

Ask @antidem

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I'll be heading out to the polls for the independence vote later, I just wanted to ask why you believe we should vote yes? What is your opinion and are there any links to other Neoreactionaries who have opinions on this topic?

Vote Yes (probably too late now though).

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Dany is a liberal stand in who has earned nothing by virtue of her own skill. Why support her?

I fail to see what is so "liberal" about her.

What are your beliefs regarding the soul? When is it created, what are its functions, how does it interact with the brain?

My beliefs are the Catholic ones.

So was Tywin the only real monarch material?

Robert was okay enough. A few monarchs will be truly great, and a few truly terrible, but most are average people trying their best to do a really hard job. That's what Robert was.
But overall, I'm a Targaryen loyalist myself. Go Dany!

Eternal soul aside, what unique benefits does Christianity offer to society?

That's kind of like asking: "Getting paid aside, what benefits does having a job offer?"
Every religion consists of two parts: a cosmology and a philosophy. The cosmology explains how the world works, and the philosophy explains how you should act while in the world. But the two are intertwined and inseparable - it is more like "The world works like this, *and therefore* you should act this way while you are in it". The basic fault of leftism is in assuming that you can get rid of Christian cosmology, and then pick and choose which parts of Christian philosophy you want to keep and which you want to discard more or less at whim. Since leftists are excellent sophists, they can find justifications for this that sound good to the middlebrow bourgeois. But people of a more genuinely sophisticated sort can, once they decide to, (which is what taking the Red Pill is all about) see right through this. Nietzsche did, and it drove him insane. But so did LaVey, and, in her own way, even Rand. In the end, trying to live the philosophy without the cosmology is precisely what Christ was talking about when he talked about a house built upon the sand. Eventually, it's going to come crashing down.
The upshot of all this is: Do you like the Western civilization? Then you like Christianity. Believing that you can separate the two is the hubris of Modernity, and hubris always leads to tragedy.

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So basically you think some people have right to rule with privileges just for being born in X family and condemn the others to poverty? That's insane. I'm not for democracy either, meritocracy is the solution.

Meritocracy is Whigism. Or worse - Atlas Shrugged is meritocracy. Sounds pretty shit to me.
Who said anything about condemning others to poverty?
Yes, I do believe that someone born into a good family *and then trained from birth to be good and wise leaders* (this being key) makes for better leadership than 51% of television-addled boobuses.
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Any opinion on the character of Stannis Baratheon as an example of a monarch? Do leaders who lack charisma but are great military commanders and are steadfast in their sense of justice and upholding values make good kings?

A good King has a balance of attributes, and knows when to blunt one with another. Stannis is all honor and propriety, and no mercy. Don't get me wrong - honor and propriety are high virtues, deeply necessary in a King. But any virtue can be taken to an unhealthy extreme. Ned Stark, for example, was too honest and neither willing nor able to play the power game, and he and his family suffered for it. The Realm suffered, too - the Lannister coup that Ned Stark failed to stop brought Joffrey to power, and he was, of course, awful. Stannis would make an awful King, because he, too, takes a couple of necessary virtues to unhealthy extremes.

What's your view of divine right?

Useful, even necessary, bunkum. Something we tell the proles so they don't get any crazy ideas about re-establishing democracy and tell Kings so they remember that God is watching and judging them.
So, by all means, let us promote this idea. But only a damn fool allows himself to believe his own P.R.

When did you realize you could not trust leftists?

When Bush, Sr. signed a deal with the Democrats to get rid of the national debt by raising taxes (which he promised that he would never do) in exchange for budget cuts. The tax increases happened, the Democrats reneged on the budget cuts, and Bush ended up out of a job in the next election, in no small part due to his having broken his #1 campaign promise in exchange for getting bupkus in return. That showed me that leftists have no qualms whatsoever about breaking their promises, that their solemn word means nothing, and that only a fool trusts them. A quarter century of experience since then has only reinforced this impression.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

Which Reactionary/Neoreactionary figure would you most like to have drinks with sometime?

I hesitate in answering this question, not because I have no answer, but because I could honestly answer "all of them". I am loath to leave anyone off the list, and no one who I don't name should take it as a sleight, but since you asked, a few highlights would be: Fred Reed, @AvengingRedHand, @Rebel_Bill, @jokeocracy, Aristokles Smith, Derek Hopper, and of course Curtis Yarvin.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

Mark Levin is also "always in control of the dialogue", right? Just an example of a modern radio show host

I wouldn't know. I wouldn't listen to that shlimazel if you paid me.

Why are you such an asshole?

This deserves a full and honest answer.
The truth is, you essentially *must* be one in order to do what I'm doing. I keep telling people that arrogance is required for this gig, and I mean it. Leftists are (as much as I hate the word) bullies, and when bullies smell fear, they pile on. But as with stray dogs, if they sense that you're not an easy target and not likely to back down, they'll generally leave you be. Besides that, people tend not to believe those who are timid about stating their positions. Timidity looks like self-doubt, and if you yourself don't seem to believe in what you're saying, why should anyone else believe in it?
Anyhow, I learned from the best: Bob Grant. Listen to these clips of him from the old days. Notice how he absolutely dominates his medium; how he is always in control of the dialogue; how he never makes a misstep or loses control of the conversation. It's absolutely masterful.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL9ECthEeVoantidem’s Video 119288665537 FL9ECthEeVoantidem’s Video 119288665537 FL9ECthEeVo
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7jV14jVijAantidem’s Video 119288665537 d7jV14jVijAantidem’s Video 119288665537 d7jV14jVijA

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antidem’s Video 119288665537 FL9ECthEeVoantidem’s Video 119288665537 FL9ECthEeVo


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