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->due to the new circumstances. Is not your system obsolete and inapplicable to the modern world? What takes us to my next question, how we restore it? By democracy, by violence...?

Victory at any cost, by any means necessary.

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OK, I see your point now. But basically everyone would say their ideology brings "peace, order and security". Isn't NRx obsolete? We can agree that the system born from the French Revolution was bad, but the loss of the power of the monarchical elites to the capitalist elites was possible->

Yes, I'm sure everyone would say that. And many of them would be wrong. Some would even be lying out their asses. I don't look at - I don't care - what people promise, I care what they actually deliver. People who don't have enough discernment to figure out that the system isn't working no matter what Pravda may be telling them need not apply for NRx.

Keep away your religion from our children

That's not how it works. The victor imposes their religion on the children of the vanquished - whether that religion is Christianity, islam, or leftist egalitarianism. That is what leftists have been doing to our children for half a century through the schools/universities and television. Your reign is unsustainable, and will end. Then people like me will win, and we will impose our beliefs on you and your children.
And what's more, you know it, which is why you're trying to talk me out of it. It won't work though.

Your NRx friends are giving in full demotism while supporting hashtags who appeal their desires. You are alone now. The press control the people more efficiently than never before. How does it feel to realize that unless a solar flare happens, social media will make people more and more stupid?

Which is you opinion about Richard Dawkins?

His popularity is a great example of how middlebrow pseudointellectual wannabes misunderstand how being educated and qualified to speak authoritatively in a field works. The fact that someone may be educated and qualified to speak authoritatively in their own narrow field means basically nothing in any other field. Going to a biologist for your philosophical, historical, or theological ideas is roughly equivalent to going to your accountant for brain surgery. Only middlebrow goobers think otherwise: "Gawsh, he's a smart guy with a degree from a big university over in England! That means he must know everything about everything!" Nigga, please.
Liked by: eththree Ian

http://ask.fm/antidem/answer/124906038721 I meant what Neoreactionary has to offer. And I remind you that right was a term born in the French Revolucion... Rightists are Reagan, Thatcher etc. I don't consider you a "rightist".

I meant neoreaction, too. My answer was a quote from Moldbug. In our opinion, we are actual rightists, while the Reagans and Thatchers of the world are just the right end of leftist Whigism.

Do you think that Europe should be a white continent without blacks, muslims etc...?

It's a matter of scale. It would be fine to have a small percentage of people from exotic places living in the capital city or in a port town, where such people collect anyway. It's quite another to import a flood of penniless inassimilable Third Worlders to try to prove a point about some asinine egalitarian utopian fantasy you believe in.

Was fascism left-wing or right-wing? Centrist maybe?

A lot of that depends on how exactly you define "fascism".
Anyhow, fascism in its real sense (not in the sense of "anything leftists don't like") was an artifact of the early 20th century which can never really be repeated or recreated. Its time has come and gone, so there's not much point worrying about it.

Would you support Hitler as a bulwark against communism?

Take your cheap attempts at "gotchas" somewhere else.

IIRC you had mentioned that you got a master's degree in English a while back - was this for fun or is there a "reactionary" purpose behind it - I imagine all that classic literature you worked your way through had to influence your writing and thinking somehow...

Neither. One must actually make a living, you know.

Damn it, I spent $1000 to invest in 1.5 bitcoints! What should I do now?

Put on a dress and throw yourself in front of a thresher? I hear that's popular these days.

So when is this "supposed economical collapse" going to happen, or was it just all hype (like I still think it is)?

I'm a "slow collapse" type myself. I doubt we'll have another 1929, with bankers throwing themselves out of windows on Wall Street. Nope, we'll just continue the long curve downward - the slipping and sliding into Third Worldism that has been in progress for fifty years now.
"At the bottom of the stairs: anarchy, hell, Haiti, Mogadishu, Lagos. For you they are waiting! For you, for you, for you, these hells! For you! Stop on the stairs; listen quietly; hear Mogadishu, in the blackness below, reeking of piss, waiting for you; purring; licking her chops. She wants you. You! And your family! Anarchy is hungry, hungry, always hungry. Insatiable. Yet patient."
Liked by: eththree

Is TVTropes part of the cathedral?

How much Cathedral can there be in a place you go to remind yourself what Mr. Furley's older brother's name was?


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