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I don't want to sound rude but your shirt looks dirty. Please stop wearing cheap clothes, they start to look very dirty, even if they're clean. Cotton or linen would never look that messy even after years.

Pretty sure that shirt is cotton. It’s also clean.
Really no need to make comments really just says more about you than it does anything else.
A little dog hair is not gonna make me cry because I’m not a superficial brat .

Do you think children should wear modest clothes to school if there is no dress code? By modest, I don't mean raggedy clothes. I mean clothes that aren't overly fancy, like designer, so they don't make less privileged children feel bad about themselves because their parents can't afford such tings.

Kids nowhere go into school with designers stuff..but yeah kids bully kids for wearing none brand clothes as their parents can't afford them sad really kids think they better then kids with none brand clothes..the parents ain't teaching them value of money and people have different backgrounds ..as some kids in poor countries don't even have clothes so they lucky to have some on their back designer or not..you think you are worst of look at bigger picture some are spoilt brats don't get Me wrong hate that

Do you think children should wear modest clothes to school if there is no dress code? By modest, I don't mean raggedy clothes. I mean clothes that aren't overly fancy, like designer, so they don't make less privileged children feel bad about themselves because their parents can't afford such tings.

Modest doesn't mean raggedy in the first place, it means not revealing lmao. As long as their clothes fit, are clean & aren't covered in holes or stains it really doesn't matter what they wear.

Do you ever feel like society straight up hates f*t people? God forbid a f*t person eats something they like, wears the clothes they want, dances, or has fun. They're not allowed to feel some joy without being ridiculed and belittled. People are weirdly mad that someone f*t enjoys their life?

I used to be overweight in the past and loss the excess weight after I was told I looked overweight. Once those people were no longer around, I gained back the weight and gained some more weight after switching my antidepressants to a different one. I no longer care about what anyone has to say about my weight but it sucks that I also stopped caring about my health :/ I need to lose weight once again but have yet to take action.

Are you a snob at something?

lnr87’s Profile PhotoLYNDSEY
Clothes. Not in a “you need to wear brands” way. But I honestly think that brands like Primark and Zara are just awful for the planet. As a broke bitch I’m a huge fan of sites like eBay and Vinted. Cheaper for the planet and you 🤷‍♀️
Liked by: C ❀ Jo Doug

Do you think it's weird to sell lingerie online? I go on apps for secondhand clothes, and I see a lot of it being sold. I mean, I understand selling clothes, shoes, accessories, etc cause that's what those apps are for, but who in the world would buy 2nd hand underwear other than creepy f*tishists?

Nope. Usually used underwear are not allowed. New with tags are. I’ve bought collectible bras. Nothing wrong with it. Washing machines exist. B00bs aren’t generally dirty.

What's the point of always getting dolled up if you never leave the house so no one sees you? not talking about you, i'm sying in general

in general, people don't put on nice clothes or wear makeup for the satisfaction of others. they do it because it makes themselves feel good.

Does anyone have no pictures on there bedroom walls?

I don’t have pictures hung up on my bedroom walls, especially since we (as a family) were planning on moving into a house when we moved 2 years ago so that we wouldn’t be paying rent and can have more space. It’s the same reason as to why my clothes are mostly in their boxes still and not hung up in the closets but then again, I didn’t have pictures hung up on my walls at the old house either.

What’s a moment that you can remember where it felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
I avoided swimming in PE back when I was in high school because I was insecure about the way I’d look in front of my classmates by not wearing a regular swim suit and instead wearing athletic clothes to the pool. Unlike my previous gym teacher, the new one didn’t let me get away with not swimming and when I offered to walk upstairs instead, she said that wasn’t an option and that I’d get a bad grade for not participating in swimming. I ended up preparing myself to swim and when I offered to make up for the days I didn’t swim with my classmates and she said that that’s fine. The day came and anxiety held me back so I chickened out and ended up not swimming, instead choosing to stay in the school’s office and talking to a worker there. The female office worker reassured me that I’ll be fine when I told her how nervous I was to come face to face with my gym teacher due to not showing up to make up for my lost swimming sessions. The next time I had gym, I had to face my gym teacher and surprisingly, she wasn’t mad at me at all or at least she didn’t look mad or disappointed. I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders and attempted to roller skate that day because we moved onto roller skating. I got away with not swimming and passed the class since it was just swimming that I couldn’t get myself to do even tho I somewhat knew how to swim.

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I remember being asked my ring size, shoes clothes etc. just to be played with. Abstinent until marriage❣️

casiya2222’s Profile PhotoCasiya2222
I remember having someone kneeling down and asking me to marry him. I still can't believe he was an enemy sent from the devil. Bought a wedding dress, order our wedding rings, had that engagement ring on my finger thinking that I've found the love of my life just to lose a baby, and almost my life.

Would you say you're an organized person? I am not, I am terribly chaotic with my things, and I never find a darn thing when I need it. I really need to change that.

I’m not. The only thing that’s close being organized when it comes to me is the fact that I kept most of the clothes I packed in boxes in their boxes even after I moved with my family about 2 years ago. My desk is cluttered at the moment and most of my clothes aren’t separated and placed in their drawers or hung up in the closets. I couldn’t find where my socks went but recently found a few pairs in the box of clothes that I keep next to my bed.

I am an introverted b0ner too, Rachel. Some days, I feel totally inside out. I am drying right now. The laundry I did earlier. Yup, smol load by hand. What do u like about clean clothes? Ever use fabric softener? -Sage

I am doing a smol load of laundry on hand wash mode right now, Sage. What a Sagechronicity! What do u like about that? 😁🤣

Any woman who do design/ stitch her own clothes?

سارے کاموں میں ایک ہی کام زہر لگتا ہے مجھے۔۔۔ کپڑے سینا۔ کیوں کہ اس میں بہت صبر چاہیے ہوتا ہے جو مجھ میں بالکل نہیں۔۔۔
ایک سلائی الٹی لگ گئی، میں نے قمیص ہی پھاڑ دینی ہے۔ اے لو کرلو تسی۔

How do you decide how many clothes to take with you when you travel?

It all depends on the location, the duration and the weather there.
For trips that last about 2 weeks, I always take at least 2-3 of everything:
Shorts, t-shirts, dresses, pajamas, sweaters, long pants, shoes. I always take a pair of socks and an underwear per day + 3 just to be sure.

How often is it that you wear “revealing” clothes and do the people around you usually compliment your style or have something negative to say about it?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I wear appropriate clothes i don't even wear shirts that show my stomach because i believe in respect and dressing weird will not gain one respect ✊🏻

cool I’m glad to hear it, what work was the most boring for you?

Max Taylor
When I was studying business, we had compulsory practice in shop with clothes. We had to walk among racks with hanging clothes, ask customers how we can help them and we were not allowed to sit (6 hours 🙄) and to talk each other 😬. It was not many customers there so it was very boring work 😅🤷‍♀️
cool Im glad to hear it what work was the most boring for you

When being invited somewhere as a family, would your parents make comments on the clothes you’d choose to wear or make you change into new ones if they didn’t approve?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
As a kid or adult?
As a kid my mum told me what to wear 🙄
As an adult there isn’t a soul on this earth that could tell me what to wear.

If you haven’t worn a particular shirt that was sitting in your closet for a while, would you wash that shirt before wearing it in case it’s dusty?

Hmm no. I have perfume closet refreshers hanging. I also never had clothes smelling or being dusty for hanging in the closet without being worn for a while.

What would you do with an extra £1000 a month?

amycheetham09’s Profile PhotoAmy Rose
I'd probably go a little wild at first! I would definitely take the opportunity to splurge on things that I've wanted for a while but haven't been able to afford. I'd get a bunch more tattoos, some new clothes, I'd completely redecorate certain rooms in my house, etc.
Once the initial excitement wears off though, I can see myself falling back into my usual habit of saving rather than spending. Both myself and my fiancé have always been pretty frugal. We'd rather live below our means and save as much as we can so we can do fun stuff every once in a while like travel or go to concerts and we'd probably continue to live that way, even if we had more money coming in.

Do you prefer to wear jeans or sweatpants/trackies? 👖 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Tbh depends on the mood. I feel more comfortable in jeans, but I’m choosing clothes that are not just comfy.

Why is this even an argument that they’re trying to have? Lmao

motherskywalker’s Profile Photomrsbattle
I really think they're just bored😂😂 first they're mad that I don't soak my clothes with sweat (🤢) & now they're mad that Brandon showers and is clean?? There's no way they're anything other than bored or maybe just unhygienic asf😂😂😂 so weird.

*His heart almost skipped a beat at first when he saw the person wearing green, but the fact that even facing away from Vio he had a very distinct mustache cooled his nerves instantly. His long pointed Hylian ears perk up at the sound of the humming, a human might not be able to hear it, but he can*

Stoicviolet’s Profile PhotoVio
The strange man straightened up suddenly, noticing the other's approach, and thankfully remaining calm despite .
No words were exchanged however, as he walked forward to the platforms edge, staring down into the magma for a moment, before reaching down to help up a second figure, all too familiar, with a Four Sword, clothes and flesh horrifically melted ...

What colour of clothing dominates your closet?

aixh’s Profile PhotoAisha
My wardrobe is flooding with the pastel family, the blacks and all sort of whites equally.
I believe perk of being married is buying clothes like crazy and store them until its there is this right time, right season, right mood, right temratures, right company and right event to wear it. 😬🤣

Why do you think you're important?

ayeshaiqbal776’s Profile PhotoAyesha Iqbal
Only I exist, everyone else just seems to disappear the very instant I pop my meds. My room turns white. My arms feel restricted. My clothes become plain. I don't understand why it happens. I keep hearing muffled voiced in my head telling me the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming but that too goes away.

Mood: Need new clothes, a new city, a new life.

And then build different image of yours to different people. I have done this many times and it’s not worth it. At the end of the day, you are known by your character, habits, personality and your actions. But the problem is that you can’t fake everything in a new place. People will know the real you eventually. So it’s not a good idea. It’d be better to live in a single place for a longer time and get known for your goodness and kindness

What'd be a typical outfit for you during this time of year? 👗☀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It’s pretty much the same as the clothes I’d wear during the winter time except no coat and T-shirts instead of long sleeves. I usually like to wear jeans but sometimes I’ll wear more loose fitted pants that are mostly made out of cotton to be more comfortable while walking underneath the summer heat.

Grandma who dresses like a teenager. Ridiculously

Just coz it's not what you think your grandma should wear doesn't mean she has to listen to you. She's a grown woman and can choose her own clothes. Shame she never taught you to be respectful, I bet she's so disappointed.

Have you ever tried crochet? Is it easier than knitting?

sophiw3’s Profile PhotoSophie
I've done knitting on a machine when my mum had one, but I didn't do anything more complicated than a scarf. She tried to teach me to knit with needles but I just couldn't get it. I've never tried crochet. I repair clothes by sewing fairly often as I don't believe in throwing things away that are repairable.

Short dresses or leggings when you don't have the right body to wear it? No, please. You look like a clown. Those type of clothes are made for certain body types. If you're the size of multiple people. just don't, unless you want us to point fingers and laugh at you

The only clown here is you, my friend. I've never understood why some people care so much about what other people do. It literally has no impact on your life. Why do you care? Let people enjoy things. Also, I highly doubt you'd point and laugh at someone publicly if you're not even brave enough to show your name on here. You're just a boring troll. If you were this passionate about real issues, the world would be a better place. Bore off. 😴
Liked by: Suzy Pereira Doug

What was the last thing that happened to you that had unfortunate timing? 🙃 (Today at the library, the fire alarm went as I was 15 min away from finishing an assignment)

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I was going to attend a baby shower and was also planning on dressing better as well as showering before attending but things didn’t go as planned. Since I was constantly on my phone and putting off my to do list for hours, it was eventually time to leave and I still haven’t picked out nice clothes and didn’t have the time to shower so I looked less than presentable (imo). I didn’t want to go but eventually ended up going because my mom really wanted me to but the entire time I was there, I couldn’t help but feel like I stood out since the women around me dressed up more nicely and were also applying makeup next to me.

Lexx: A bit of sickness here and there, but that’s to be expected given my current state. -She chuckles then lets out a sigh- Feels strange too, if i’m honest. Anyway, what have you two been up to? you both seem so busy, more than normal.

Wren: Oh well, I have been trying to work on new songs and Quinn is hellbent on a new line of clothes for his business. He has competition apparently.
Wren: Heheh, there we go. -i smirk-

Lexx: -chuckles hearing those two bicker over the phone.- well, I will see you two when you get here.

Wren: Ok, love. You just wait for us! -I get up and head outside, waiting for Quinn to hop on in-
Quinn: Ugh, I couldn't find my jacket. Oh well, this 10 year old hoodie will have to do.
Wren: It looks fine to me. Most of your clothes look so unused anyways.
Quinn: Shut up. -I get in and sighs and I feel Wren drive off while still on the phone-
Wren: -As I drive I keep on talking to you- So, have you been feeling well?
Quinn: -Looking out the window-

Language: English