

Ask @antidem

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Do you think its a coincidence that Nick (((B))) Steves' middle initial is the same as the Jewish guy who comments on Jim's blog?

Also, he's the mad genius who came up with /b/.
Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

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How will future generations remember us?

Derb says that we'll be lucky if they don't dig up our bones and feed them to the dogs, and I fear he's right.
Whig Modernity deeply misunderstands the concept of ownership. We interpret it as the right to destroy something - if you own it, that means you're free to destroy it. Our forebears understood it as stewardship - you receive something from your ancestors, and in return your responsibility is to take care of it so that you can pass it on intact (or even improved upon) to your descendants. We have been spendthrifts and fools - we have depleted our capital (both monetary and social) in order to live the high life ourselves, and have squandered what we have inherited in pursuit of dreamy utopian schemes the same way that a shiftless relative might piss away the family fortune on an endless series of get-rich-quick swindles. What would any reasonable human being think of people like that?

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Is this an accurate depiction of life in San Francisco ? https://youtu.be/iW3Ck1Y6CWk

If you cleared out all the crackheads, the bums pissing in the street, and the, uhm... "vibrancy" in the Tenderloin, sure. San Francisco is the most beautiful city in the world, and is so badly mismanaged that barbarians are allowed to make much of it unlivable. The Day Of The Oven will turn it into the paradise it's meant to be.

I heard it goes downhill after the first season- does it?

SAO? Well, the first half of the first season is absolutely wonderful. The second half is still quite good, but not *as* good - not having Asuna around as much was a minus, and the siscon plot left me a little cold. I've just started the second season, but I like it so far. Very recommended.

Right now, Karl Marx has more than 1.25M likes on Facebook. How to find out names and addresses for every liker and put them all in concentration camps before it's too late?

Uhm... look them up on Facebook?

"I don't have any Bible verses memorized" BOO!

I don;t have any Shakespeare memorized, either. That's what owning books is for.

Do "liberals" even right to free association?

Nope. They have no principles, only ideology. The principles they espouse are 100% situational; they believe whatever they need to believe in order to advance their ideology. When it aids them to appeal to free speech, or free association, or pacifism, or anything else, they do. When it does not, they either switch sides, or come up with some convoluted reason why a rule that they insist applies to anyone else shouldn't apply to them.

Are there any specific fascist movements of the past that could serve as inspiration for a continental resistance movement aimed at reclaiming Europa? (no natsoc bullshit pls)

Neither can we recreate early 20th century Europe in 21st century America. Those fascist movements were products of their time and place - they can serve as "inspiration" only in the same sense that Rome served as an inspiration for Mussolini. What we get will be uniquely ours; a product of our time and place.

http://ask.fm/antidem/answer/134764096961 So do you agree with the Italian Fascists that their movement was in a sense a revival of the first Roman Empire?

Not really. It's amazing that "The Roman Empire" is still a brand with name value 1500 years after it collapsed, but it is. Mussolini simply tried to use that branding, but he couldn't possibly revive the Roman Empire in any meaningful sense.
No restoration movement ever succeeds completely - nor should they. At very least, they should learn from the mistakes of whatever they're trying to restore. But times do change, technology alters how lives are lived, and different circumstances require different responses. Mussolini couldn't recreate first-century Rome in the early 20th century - it just wasn't possible.

Leftist Godfather Marx's crank worldview and weak logic expounded in Das Kapital had a receptive audience of enervated Christians bored of waiting for the return of a non-existent Messiah promised in another kooky tissue of weak logic, muh bible. Is that not the case, AntiDem?


Just how uncomfortable can your social phobia make you feel? To the extent of not going outdoors at all, or is the careful planning of going to relatively "safe" places you trust like coffee shops and diners your tactic of avoiding triggers?

It varies, and isn't usually anything close to debilitating. And it's not agoraphobia; I'm fine being in public places and around people (as long as I don't have to do anything crazy like y'know, actually talking to them). I just kind of have a limit on how much human interaction I can do in any one stretch.

Speaking of conversion to Islam, have you ever considered it? Wouldn't it be nice to be on the winning team for once?

>Implying Christ won't be the "winning team" in the end.
Liked by: ........... Ian Tim

Do you believe in prepping? You know, stockpiling canned food and ammo, growing vegetables and raising small game, buying gold and silver, learning first aid, things like that?

If you want to prepare for societal collapse, move to a very small town that's over 95% white, join a church (preferably one attended by farmers and rednecks), make friends, and marry a local girl so that you're kin to an extended family of people who know how to grow and/or kill their own food. Ask your new in-laws to show you how to hunt and plant a garden.
The idea that you're going to survive on your own, no matter how many guns you may have, is a fantasy borne of the Age of Individualism. To survive in the real world, you're going to need to be part of a community. Becoming a part of one is your #1 survival task.

Wasn't there any "cool" in pre-modern times? Don't you think a Crusader lord was "cooler" than an average, fat lord?

The basic idea crops up every so often in history. Listen to Dan Carlin's "Death Throes of the Republic" series, especially in his description of Julius Caesar and some of his contemporaries, and you'll see it rear its ugly head a bit there. But no, for the most part, it's a thoroughly Modern idea.


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