

Ask @antidem

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Do you think most people know of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact y/n?

Are you kidding me? Most people don't know what century the Civil War happened in.

Is being poor a shitty excuse for shitty behavior?

Lots of people have been poor, and didn't burn cities, or rape, or even steal. It's no excuse at all.
Liked by: Ian

Do you consider it a burden to understand the problems that plague our civilization?

There are times when it seems unbearable. I'll hit some news story that tells me about the latest horror, the latest lurch towards the global leftist singularity - and waves of sadness and rage flow through me. Sometimes I feel like screaming at the heavens, and pleading with God to burn it all. And, of course, there is the impotence of those emotions - the fact that I know I can do basically nothing about any of it. And then I feel very small and unimportant... and I despair.
So I get to lay on the bed in my cheap rented room - on the wrong side of 40, with no wife, no kids, no money, no career, no status, no nothin' - and wonder whether the only thing I've been able to find a greater meaning in doing is just doomed to fail.
Feels bad, man.

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Die Fahne hoch, die Reihen fest geschlossen / SA marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt / Kameraden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen / marschieren im Geist in unseren Reihen mit

Sorry, I don't know Paris talk.

What do you think of Kevin MacDonald?

He's funny but Mark McKinney is still my favorite Kid in the Hall.

What did Radix Journal says about Avengers 2?

1) Download podcast
2) Listen to podcast
3) Find out

Alright, I'll go once they start doing 1PM services.

I go to the 12:30PM Mass at my church - it's an Extraordinary Form Latin High Mass. If you can't find a service that suits you, you're not looking hard enough.
But even if you really can't, get off your butt and go to church anyway. Even if it's ass early.

What is your impressions about Avengers 2?

I didn't see it. Radix Journal just did a podcast on it, though, and their take on these things is always well worth listening to.

I don't like church.

I don't care if you like it. This world is full of consumerist hedonism - lumpenproles with diabeetus who are 70 pounds overweight, welfare queens tapping away at the screens of their niggertech Obamaphones, and teenage girls with STDs and two abortions under their belt because everybody just does what they like, whether or not it's destructive to themselves and the world around them. Doing what you like is for plebs, tossers, rubes, dindus, white trash, drunks, sluts, losers, meth heads, and the kind of people who are found at home watching Judge Judy at 11AM on weekdays instead of being at a job.
Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son. Go back to church.
Liked by: Ian

Do you ever wish you could be an average guy with a wife and family who was generally happy and blissfully unaware of the decay in the West?

Usually, yes. You happen to have caught me at a point in my life (very related to why I left Twitter) when I'm so hurt by, and hostile to, women that I have to remind myself that waifus cannot be held responsible for the misbehavior of 3DPD, lest I throw all my anime figurines in the trash for not being able to stand the sight of anything female.
I'm sure I'll get over it at some point. Well... I hope I will, anyway.

Pick out the wife/girlfriend/current date's outfit for a casual Saturday evening in your house. What's she wearing?

Surprised someone like you who claims to be redpilled can believe in something so modern as "depression"

Please, please fuck off.

What is your favorite method to answering questions? Dodging it, another question, snark, or anime?

My favorite response method is serious and thoughtful. I actually like getting questions that involve that kind of response. I don't get that many of them though.

Would you sleep with Bailey Jay?

Sleeping with Bailey Quarters, on the other hand, was an adolescent fantasy of mine.

In the final scene of The End of Evangelion, Shinji and Asuka are left as the last two surviving humans in the world. Do you think they will be able to repopulate the planet, or is mankind doomed?

I dunno, I hate Evangelion.

Thoughts on the Roosh vs Jordan Owen conflict.

What's that old joke about how arguing on the internet is like the Special Olympics?


Language: English