
352 people

50 posts


His texts are making me smile now. Haaaalp me! 🥲

He's making you smile..... for now. Just wait until he unleashes his true colors and turns into an emotional vampire, sucking the happiness out of you. BLOCK HIM NOW, before he drags you down into a world of misery. But let's be real, you're probably already doomed.

Ever had family and/or relatives who love ruining Thanksgiving dinner? Who was it?

Ruining Thanksgiving dinner... Never really had anyone that would ruin dinner okay should only mom would and if it wasn't Mom when I was with my ex and if he actually allowed both myself and then also like went with me which rarely ever happened.. And yes you read that right allowed me to go to my family functions, along with actually like going with me which was maybe one to two out of every 10 in a year, He would do whatever he could to either ruin the dinner to ruin the drive there order ruin the drive home so either he'd have me a mess there a mess on the way there or mess on the way home and when I say miss I mean emotional crying feeling like absolute crap about myself mess. Because he wanted to get me to stop being around my family away from my family he was trying to isolate me which he did He did actually hear me almost completely isolated for 4 years so..

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What is your opinion on those who cheat on their partners? 🥴 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᏖᏋᏁᏗፈᎥᎧᏬᏕ ᏖᎧᎷᎷᏗᎩ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I think cheating on a partner is a breach of trust and respect.
It's hurtful and can cause a lot of emotional damage.
If someone feels unhappy in a relationship, it's better to communicate openly or consider ending it rather than resorting to cheating.
It's all about being honest and respectful to one another.

was ist deine sexualität?

Hab mal dazu recherchiert, einfach aus Interesse. Wenn ich einen Fvck auf meine eigene sexueIIe Identität und deren Ausdruck geben würde, wäre diese Orientierung wohl folgendermaßen:
Pan- bzw. Bi- und DemisexuaIität auf dem Spektrum der AsexuaIität.
Was übersetzt bedeutet, dass sich romantisches Interesse bei mir erst im Laufe der Zeit entwickeln kann, wenn ich die Person schon etwas besser kennengelernt habe und mich emotional, intellektuell und menschlich zu ihr hingezogen fühle (dann erst fängt sie auch an, anziehend und attraktiv auf mich zu wirken und Gefühle können sich entwickeln). Dabei ist meinen Gefühlen wohl egal, welches GeschIecht die Person hat bzw. welche GeschIechtsidentität sie sich selbst gibt. Nicht zu vergessen, dass ich mich rein sexueII oberflächlich gesehen von niemandem angezogen fühle und sowas u.a. erst auftreten kann, nachdem obere Punkte eingetreten sind.
Ich würde aber auch alleine gut auskommen ohne Beziehung, heißt, mir würde es ohne Beziehung genau so gut gehen.
Ich glaube, das beschreibt's gut, aber die oben angegebene Pan- oder BisexuaIität würde ich aus Gründen nicht ausleben, selbst dann nicht, wenn ich keinen Partner hätte.
Gegen Gefühle kann ich im Endeffekt nicht viel tun, aber es ist meine Entscheidung, ob ich ihnen nachgehen möchte oder nicht und so wie ich mich kenne, würde ich mich dagegen entscheiden.
Sie zu haben, zu empfinden und zu akzeptieren ist okay und ein wichtiger Teil von Heilung (Unterdrückung und Verleumdung macht es bei mir nur schIimmer). Aber sie auszuleben muss nicht sein - ich kann auch ohne.
Bin einfach dankbar, einen zu mir passenden Menschen zu haben, der mich so erträgt, wie ich bin und mir meinen Freiraum lässt und mich trotzdem liebt. Und das, obwohl ich nicht mal nach ihm gesucht habe. DANKE, uff.

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Goldysinghrathore’s Profile PhotoGoldy Singh Rathore
That's a stupid reasoning. Becoming a man? Emotional and mental maturity does that, going through adversity does that, having people you love and care for n persevering through struggles to put a smile on then brings that maturity, sacrificing for them brings that maturity. Not just the ashiqana love. But every love in your life demands that. N no boy need a love interest in their life to become a man. Some people dear to you and some bitter dose of life does that better.
I've seen ppl in love n yet being so immature n actually childishly stupid sick. Complaining like a lil boy for things that he should be dealing like a man.
Imo, any boy-girl love isn't a necessary take on that. Just pure love for anyone and going through things n still sticking with them n bearing life does that well.
Warna pyar mai sab hutiya bnte hain. Ya bnate hain. luck luck ki baat hai.

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How emotional person are you ?

laxmikanth_cool’s Profile PhotoLax
Incredibly. Live deeply, love deeply. Guard your heart and your mind with wisdom, but view sentimentality as a strength, not a weakness. The world may try to cause you to stumble, but true love utilizes every dimension to their benefit.
How emotional person are you

Если ваш партнёр никогда не узнает о вашей нечаянной измене, вы рассказали бы о ней, или лучше молчали до конца своих дней, в надежде, что никто другой не сообщит об этом событии? И вообще, как это можно нечаянно на, или под кем-то оказать?

vezhnovets’s Profile Photoможно просто Лжедмитрий
The question you're asking is indeed complex and touches on both ethics and personal values.
Regarding whether to confess or not after an accidental infidelity, it really depends on your personal principles and how you view relationships. On one hand, honesty is the foundation of trust in a relationship, and hiding something like this could lead to feelings of guilt and potentially harm your connection with your partner. On the other hand, confessing could cause significant pain to your partner and possibly end the relationship, especially if it was a one-time, unintended event.
Some people choose honesty, believing that the truth is always the best course, even if it comes with consequences. Others might choose to keep it a secret if they feel it was an isolated incident and won’t happen again, in order to avoid causing unnecessary pain.
As for the idea of an "accidental infidelity," the term can seem contradictory because infidelity generally implies a conscious choice. However, there are situations where people might find themselves in circumstances where their control is diminished, such as due to alcohol, emotional vulnerability, or other factors. While this doesn’t excuse the behavior, it can explain how it might happen.
Ultimately, the best approach is to reflect on your feelings and understand what is more important for you in the relationship: keeping the secret or being honest with your partner.

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That’s so adorable I can see how hard you work from your medical condition is truly insane to see what you do every day and my God the song that you wrote about Camila baby I’m not gonna lie. I sobbed my eyes out while listening to it. It’s so beautiful. I could hear your passion. I mean, so stunnin

LMAO, thank you so much to be honest that song was probably one of the most emotional and crazy experience writing it. That’s probably my favorite song I’ve ever written because I did write it about her to be honest. I was scared of releasing it because it’s so personal and I wasn’t sure how she was going to react or how everybody was going to react because it’s different than what I normally write, and I wrote it from the heart I didn’t write it just because I wanted to make another head or I wanted to become famous for no reason I wrote it because before I collapsed she was the last person I saw and I was in the hospital she was the one I heard because I was listening to her album while I was laying in my hospital bed to be honest, I didn’t think I was gonna come back the same way again. It scared me. She’s a huge part of me and I wanted to make sure that I fought the best way that I can so I can come back to her and my family because she is my family. I love her with all my heart.

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Liked by: gracie MGK camila

what are you doing to try to get a date? are you on dating apps? are you meeting friend groups? any hobbies?

I’m not doing anything at the moment. Around last year, I was very emotional and feeling down due to not being in a relationship as well as jealous of my acquaintances for being in a relationship before me. I don’t get emotional about it anymore and am just focusing on graduating at the moment. I only go to the gym as a hobby and for my health these days.

Soziale Medien. Moderne Kommunikation. Sehnsucht nach Freundschaft und Zwischenmenschlichkeit. Warum wird Einsamkeit trotz der Möglichkeiten diese zu bekämpfen zu einem immer größeren Thema in unserer Zeit?

RDXFreak’s Profile PhotoMonster
Du hast das Problem eigentlich schon selbst benannt. Soziale Medien und Moderne Kommunikation. Ich will nicht sagen, dass früher alles besser war, aber man musste persönlich miteinander interagieren, man war zwangsläufig auf Hilfe angewiesen und hat diese auch weitergegeben. Über Probleme hat man persönlich kommuniziert oder es gab eben keine bzw. eher andere, weil man genug zu tun hatte.
Wie soll man in der heutigen Welt nicht einsam sein, wenn man ständig von Reizen überflutet wird, sich permanent ablenken und nicht auf Wesentliches konzentrieren kann geschweige denn sich produktiv mit sich selbst beschäftigt? Wenn man Gedanken nur noch auf Plattformen teilt statt im realen Leben, weil man der Meinung ist, jeder ist mit sich selbst doch genug beschäftigt und emotional dermaßen ein Wrack ist
Auf der anderen Seite frage ich mich, ob sich diese Frage nicht schon seit Jahrhunderten gestellt wird. Ob Menschen nicht immer schön mit Einsamkeit zu kämpfen haben. Denn wäre dem nicht so, hätte sich niemals alles bis hierher so entwickelt, wie es eben ist. Das heißt: Das Gefühl der Einsamkeit = ein Manko der Menschheit.

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kalian tau attachment style ga?

attachment styles itu cara seseorang terikat secara emotional dgn orang lain &dimunculkan dari pola asuh dia sejak kecil &this greatly affects the relationship.
ada 4 tipe attachment styles; avoidant, anxious, anxious-avoidant / disorganized &secure.
Liked by: Ann cocomelon ‎ ㅤ

How emotional person are you ?

laxmikanth_cool’s Profile PhotoLax
Depends, sometimes I am an emotional rollercoaster, I am hella sensitive too when it comes to something that matters to me or you can say that I am selectively emotional. I tend to keep my guard up in most situations and don't show vulnerability easily, but when it comes to certain people or moments that, really matter to me, all of those emotions come pouring out without any filter. It can be overwhelming at times but I also think it is important to allow ourselves to feel fully and deeply when we are given the chance. 🌻

i don't like this attachment thing in regards to human affection. i just want to live a normal life of not feeling sad & empty. i wish i never met her bc i feel like i would take care of myself better if i didn't feel dead all the time. i'm too old for this. i'm 34 years old

You're never too old to feel anything whether it's feeling dead inside or attached to someone... time may heal everything but it's important to acknowledge and process your emotions. Allow yourself to feel each emotion to its fullest extent whether it's sadness, emptiness or anything else... when the time is right... you'll move on despite the emotional hurdles. I understand your pain. Attachment can be more challenging than falling in love. There is nothing wrong with getting attached but sometimes things just don't work out in your favor... remember it's okay to feel and it's okay to heal...

How emotional person are you ?

laxmikanth_cool’s Profile PhotoLax
I’m an emotional person on the inside but don’t really show it on the outside. When I do show my emotions, people usually don’t care or even go as far as to give me dirty looks for displaying my emotions. I easily cry over someone being cold and distant with me when they weren’t in the past, while watching a sad movie, when seeing cute animal or baby content, etc. I’m trying to be more rational rather than emotional but I also know that just because I’m emotional, it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m irrational. I usually try to connect with friends on an emotional level but am upset when they seem to want to keep their distance for reasons I don’t understand or know.

Wenn absolutes Glück eine Gestalt und/oder Farbe hätte, wie sähe es dann für dich aus?

towritelove’s Profile Phototowritelove
Ich resoniere sehr stark mit der Natur und dessen Ästhetik und werde auch entsprechend emotional, wenn ich Dinge sehe, die mich besonders berühren oder meine Fantasie anregen. Vor geraumer Zeit konnte ich aus weiter Ferne Enten an einem Fluss beim Trinken beobachten und irgendetwas daran war so friedlich und schön, dass mir die Tränen kamen. Ich glaube jedoch, dass dieses Gefühl an keine spezifische Gestalt, Farbe oder gar Erscheinung gebunden ist, da ich Glück nicht so stark simplifizieren und selektiv an eine einzelne Sache binden würde. Im Grunde lässt sich diese Empfindung bzw. dieser Zustand (wobei ich das "Absolute" darin nicht zu werten vermag) für mich mannigfach in verschiedenen Dingen erkennen, dass ich dafür keine universelle Vorstellung manifestieren könnte. Ich weiß jedoch, dass diese Gefühle immer im Kontext meiner Empathie und Sensibilität stehen und stark mit meiner Umwelt resonieren.

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Do you call someone to vent your anger or spend time alone thinking it through?

ItsTiffyTime’s Profile PhotoGeorgie
I usually vent to my online friends that I met on here but sometimes I’m not in the right headspace to talk (especially when/if I’m feeling very frustrated and emotional when angry) so in such cases, I stay silent until I feel like I can think rationally again.

Bist du manchmal in einem Gedankenkarussel gefangen? Wie schaffst du es dort wieder auszusteigen? ✨

Fuchsin145’s Profile PhotoxLilithx
Alternativ, und mir so auch am liebsten, messe ich den Gedanken (so gut es mir gelingt), wenig Gewicht zu, um mich emotional "überlastet" zu fühlen. Aber genug "Gewicht", um sie für mich reflektieren zu wollen und dann in einem vernünftigen Gespräch zu klären.
Achtung, jetzt wirds poetisch:
.... Und ich möchte Dich, so gut ich es kann bitten, Geduld zu haben gegen alles ungelöste in Deinem Herzen und zu versuchen, die Fragen selbst lieb zu haben, wie verschlosse Stuben Bücher, die in einer fremden Sprache geschrieben sind. Forsche jetzt nicht nach Antworten, die dir noch nicht gegeben werden können, weil du sie jetzt nicht leben könntrst. Lebe jetzt die Fragen. Vielleicht lebst du dann allmählich, ohne es zu merken, eines fernen Tages in die Antworten hinein.

Can happiness be achieved without suffering?

omernasim’s Profile Photoعمر
After so long, I'm writing this.
Things have changed in my life. My eyes are broad open, and I can see the hidden intentions of people. I was so immature back then and too sensitive to understand anything. I have started doing exercise and I'm more concerned about me now. I can't stand any negative energy in life, and nobody can play with my mind. I wish I could forget him too. I still make dua for him. It's been years since I'm in this pain. No matter what has happened, I want the best for him. I want him to be blessed with the best, be happy, and content in his life. I don't want to see him too lost in this world. I want him to be Allah's friend. He is such a beautiful soul. May Allah bless him with the opportunity to act according to the Holy book. Writing this has made me happy, and I'm at peace and somewhat emotional, too. I am trying to heal from what has happened to me. I have understood that nobody can harm us. We just are too weak to let any emotion play with us.
How fake you're IDK. Why have you faked everything? Why don't you talk about that pain and suffering of your life.
Can you heal me if I tell you about my pain? No. So, let it be like that. I have to accept this that whatever you want in life is not good for you. Some stories are to be left incomplete. Maybe my story is better to be left like that.
How do you know that your story is supposed to be incomplete?
I don't know. There's no sign or movement towards it. No matter what I do, it goes away from me.
So, this has made you to give up?
No, I haven't. I just don't want to force anything. I have to step back a little and relax. Maybe I genuinely need healing.

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What's your description of a gentleman?

Someone who considers others feelings. Is kind. Doesn't think that being expressive and emotional makes him less of a man. Respects EVERYONE. And if he doesn't like/respect someone, he doesn't find the need to demean them or ridicule them. Politely disagrees rather than getting defensive when someone expresses a counter-opinion.

Welche Meinung hast du zu Dates?

Mit Leuten, um einen potenziellen Partner kennenzulernen? Davon halte ich einfach gar nichts. Man setzt sich meiner Meinung nach damit unter Druck, weil man dem gegenüber bereits eine "Rolle" zugeschrieben hat.
Ich würde Menschen so kennenlernen wollen, wie sie sind, unabhängig irgendwelcher Absichten und dann würde ich schon irgendwann merken, ob/wie sehr ich sie mag.
Dates in einer Beziehung/Ehe: Finde ich süß, kann man mal machen. Kinoabende, Essen gehen, Bowling, Lasertag, Picknick, Spaziergang, ... Gibt so schöne Sachen, die man gemeinsam erleben kann. Würde das bei mir aber nicht mal als "Date" bezeichnen, sondern einfach als "Zeit miteinander verbringen".
Platonisch: Ich "date" seit einer Weile eine Frau, auf die ich einen riesigen, platonischen/menschlichen Crush habe und es ist so schön, ungezwungen Zeit mit jemandem zu verbringen, den man sehr gern hat und dem man emotional nah sein will. Und vor allem ist da kein Druck, kein Stress, keine Eifersucht, weil es um nichts sexueIIes geht. Das fühlt sich sehr frei an und sehr schön. Sie tut mir wahnsinnig gut und trägt aktuell enorm zu meinem persönlichen Wachstum bei.

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why we don’t receive the same amount of love we carry within our hearts ?

herpov’s Profile Photothe woman
Because we love people who condition us to believe that we have to be a certain way in order to be fully loved. We have to be less emotional, less needy, less expressive, and possibly kill our personalities. Mold ourselves into someone that's convenient for them. Khair.

Kis baat ka dukh hai ???

rafayarslan12’s Profile Photoرافع قریشی
How do you find someone who was never lost? How do you explain things you don't even understand yourself? How do you lead your life when there's nowhere to go? How long do you walk when you have no destination? How long do you wait when you don't know what you're waiting for? How do you feel when you don't even believe in yourself? Where do you hide when you can't find peace anywhere? What do you think when people admire you, but you don't find yourself worthy? How does it feel when you think you're both overly emotional and emotionless at the same time? What is it like to miss and mourn yourself while you're still breathing? What do you do when you want to go home but feel homeless in this world?

Have you ever desired freedom from something? What was it?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
*I warn you that the answer may be triggering*
Yes, I did. In my youth, I wanted to separate from my overprotective and controlling mother. Today she would have turned 57 years old, if not for a heart attack 3 years ago.
It hurts me because we did not have a warm family relationship. I could not trust her, I could not share my problems without fear of condemnation and with the hope of help, at least moral.
I was always on my own when I had problems, and I often wanted to die at that time.
Then I got into a toxic relationship at 22, the guy was also controlling and suspected me of cheating, although I was faithful to him. He was the first boyfriend, but it was a very toxic relationship that exacerbated my early eating disorder and depression.
It's good that I didn't tolerate this attitude towards myself for long, the guy disappearing for a couple of days, isolating me from my friends, emotional and even sexual abuse (he forced me to do things I didn't like and have sex when I was sick).
For almost 4 months I practically betrayed myself, tried to be better for the guy, but in the end I betrayed myself, lost time for myself and my interests.
I left first, but there was a lot of stalking from the ex even after years of breaking up. But I'm glad that I'm free of this shit.

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Have you ever desired freedom from something What was it

What is your most treasured possession?

Eikciv’s Profile PhotoĀtman
Peace and security are my greatest values because they provide stability and harmony in life. Security allows me to feel protected from threats, both physical and emotional. This enables me to make decisions freely, develop myself, and enjoy life without constant fear of the future. Peace, both internal and external, gives me peace of mind and the ability to live in harmony with others and with myself. In a world full of uncertainty, the value of peace and security becomes the foundation upon which I base my life and the decisions I make.
What is your most treasured possession

mental illnesses are fake for the most part. its all in your head

[The third option. She's sick.]
No, you are absolutely wrong.
Undiagnosed or untreated mental illness can be ruinous and even fatal.
It can lead to long-term issues with emotional stability, behavior regulation, relationship difficulties and even physical illness.
mental illnesses are fake for the most part its all in your head

Why boys first approach you, make you fall for them, when you get attached and dependent on them, suddenly boooooom they are not interested at all WHYYYYYYY

Probably because you don't express or reciprocate that interest in a way that genuinely shows you are interested. There is an emotional capacity of every human. When they reach that without any sort of reciprocation. They simply leave because then it just feels as If one is forcing the other person

How would your friends describe you? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᏖᏋᏁᏗፈᎥᎧᏬᏕ ᏖᎧᎷᎷᏗᎩ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Im not sure but I think they would describe me as caring, emotional, sensitive, kind, outgoing but shy and reserved and also the quietest of the group 😅😂😂

Welche Menschen machen dich glücklich und von welchen solltest du dich lieber verabschieden?

Herzenskind89’s Profile Photoᴴᵉʳᶻᵉᶰˢᵏiᶰᵈ
Meine Familie macht mich glücklich und ein paar enge Freunde. Allerdings sind Beziehungen nicht so mein Ding und mit den meisten Menschen ist das eben eine Freundschaft/Beziehung auf Zeit. Mein Spezialgebiet: von 0 auf 100 und wieder zurück auf 0.
Vermutlich hatte ich schon des öfteren toxische oder zumindest nicht wirklich gesunde Beziehungen, einfach aus der Euphorie heraus, dass sich anscheinend jemand endlich mal für mich interessiert. Meistens weiß ich das in diesem Moment auch, aber oft sehe ich keinen Sinn, die Beziehung in einer schönen Phase zu ki*len, wenn ich weiß, dass sie sowieso endlich ist. Lieber genieße ich sie dann mit dem etwas bitteren Beigeschmack irgendwo ganz hinten im Unterbewusstsein, dass wir nur eine begrenzte Zeit miteinander haben werden.
Ich habe für mich entschieden, mich von Menschen zu verabschieden, die mich mehr Kraft kosten, als ich aus gemeinsamen Treffen etc. gewinnen kann. Denn dann stimmt auf jeden Fall etwas ganz und gar nicht mehr und es ist Zeit, das zu beenden. Es gibt auch Menschen, bei denen ich weiß, dass sie nur eine Zeit lang in meinem Leben sein werden, weil für mehr einfach zu vieles nicht passt. Wenn ich allerdings trotzdem mehr Kraft und Energie aus gemeinsamen Treffen gewinne wie ich hineinstecken muss und ich emotional da nicht zu sehr drinhänge, genieße ich die gemeinsame Zeit so lang wie möglich. Bis die Waage eben in die andere Richtung kippt und es Zeit ist, zu gehen.
Ansonsten... Ja, ansonsten hält man sich manchmal einfach lieber an Tiere, wenn man das wahre Glück und die wahre Liebe sucht.

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