

Ask @antidem

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Any chance of entyrism against the Cathedral? Can we try to infiltrate into the Cathedral?

That's not a very practical strategy. Exit and create parallel institutions instead.
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>confusing the heart of the Cathedral with the cannon fodder >not knowing the Cathedral is composed by the finest of ancient&modern aristocracy You listen to the weak leftist troopers and sergeants too much. You're like a child about to defy a fully armored knight. It won't end well.

Ugh, not another one of these "zOMG its teh illuminati and Rothschilds!1!!!" types...
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Was anyone the good guy in either of the world wars?

If there was a "good guy" in WWI - a debatable proposition - it was certainly Germany.
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Do you believe in horoscopes?

Of course. Horoscopes are always right. They're so general that they apply to everyone, everywhere, all the time. Thus, they're always right. And how can you not believe in something that's always right?
Liked by: hamlet the dane

Here is the thing: I am not a "leftie"; "Far-right" would probably be a more accurate description. Anyway, I see you are some sort of clown. Fair enough. Have a good one.

Is Spike Twilight Sparkle's slave? If so, is he a good fictional example of a natural slave who is happier under the service of a natural aristocrat?

I discussed this with @AnarchoPapist, and we came to different points of view on it. He says yes. I think Spike is just totally beta, and doesn't have the self-respect to get himself out of the friendzone.

What is the best way for progressives to defeat neoreaction?

Elect @Rebel_Bill President. It'll be reverse psychology - the people will be so unhappy with his politically incorrect views that they'll elect Democrats forever and ever after that. Trust me. It'll work out great for you. That's the ticket.

Which Legend of Galactic Heroes character do you identify with the most and why?

Mittermeyer. He's probably the most consistently decent and honorable character in the whole show (no disrespect to some of the other great characters).


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