generally asshatted to be worth dealing with. Slightly above that level are the questions that I answer with an anime picture or a "Cool Story Bro". Then just above those are the ones that get a jerkish answer. Finally, at the top, are the ones that get a serious and thoughtful answer.
And really, I'm not sure which attracts people more - the serious, thoughtful answers, or the jerkish, funny ones. Sometimes I think people write me trollish questions just so they can get told off in an amusing way. That used to happen to Bob Grant a lot. There's way worse things I could say about myself than that I'm kinda like Bob Grant, though.

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What's your position on the Jewish question? I see certain individuals with neo-reactionary sympathies who seem to believe that if only we could get rid of Jews entirely (*all* of whom are out to destroy Western civilisation), the West would experience an eternal Golden Age. Do you believe that?

The Byzantines banned Jews from government and education, but otherwise let them live in peace. That worked well for a thousand years. Add media to the banned professions list, and I see no reason it could not work again. If they don't like it, they have a homeland of their own they can go to where they can enter any profession they like.
Liked by: eththree

NRx needs to get its shit together if it ever wants to become relevant. So many idiots within the movement pulling in different directions and engaging in all sorts of improper behaviour... Where does this heterogeneity come from and what's to be done about it? Or am I completely off-base here?

Concern troll harder.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

I don't want to go to Heaven, but neither do I want to burn in Hell. Life is suffering. Eternal life, eternal suffering. Delusion is the only thing that makes us appreciate our misery. What is there to do?

I'd put the bong down and realize that insights made whilst under the influence of marijuana are not as amazing as one thinks at the time.

Do you realize that St. Peter's throne is usurped by a guy calling himself Pope ?

I'm not quite ready to go full sedevacantist yet. But it sure is getting hard not to.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

"Ugh. I shoulda seen *this* coming. I knew that just getting a straightforward compliment was too good to be true." For the record, I'm not the one who wrote that "question". Must be a troll, I guess. I meant it.

That's the trouble with 100% anonymity on a system like this, I suppose. Well, compliment still appreciated.

This might be a dumb question, but is the Legend of Zelda reactionary? Considering the plot of the typical game can be expressed as "save the righteous, divine monarchy from an evil usurper"...

That's it - games need more social justice! Someone call Anita Sarkeesian!

Is the correct way for neoreactionaries to bond together to partake in a bukkake featuring Justine Tunney?


"Can I just briefly say that I appreciate the work you're doing? High praise. Thank you. " But, I would recommend that you be careful not to offend those who have different lifestyle choices. You are a great writer, but that doesn't mean we need to marginalize different groups with hate speech.

Ugh. I shoulda seen *this* coming. I knew that just getting a straightforward compliment was too good to be true.
Lissen, pal - I moderate what I say for nobody. I didn't get into this with any worry about offending people, and I never will have any. People who are offended can go read Jezebel or some other site that blows sunshine up their asses. I'm going to continue telling it like it is, no matter who doesn't like it, which includes calling degeneracy degenerate.

Can I just briefly say that I appreciate the work you're doing? I might not always agree, but still, you talk a good deal of sense most of the time.

High praise. Thank you.

Are you Nrx

Uhm... I guess. That's no insult to the movement, it's just that I am by nature not much of a joiner or team player. I don't want my thoughts or beliefs to be constrained by the idea that they have to conform to anyone else's, or to those of a bigger movement. It just so happens that the theonomist end of the NRx triangle happens to coincide with basically everything I believe, so... I guess I am, sorta.

Do you think that the pope/cardinals are shifting left because the Catholic masses shifted left, or do you think it started at the top and that has pushed the Catholic masses left?

It all started with Vatican II.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

If you go to Thailand to look for a wife to settle down with and have kids, is it acceptable to enjoy a kaothey on the side once in a while?

Also, great way to get an STD.

If every woman in the world was going to die except for a single one who would remain to satisfy every the needs of every man, who would you pick?

Belldandy, of course. Why would you even need to ask?

Should a rape victim thus be forced to carry and love the child of her rapist, and the child later have to suffer the emotional distress of knowing it's a product a rape, because the mother had the poor judgement to let herself be forcibly impregnated? Sounds... humane.

So your answer is that we'll help children to avoid "emotional distress" by tearing them to pieces with a knife and sucking their dismembered body parts through a hose into a sink? If that's your "humane" answer, I'd hate to see what your horrifying, nightmarishly cruel answer was.
Liked by: eththree

NRx as a whole is sometimes said to possess above-average intelligence. If and when the movement gains enough traction and starts attracting the lowlifes, will it still be possible to maintain this distinction?



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