
14 people

50 posts


Thanks for the lonely nights you have given me so far are you really cold or there are just guys standing in lines keeping you busy from me?

I have become a cold person since I had bad situations in my life and experiences that weren't easy in life. I can't be the same anymore, unfortunately that's how people change and you're no longer the same as you once were. I don't know who you are, what you want from me, and what exactly you want to tell me, I don't understand you, you're anonymous, you don't want me to know anything about you, what exactly should I write to you now?

Why jahez (compensation) Is given along With the girl herself? So girl gives her services, her body and her money to the guy ? Why

Well misogyny, along with a lot of other things, has always been embedded in indian culture. The question isn't why this custom exists. The question is why do people feel the need to practice culture when they've embraced religion.
Liked by: Saira. Zaid Wali

Which level of hell you're at, that you've given up on life completely?

I am the kind of man who never gives up on life when encountering its trials. Only by going through such trials do you become the man you're supposed to be. It's an opportunity for introspection, self-realization, and mustering the strength to keep going no matter what. Only the weak crumble and give up. Are you a weak man?

Is it discrimination if you don't employ a person who has a criminal record? If they have already paid their debt to society is it fair to hold it against them?

Not necessarily, being given a job relies on you being suitable for said role, if the crime committed makes you unsuitable for that job then no it's not discrimination. You wouldn't hire someone convicted of CA in a school.

What was the last question that came to your mind but you haven't found an answer to it?

AsMaaGaDo97’s Profile PhotoAsmaa
🌷 My answer is not exactly what you've asked, but more like why I don't have a Q which I have not found an answer to.
I am in a point of my life where I'm contented with whatever is blessed to me.... that includes information. If it doesn't concern me, then I leave it be. There's a saying, "Ignorance is a bliss", if one does not knowany information that does not concern them, one does not have to worry about it.
Sometimes there are things that we don't have to know for our own good. And this reminds me of the story when Adam (a.s.) and Hawwa was tempted and enticed by Iblis to eat from the Tree of Knowledge that was forbidden for them to eat from. After eating from the tree they've realised they were naked and felt shame.... malice sprouted in their minds. Somehow their innocence was gone.
And like what I've shared from one of my answers here before, I felt that I've lost my innocence when I've learned negative things from what I've seen others do. It's either I've observed or experienced it personally from them (being treated unfairly / unjustly). Subconsciously, I've been unwillingly given ideas about wrong behaviours which I've never thought of before.... like how it's done by other people. And I have to constantly remind myself that just because I can do it too, it doesn't mean I should copy them. So, I listen to my conscience and follow my own moral compass to stand on what I believe is right.
I used to be curious, but I've realised I don't need to know everything, especially things that doesn't concern me. And whatever I do need to know.... it'll come to my knowledge somehow. Allah would make sure of it, as it has happened to me many times already. I do get informations in mysterious ways.... like in a dream, flashes of a scene or images, etc., which helped me to have discernment in making decisions and how to deal with people in my life. It was weird but I am grateful for it, alhamdulillah😊

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What advice would you give to someone struggling silently?

I don’t know who needs to hear this but, get up and try again. If you keep falling into the same sins, repent once more. If you’ve been lazy with salah, start praying from now. If you’ve given up on making du’a, start again. It doesn’t matter how many steps you’ve taken away from Allah, it only takes 1 step to turn back to Him. We all slip at times, but I need you to pick yourself back up. Allah sees how hard you try, your efforts are never wasted. Allah responds to everyone. He responds to those who never stop asking, who don’t give up, those who show Allah beautiful patience and a strong tawakkul. He responds because He is The Most Merciful and Loving Lord, who wants to see how deep my servant can go in his tawakkul in Me. He will respond to you, never forget He is Al Mujeeb: The One who responds. 🌷

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Do you ever say you're happy? I was thinking about that I can't even remember the last time I said I was HAPPY. Personally I don't think I'm ever happy, given my mental illness and my disability and certain factors, but ofc I do feel content, tranquil, comfortable sometimes. But not happy.

i 100% agree with you. i can feel content, but there's a layer of numbness and dissociation associated with it, so i never feel actually *happy*.
Liked by: spuʎ˥ Jo Lady Boometh

Masz swoją ulubioną postać z bajki/filmu/książki? Dlaczego akurat ta? 'Hrefna'

hrutur’s Profile PhotoHrefna
Jedną z moich ulubionych postaci jest Gandalf z "Władcy Pierścieni" J.R.R. Tolkiena🌟📚
Gandalf to postać, która fascynuje mnie na wielu poziomach. Jego mądrość, odwaga i zdolność do inspirowania innych sprawiają, że jest wyjątkowym bohaterem. Posiada cechy, które podziwiam i do których sam dążę. Jego postawa i działania są przykładem dla wszystkich, którzy stają przed trudnymi wyborami i wyzwaniami🧙‍♂️🌠
Gandalf jest znany ze swojej ogromnej mądrości i wiedzy. Jego zdolność do przewidywania wydarzeń i głębokie zrozumienie świata czynią go jednym z najważniejszych doradców w Śródziemiu. Zawsze ma odpowiedź na trudne pytania i potrafi znaleźć rozwiązanie nawet w najbardziej skomplikowanych sytuacjach. Jego mądrość przypomina mi, jak ważne jest ciągłe poszukiwanie wiedzy i rozwijanie swoich umiejętności🌍🔍
Gandalf nie boi się stawić czoła niebezpieczeństwom, nawet jeśli oznacza to narażenie własnego życia. Jego walka z Balrogiem w kopalniach Morii jest jednym z najbardziej epickich momentów w literaturze fantasy. Ten akt odwagi i poświęcenia pokazuje, że prawdziwa siła nie tkwi tylko w mocy fizycznej, ale także w gotowości do poświęceń dla dobra innych🏞️🔥
Gandalf jest mistrzem w inspirowaniu i wspieraniu innych. Jego słowa i działania motywują bohaterów do przekraczania własnych granic i do podejmowania trudnych wyzwań. Jest mentorem dla Froda, Aragorna i wielu innych postaci, pomagając im odkryć ich prawdziwy potencjał. Jego umiejętność w prowadzeniu innych przez trudne czasy jest inspirująca i przypomina mi, jak ważne jest wsparcie bliskich💬🌠
Gandalf to także postać pełna symboliki i głębi. Reprezentuje nadzieję, odrodzenie i transformację. Jego przemiana z Gandalfa Szarego w Gandalfa Białego symbolizuje triumf dobra nad złem i odnowę duchową. Ta symbolika jest uniwersalna i przemawia do mnie na wielu poziomach, przypominając o możliwości zmiany i odnowy w naszym życiu 🕊️🌟
Niektóre z jego cytatów są niezwykle inspirujące i pełne mądrości. Na przykład:
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." - Ten cytat przypomina mi, jak ważne jest, aby dobrze wykorzystywać czas, który mamy, i podejmować decyzje, które kształtują nasze życie.
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." - To pokazuje, że każdy, niezależnie od swojej pozycji czy siły, ma potencjał do dokonywania wielkich zmian.
Podsumowując, Gandalf jest moją ulubioną postacią z powodu jego mądrości, odwagi, zdolności do inspirowania innych i głębokiej symboliki, którą niesie ze sobą. Jego postać jest dla mnie źródłem inspiracji i przypomina mi, jak ważne jest dążenie do mądrości, odwagi i wsparcia dla innych😊🌟

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It's not good to have friends that are abusive

sagetoriola58’s Profile Photosagetoriola58
The truth is written in the Bible offers guidance on choosing friends wisely and dealing with abusive relationships. Proverbs 22:24-25 advises to not associate with those given to anger, and Proverbs 13:20 suggests that walking with the wise makes one wise, but the companion of fools suffers harm. Additionally, 1 Corinthians 15:33 warns that bad company corrupts good character. These verses emphasize the importance of surrounding oneself with positively good influences and avoiding relationships that can lead to harm or negative outcomes.

Trust me ,that person you're chatting everyday will leave u ...🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾

Ayesha0a’s Profile PhotoAyesha0a
I love these lines:
The capacity to be alone is the capacity to love.
It may look paradoxical to u but it is not.It is an existential truth: only those people who r capable of being alone r capable of love,of sharing,of going into the deepest core of the other person without possessing the other, without becoming dependent on the other, without reducing the other to a thing nd without becoming addicted to the other. They allow the other absolute freedom, because they know that if the other leaves, they will be as happy as they r now. Their happiness cannot be taken by the other, because it is not given by the other.

Can you identify an event in your life, that "Sliding doors" moment, when a decision that you made changed your life? How do you think things would have turned out differently if you'd made a different choice?

jigsaw20216838’s Profile PhotoJigsaw
Oo this is a hard question. An interesting one, though. The first thing that came to mind was when I admitted myself to the hospital. It changed my life for the better as I met some amazing people and managed to get a bit healthier. I wouldn't have been given electroconvulsive therapy, got my BPD diagnosis and had animal therapy if it wasn't for being in hospital. I don't know where I would be right now if it wasn't for the ECT. It literally saved my life. However, there were some issues. I was treated really badly by the staff there. They would make rude comments towards me, laugh at me and ignore me when I was injured. I caught some of it on video and they threatened me and bullied me into keeping quiet. I feel so sorry for anyone else who had to go through what I did. Overall I'm glad I went into hospital, as I did get better in the end. Like I say, I might not have even been alive now if it wasn't for the ECT.

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How do you explain the fact that the Devon maigua is talking to is friends with you on Facebook? Have you seen the screenshot of Stephanie's Facebook profile he sent to maigua? Yet you say she's not talking to him but the Devon she's talking to is friends with you on Facebook

Yes, I saw the screenshot. I saw that I'm a mutual friend between steph and Whichever devon account maigua is talking to. I don't get how that's possible. I have no explanation for it. That's very weird cause the only devon account I'm Facebook friends with is Devon's one and only account. I can't even see the fake devon Facebook account cause they have me blocked. I don't care what that screenshot says, though. devon has never given me a reason not to trust him, so if he says he's not talking to maigua and not friends with her, then I believe him. I don't know maigua, and I don't trust her, and I never have. There's no way they're friends and talking when devon and I were just talking about
her a couple of days ago after I showed him her posts and her lies.

in all honesty, do you think some people, like the ones who have been harassing you and other women on here for years every day, are dangerous and need to be locked up away from people?

I think whoever he is is genuinely a psychopath given everything he's said, done & expressed and I genuinely believe he is a pxdophile given how much he's been obsessing over my daughter. So he definitely needs mental help. And considering doxxing, harassment & stalking isn't legal yes he should be locked up.

I have a boyfriend, and he rarely gives me anything, usually trinkets😔What is the most expensive gift your boyfriend has given you?

I don't have a boyfriend and I don't accept gifts from anyone other than my family. But I will answer your question this way: perhaps trinket that your boyfriend gives you was bought with last money that he earns hard. If you look at it this way, this trinket is more valuable than most valuable gifts. But this is my personal opinion, it may of course be wrong

I remember Alexander. I remember him saying that he had a dog, and he had a daughter whom he adopted from another country. I also remember him saying that he didn't want his daughter to learn 'woke' things in school.It's weird that I even remember such facts about a stranger given my terrible memory

Even I didn’t know his daughter was adopted. I think she’s around my age though. He’s been married 50 years. 😁

Why is zinaa aaam these days?

no nikahs and the notion that men cannot marry more than once , Jo chez halal hai usko khud pe Haram kia hua hai, agar aik mard or aurat ko itni he mohabbat hui v hai k they cannot live without one another to just bcz k hamare mushare me 2nd marriage ko bura samjha jata hai mard/aurat Zina karte hain jab k usulan or aqlan usko nikah karna chaye take wo us aurat ki kifalat ka zimedar bhi ho , sirf hawas nae bhujani , Islam has given reasons for why it has allowed certain things and forbidden others

What's your favorite stone or cristal?

eyezofthebeholder’s Profile Photoeyezofthebeholder
The Mesmerizing World of Crystals. But my favorite is Amethyst. 💜✨
Contemplation of crystals sharpens the mind and elevates the soul. Stones are silent teachers, they make those who observe them silent, and the best that can be learned from them cannot be communicated to another.
Every stone is given its own. The native stone, in which the joy of the Earth is collected, makes spring in the heart, gives joy to a person.”
Whats your favorite stone or cristal

te gusta el yaoi manuela?

/A ver, te lo explico para que me entiendas mejor, ¿vale?... He visto uno que otro anime. Sin más empecé con Junjou romantica (siendo todo un clásico) con el paso de los días me dio por curiosear en la plataforma que aunque no creo que sean de este género pero también me vi lo que es de Yuri!!! on Ice (la canción me ha encantado) y terminé viendo lo que es Banana fish (me dejó con un dolorcito en el pecho) y por último fue Given que por culpa de 冬のはなし (fuyu no hanashi) es imposible no llorarle un mar; con esto quiero decir he visto muy pocos pero este género, pero no es de mis favoritos.

What do you think makes a meaningful life?

🌷 Every creation has it's purpose and role to fulfil in this dunya.
I reckon what makes life meaningful is when we get to live our purpose. To me, based on what I've observed.... it's being in service for others, for the sake of Allah (swt). Like with my maternal grandmother's life, she wasn't expected nor planned to be conceived by my great-grandmother, who was already menopaused and had 11 children, masha'Allah. My grandma was the 12th child, and there was a big age gap between her and her older brother (11th child). When my grandma was born, nobody knew why was she conceived despite my great-grandma was already menopaused, but Allah is the best of planner.
In my grandma's lifetime, she had delivered more than thousands of babies. Some of them were from poor families. Sometimes, she goes home and takes some of her own food supplies to give to the patient who had just given birth, because she got nothing to eat at home. My grandma was beloved by many people. I've seen it with my own eyes. Often she brings me along with her when she does postnatal check-ups. Her patients or the babies she had delivered (after they grew up and got a job) had given her gifts or payment when they were able to after some years. They still have not forgotten her.
Her name was Theodosia, which means God's gift. She has been a gift of hope for those who were in need and she had lived up to her name, masha'Allah. I think that's a perfect example of living a meaningful life. Alhamdulillah.

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What do you think makes a meaningful life

is it hard to find people who don't judge you and accept you the way you are ?

Yk what's hard? Believing that even if they don't accept you, it is not the end of the world. :)
You don't need the acceptance or validation of people to live your life. Be who you are, stick to your morals, express your opinions, and the right ones will stick around without judging you. Not saying that one shouldn't take other's opinions into account. Allah has given us a brain, Alhamdulilah. We know how to distinguish between the right and the wrong. The strongest of the people are those who have the guts to admit that they are in the wrong. The ones who realize their mistakes, and wrong ways. If you have someone in your life who makes you realize things without judging you or degrading you, you're blessed.
The point being, people will come and go. If you are on the correct path, the ones who are worth it, will stay, without making their existence a burden.

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Be honest do you share your popcorn at the cinema ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
Given how expensive cinema food is, of course I am sharing!
There's no way I would expect my partner, or friend, whoever I'm seeing the movie with, to fork out for their own bucket of popcorn when we can easily share one! A standard sized popcorn is usually big enough for two people, anyway.
... That said, I usually bring my own snacks into the cinema. The one I go to lets people bring their own food so it's never been a problem. 👌

Allah Talah ka khouf dil mein kesy paida karey. Qayamat ke din se dar lagta he lekin Eman bohat kamzoor he. Any thought ju Yaqeen paida kary Allah pe

Start small.
1-listen/recite to quran.
For starting just one verse, take it to as much as u could.
I do listen to surah baqarah every day.
2- keep doing astgfar.
Whenever you remember start reciting, must be 100 times laterdont count.
3- try to stay clean.
Dirt and staying attracts bad energies they are the reason you cant force you to be a good muslim.
4- distance yourself from things of misuse.
Each day challenge yourself for not commiting a sin, from bigger ones narow down to nearly invisible sins.
5- spend your time learning.
We do research even before watching a movie, buying a mobile a car, so reasearch about things you want to clear.
6- read watch listen.
Read about people who helped our Prophet(saww) read about struggles,watch series related to them make sure the entertainment leaves you with some knowledge.
7- start switching.
No seasons, watch documentaries.
No voulger chats, start reading and writting the information you collect each day.
If this seems hard, or time taking, or this irritates you know something beside you doesnt likes it.
The war is yours. That thing isnt powerful it just knows you have given up on yourself. 🙃

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Lexx: A bit of sickness here and there, but that’s to be expected given my current state. -She chuckles then lets out a sigh- Feels strange too, if i’m honest. Anyway, what have you two been up to? you both seem so busy, more than normal.

Wren: Oh well, I have been trying to work on new songs and Quinn is hellbent on a new line of clothes for his business. He has competition apparently.
Wren: Heheh, there we go. -i smirk-

Sometimes I wish boys could do makeovers, eye makeup, and all glamorous looks.

Boys can do this but we have different social standards. We belong to a society where mard ko Dard nai hota! Taking care of yourself, being well dressed, maintaing a hairstyle will not question your manhood.
At the time of Holy Prophet (SAW), sahaba used hazab, kohl (surma), miswak etc to remain updated as per their time.
So by fulfilling the prerequisites of today's time men can also do whatever they want to. Islam has given us flexibility but we are religiously following an integrated society which is complex and make people full of complex and insecurities.

what's ur favorite memory from school????

Plentyyy but i remember i used to be the only one in 4-5th grade who used to listen to metal/rock and i had given up on making a friend who had similar taste as i did. There was this classmate of mine who's older brother listened to metal. One day it was the first period and he entered the class and sat right next to me and whispered into my ear "toney children of Bodom ko sunna ha?" It's a death metal band. I was like yeaaah broo. He basically liked rock and roll which is not the same as metal. His favorite band was guns and roses and we were all time debating if metal is better or rock and roll. I was a metallica fan and we almost debated daily with each other that our favorite bands are better 🤣🤣 fast forward i met him few years at a reunion and i said to him "you're listening to Nusrat nowadays?" He was shocked to know that how did i known it. Basically my cousin from whom I got into metal also started listening to nusrat and i thought this can happen too anybody lol but i had so many instances like that i can go on and onnn 🤌😎

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whats ur favorite memory from school

‏هل بكيت يومًا بسبب ضغوطات الحياة؟

God gives you suffering and hardship as gifts to make you strong .
You're so ungrateful that you call yourself "unlucky" .
Imagine disrespecting a gift given to you by God himself .
No wonder you're a loser .

What would be the best thing that could possibly happen? 🤩 Like if your innermost dream came true!

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Being given like 5 billion dollars in cash😂 that'd solve all my problems right there for the rest of my life
Liked by: Denisa Smile Tobbe

I've read somewhere that the Dutch are painfully honest. I mean for example, when it comes to an invitaton to dinner and if the soup is flavourless for the guests, they always say their opinion about it and don't pretend as if it was fine. is that true?

I can’t speak for everyone, because there are so many different people in this country.
I’d never tell somebody I didn’t enjoy it. I appreciate everything given to me, even though I didn’t like it. My family and friends are exactly the same.

Is your waist size a normal size? I read that, ideally, your waist measurement should be less than half of your height. If you're 5'6, that's 66inches so your waist should be less than 33 inches. I'm 5'6 and mine is 29 inches. I wish it was less than that like model size, but I can live with that.

I have no idea🤷🏻‍♀️ I don't really stress over my weight / size of my body or things like that anymore. I've given birth quite a few times & am okay that it could show lol

Do you believe in second chances? Why or why not?

Yes, I was given a second chance in life, without it I would be nothing... So I want to return that to someone deserving.
Liked by: Smile Berlin

What’s your goal in life or maybe in this year?

milamson’s Profile Photoחנה
My goal in life is to simply be happy! And one step in particular I'm trying to take right now is to eat better! Now when musical stuff is over, I have plenty more energy and free time, which I've been using to cook more whole meals! I can workout how much I want but if I don't make any changes to my diet, I won't get anywhere. And since I probably won't work over the summer, in a few weeks I'll have even more free time to craft a more healthy lifestyle! Last Wednesday I made a vegetarian pasta casserole, based on a recipe given to me by one of my closest friends 😋🍝
Whats your goal in life or maybe in this year

What song describes you or your life?

Various music, Go Audio Made Up Stories album is the best which may have had inspiration from McFly's Room on the 3rdF album. Although these good too (Bitter End-Veer Union reminds me of Hero|Sick of it-Skillet, Given up-Linkin Park, Prayer of Refugee-Rise against. Anthem for the wanted-NFG sounds like Woodchuck of Go Audio. At the library-Green Day reminded me of I'd do anything-Simple Plan.Atari-Luckyboysconfusion reminded me of Last Goodbye-Faberdrive) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoxHgoRi5CY&list=PLTjHxCDAsVyxDJsgnmWzZMO84OKEfv05V&index=578iMaxGz’s Video 174582529312 EoxHgoRi5CYiMaxGz’s Video 174582529312 EoxHgoRi5CY

Between money and fame, which would you choose? 💰 ⭐ 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Both sound awful Tomcat! 😅 Famous people get no privacy and rich people tend to have terrible relationships! I want to be financially stable enough to be generous with what God’s given me, and I prefer to be less known than known. I feel really blessed where I’m at right now.
Between money and fame which would you choose

If someone left without any reason then you should wait for them? Suggestions plis

(please don't miss the precise subject video, at the bottom!)
Certainly the greatest mistake of my life . . . .
44 years ago , I asked: "any particular reason?" ~ the only time in my life I questioned; neither before, nor since.
Always walk away, don't look back.
The reason given was a lie , for she was clinically a pathological liar ~ and the 'excuse' , an effective literal false scapegoat that didn't run off into the wilderness as it should have done (plz refer 'LAWS of MOSES') thus ~ determined me never to give up . . .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iZJK0GHjrEigotamatch’s Video 174138061434 2iZJK0GHjrEigotamatch’s Video 174138061434 2iZJK0GHjrE

My friend wear burka from home and in office she take it off.

It's very common in workplaces. When you are given a religion in heritage and you follow it as a culture rather than a belief system, then these things aren't surprising.
I believe hijab has nothing to do with burka and abayas. It has more to do with the modesty of the dress. Let's say it's a long frock with a scarf that covers the head, the neck, and the front and back of the body so the body's shape doesn't get distinguished at a glance. That's what hijab is, a cover that doesn't allow an ill glance.
We, as a community, have stopped understanding religion and got misled into mixing culture into our religious beliefs.

Language: English