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50 posts


Sometimes all you need is a cup of coffee and a nice conversation👌🏻

usmanaay1’s Profile PhotoUsman
Sometimes, you just want to sit under a green, woody tree with no sound except for the birds chirping around, lost in deep thought and imagining things happening in a certain way. It brings a smile to your face with your eyes fixed on a specific angle. You put your head on your shoulder, your vision clear as though it were the sky in your eyes. Moving clouds and a cool breeze make it difficult to keep it going for long. Blinking and thinking is all there is, but let's keep it this way, it's peaceful.

حد يقولي ع بادي اسبلاش حلو يا بنات وثابت ؟

مبدأيًا مفيش بادي سبلاش ثباته واو..البرفيوم هو اللي بيبقا ثابت...بس ممكن تجيبي لو الميزانيه تسمح يعني 😂
حاجه من باث أند بادي و ده طبعًا براند معروف وحجاتهم تحفه ..فيه إيڤا جميله خالص انا جربت in the clouds وحقيقي عظمه♥️والجولد خطيييبره بردو ... عامةً هما روايحهم تحفه بجد واللي هيقرب منك هيشمها .

What'd you do if you suddenly grew to be as tall as a highrise building? 🥾🏢

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
This sounds funny to me imagining myself tall as a highrise building well — I would probably start to feel a bit lightheaded from the altitude and the lack of oxygen up there and might also start to attract a lot of attention from airplanes and helicopters, who might mistake me for a new skyscraper or a UFO. Plus I would have a great view of the city, and I could probably charge people for tickets to ride the elevator up to my head and take selfies with me. And if I ever got bored, I could always play a game of basketball with the clouds or see if I could reach the moon with a really long jump. ゚+.ヽ(≧▽≦)ノ.+゚

Escribe una estrofa de tu canción favorita 🌷💮

nazaretpozuelo1998’s Profile PhotoLuna Scarlata
“The party's over, the game is ended,
the dreams I dreamed went up in smoke.
They didn't pan out as I had intended;
I should know how to take a joke.
I'll go my way by myself, this is the end of romance.
I'll go my way by myself, love is only a dance.
I'll try to apply myself and teach my heart to sing.
I'll go my way by myself like a bird on the wing,
I'll face the unknown, I'll build a world of my own;
No one knows better than I, myself, I'm by myself alone.
I'll go my way by myself, here's how the comedy ends.
I'll have to deny myself love and laughter and friends.
Grey clouds in sky above have put a blot on my fun.
I'll try to fly high above for a place in the sun.
I'll face the unknown, I'll build a world of my own;
No one knows better than I, myself, I'm by myself alone”
-“By Myself” de Arthur Schwartz y Howard Dietz para su musical “Between The Devil” (1937)
Gracias por pasarte por mi feed, @nazaretpozuelo1998.
https://youtu.be/8s7z7k8qTIk?si=Ni8tdXhZ8UpvM9HDswackhumdinger32_’s Video 173360668150 8s7z7k8qTIkswackhumdinger32_’s Video 173360668150 8s7z7k8qTIk

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swackhumdinger32_’s Video 173360668150 8s7z7k8qTIkswackhumdinger32_’s Video 173360668150 8s7z7k8qTIk

Wishing you an INCREDIBLE weekend!! May you find rest and rejuvenation! You deserve it! 🌸💗🌸

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Thank you! 💟🌸 It is 3 p.m. here, we are travelling to visit some family living in near village and I was looking forward to have garden party there... But look, what clouds are coming here from Austria 😱, it is gping to be really interesting afternoon, probably with a storm! 😅😂🤦‍♀️
Wishing you an INCREDIBLE weekend May you find rest and rejuvenation You deserve

bist du gerne in der Natur?

There the sublime clouds drift swiftly,
in a sense were the white rearranges
the future to a distant storm that hits me
and whatever on its way might changes.
I gather the moss, moist around the edges
of where my head lays still and longing,
I gather despair where the butterfly catches
the ranging motion of insects foreboding.
I tried to stay around the scorching sun,
its rays even illuminating the darkest of shades,
maybe I'll stay safe and sound on the longest of runs
life unmistakingly sends towards its hidden fates.
Maybe I'll be safe
in this cornflower-blueish maze
where the periphery of its vigilant gaze
skirts the tiniest bit of hope towards my way.
Or maybe not.
bist du gerne in der Natur

What’s the issue? Niqab se problem kia h yahan hr kisi ko? Chahe kisi lrki ne kese b kapre pehne hoon who are you to judge her? Or usko btane wale k wo niqab kare ya nai? Grow up man jo b hn ye log or apni life pe focus karain dosro ki nai.. live and let them live!

Dear sisters:The sun doesn't lose its beauty when covered by the clouds. The same way ur beauty doesn't fade when being covered by Hijab.
Next time when someone says
"U take Islam too seriously"
Whats the issue Niqab se problem kia h yahan hr kisi ko Chahe kisi lrki ne kese
Liked by: Ja Cupid 2.0

Wie ist das Wetter bei Ihnen?

The air feels charged, heavy with anticipation. Dark clouds gather on the horizon, their edges tinged with an ominous gray. The wind whispers secrets, rustling through the leaves like a warning. There's a palpable tension in the atmosphere, a sense of impending chaos. The first few raindrops fall, hesitant at first, then steadily gaining momentum. Thunder rumbles in the distance, a low growl that reverberates through the earth. The sky darkens, swallowing the landscape in shadow. Flashes of lightning illuminate the sky, momentarily painting the world in stark relief. Nature unleashes its fury, rain pouring down in torrents, washing away the sins of the earth. Trees sway in the wind, bending but not breaking, as if in defiance of the storm's wrath. And in the midst of it all, there's a strange kind of beauty, a raw power that commands respect. As the storm rages on, I find myself both awed and humbled by its primal force.

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If sun is so hot how come there is still snow on earth?

AliBatman1999’s Profile PhotoAli
There are many reasons causing snow on earth one of them is the angle of sun rays failing on earth for example on the equator sunlight falls in 90 degrees this makes the ray effects in a small area so the temperature will be higher because the heat is concentrated whereas if the same ray quantity fall on poles the angle will be small so it will effect more area due to this the heat and energy of this ray will spread and the temperature will be low when the temperature becomes low that makes the small water drops in clouds and on the ground becomes snow 😅

Is spring kicking into high gear where you live? How's that making you feel? 🌻🌿

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I really am loving the weather. The sunshine, the clouds, birds, insects, animals, flowers, it’s just all so happy and alive and I love it.
Liked by: sophie Tobbe

What fascinates you the most?

maryamwaheed129912’s Profile PhotoMaryam
Life and nature in general fascinate me so much. The wonders of Allah' tala fascinate me in the daily mundane routine of my life. Though I have always been fascinated with nature and oh the fluffy clouds and plants. I think that not only some of them are aesthetically pleasing, but they also have such great complexity which demonstrates the beauty and genius of nature. Even as a kid I would examine plants closely and was awed by the diversity ultimately plants bring me comfort and inspiration. 🌻💙✨️🍃

If you could be a flower, which one would you be?

saltoftheearth86030’s Profile PhotoCupid 2.0
Sunflower. 🌻
They are my favourite ones. And I would happily be a sunflower cause they are always looking for the sun. For the bright things in life. I aim to be like that cause I think sometimes life is so tough; that the sun hides and you don’t know where it is. You try to find it, but it is hidden behind all these clouds. And you have got to wait for it to come again. ♡
If you could be a flower which one would you be

يقال : "تجري الرياح بما لا تشتهي السفن" كيف حال سفيتنك؟

totoana65’s Profile Photoآيات
Ebbing waves, embracing violence
Heartened by hopes of land
Rowing like a ghost in silence
Praying soon my orcs touch land
Now i drift a lonely crewman
I was destined by my birth
To be never more than human
I was bound unto this earth
Maybe no one left to rescue me
Overhead the storm clouds wont recede
Trying to believe but i just cant pretend
Will i be forgotten evermore?
Will i walk on heavens golden shore?
Angeles offer comfort as a calm decendds
Twilight at the end, the northern lights dance across the sky
I dont want to know what happenes when you die
Thank you for reminding me of this masterpiece 😁

Tell me something interesting 🤞😎

MehrAR’s Profile PhotoAR Mehr
🌷 I don't know how to start the story, just thinking about it makes me cry already.
Anyhow, I'll give the background of the story first.... last 5th Jan this year was my Dad's (step-father) 1st death anniversary. I have booked my plane ticket to see him on the 6th Jan 2023, but I missed him by one day and wasn't able to say goodbye🖤
On his last few days of fighting cancer, he was having trouble breathing (we suspected he contracted covid), I've asked a Muslim friend who lives close to them to bring some zamzam water. I've explained to my Dad what it's for. Actually, he has been taking blackseed as well for the past 3 years.
My Mum told me that as soon as he drank the zamzam water, a lot of phlegm came out and he was relieved, alhamdulillah. He was able to breathe better and also got his taste back. He already had lost his sense of taste for months, hence he had lost his appetite. Then the next day he was smiling and enjoyed eating again and had asked my Mum to groom him like trimming his nails, shaving and he had a body wash. He was already looking forward to see us. But unfortunately he died that day around maghrib.
This year on the 4th of Jan, I was feeling so down because the next day was his death anniversary. There were so many things I was thinking about, like what was the status of his faith before he died. I mean for the zamzam water to work, he would have atleast have the faith. Has he considered accepting Islam after witnessing such miracle or had he already done so by himself?
While I was having all these thoughts in my head and wondering where is he (his soul).... I was doing situps in the bedroom, and then when I looked outside the window, over the mountains I saw the clouds that looked exactly like him. I cried because I missed him and wanted to see him so bad.
Allahu alam why did the clouds took a shape of his face and what does it mean. But I was happy to see it♥️

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Tell me something interesting

Напишите строчки из любимой песни)

"Come, taste the wine, race the blind
Давай, вкуси вино, мчись сквозь завесу,
They will guide you from the light
Они уведут тебя прочь от света,
Writing noughts till the end of time
Начинай с нуля отсчёт до конца времён.
Come, surf the clouds, race the dark
Давай, пари по облакам, развей тьму –
It feeds from the runs undone
Она питается нашими прерванными полётами.
Meet me where cliff greets the sea
Встреть меня там, где утёс приветствует море."
Nightwish - Elan.
https://youtu.be/zPonioDYnoY?si=O1rK8fVGeFuox4fJEvanescenceFan’s Video 174948908559 zPonioDYnoYEvanescenceFan’s Video 174948908559 zPonioDYnoY

What should be the definition of beautiful according to you?

"Beauty"— It is such a complex and infinite word as we all grow up with society's definition of “beauty" but I believe beauty will always be found wherever you look. Itcomes in many shapes and sizes. It comes in many colours. It comes in the form of sounds, like songs. It comes in acts of kindness from one human to another. It comes in as listening to a prayer. I see beauty in the nature that surrounds me, the grass kissed by the sunlight, the trees, the leaves, the flowers, the colours, the sky, the sun, the clouds, the rain, the snow. I see how the nature is there and sometimes we don't pay attention to it, we take all this beauty for granted but we should look closer. Plants and animals live too and they don't have to overthink as we do, they just “work" on their own and they do everything perfectly, even if they are not perfect in a geometrical way. I see beauty in the difference of the strangers that I meet while I walk, the variety of people that are so beautiful cause they are not ashamed of who they are and they are confident with themselves. I see beauty in my friends, with their own personalities and flaws. I see beauty in the smiles of people. I see beauty in kindness. I see beauty in small things, that show that a person cares for one another. I see beauty in art and I am always amazed. Its incredible how we all should try to look at the world with the eyes of a child that is watching everything for the first time. The world would be fuller of love and understanding. 🌻

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What should be the definition of beautiful according to you

#marvelヽmultiverse⠀*⠀Zdjęcie z dzieciństwa Twojej postaci.

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⠀⠀⠀ you⠀remember⠀what⠀i⠀was⠀like⠀⠀;
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marvelヽmultiverseZdjęcie z dzieciństwa Twojej postaci

What does depression look like?

Amidst the echoes of silent screams,
A soul adrift in endless dreams.
Dark clouds cloak the mind in despair,
A labyrinth of thoughts, tangled and bare.
In the hollow whispers of the night,
Depression's weight, an endless fight.
Shadows dance, a somber ballet,
A captive soul yearning for light's gentle sway.
Liked by: Micro. Panda

Verstehst du jedes Wort, dass du sagst? Kennst du die Bedeutung der Worte, die du sprichst?

Das ist eine recht interessante Frage, da ich glaube, dass sich in uns häufig eine Art Selbstverständlichkeit einstellt, was den Umgang mit Worten anbelangt, ohne vielleicht explizit einen genauen Ursprung bzw. eine Etymologie und Bedeutung zu artikulieren. Ähnlich verhält es sich mit der Rechtschreibung und Grammatik. Ich vermag nicht zu erklären, wieso bestimmte Wörter auf ihre Art und Weise dekliniert werden oder welche konkrete Ursache diverse Substantive und Verben besitzen. In der sechsten Klasse hatte ich ein ausgesprochen großes Interesse daran, Definitionen aus Menschen heraus zu kitzeln, ohne, dass ich dabei die Absicht hegte, dabei nervig oder aufdringlich zu wirken. Sobald jemand über etwas sprach, war ich an der genauen Definition oder Herkunft und Erklärung interessiert und als ich irgendwann darauf aufmerksam gemacht wurde, wie überflüssig und enervierend das Ganze eigentlich ist und hämisch nachgeahmt wurde, ließ ich es irgendwann bleiben.
Ich hatte zu dieser Zeit auch ein reges Interesse an Fachbegriffen entwickelt und ganz bestimmt, allen voran hier auf ask, gewiss den größten Rotz von mir gegeben, weil ich so darum bemüht war, irgendwie eloquent zu wirken, was schlichtweg nie der Fall gewesen ist. Nicht um elaboriert und deutungsschwer zu sein (zumindest retrospektiv betrachtet, mir wurde das häufig zum Vorwurf gemacht), sondern aus Interesse an der deutschen Sprachvielfalt. Wann immer ich eigene Texte im Unterricht vorlesen musste, waren Menschen amüsiert über meine Wortwahl, wohingegen ein beliebter Mitschüler zu dem Zeitpunkt genau die gleiche Attitüde an den Tag gelegt, dafür aber Bewunderung und Hingabe erhalten hat. Well, bei mir wirkte das sicher ausgesprochen artifiziell und hölzern, aber es war irgendwo ein Stück weit kränkend. Ich saß meistens irgendwo abgeschieden im Café und las Michel Foucaults kompliziertestes Werk über die menschliche Psychologie, um jedes fancy Fremdwort mit Highlightern hervorzuheben, während ich mir gewünscht hätte, Teil einer Gruppe gewesen zu sein. Ich war einfach awkward und prätentiös. Aber welcher Teenager war das nicht?
Ich habe schon oft jedes Wort in seine Bestandteile seziert und über mögliche Bedeutungsebenen elaboriert. Ich liebe komplexe Satzstrukturen, Stilmittel, die bildhaft und einfach wunderschön sind. Bei einer Fanfiktion bin ich neulich über folgende Analogie/Metapher gestoßen:
"Her smile was like a sun chasing clouds away".
Früher hatte ich eine regelrechte Obsession darüber, bildhafte Sprache in meinen Geschichten und meiner Poesie zu erzeugen. Heute kann ich gar nicht mehr sagen, ob dieser Anspruch noch gegeben ist oder ich wie ein Amateur wirke. Nichtdestotrotz: Nein, ich verstehe nicht immer jedes Wort, das ich von mir gebe oder sage. Damals hatte ich deépressionsbedingt auch unheimliche Probleme, einen sinnvollen Satzbau von mir zu geben und nur schlechte Noten eingeheimst, aber ich liebe Sprachen trotz allem und vielleicht verstehen sie mich eines Tages.

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Liked by: Sora Dila Ahmet

They tell me life can teach you how.. To live it if you stick it out.. You free yourself from all the blame.. Ignoring all those places of pain.. I wish I had the words back then.. Before I let the end begin.. I tried to show you I still care.. I wonder if you're happy somewhere.. Thats Just Life!

kellerjosh24’s Profile Photo✨ChosenGiftedSavior✨
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
when the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
when the funds are low and the debts are high,
and you want to smile but you have to sigh,
when care is pressing you down a bit ; rest if you must, but don’t you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns.As everyone of us sometimes learns.
And many a fellow turns about when he might have won had he stuck it out. Don’t give up though the pace seems slow ; you may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor’s cup;
and he learned too late when the night came down,
how close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out ; the silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
and when you never can tell how close you are,
it may be near when it seems afar;
so stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit ; it’s when things seem worst, you must not quit. 🙌

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Liked by: Talha Moon K

✦「Qᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴ」✧ Wᴀs ғᴜ̈ʀ Gᴇᴅᴀɴᴋᴇɴ ᴋᴏ̈ɴɴᴇɴ ᴅɪʀ ᴍᴀɴᴄʜᴍᴀʟ ᴅᴇɴ Sᴄʜʟᴀғ ʀᴀᴜʙᴇɴ﹖

thoughtswithinfantasy’s Profile Photo✦〖 Wᴏʀʟᴅsᴄᴏʟʟɪᴅᴇ 〗✧
The voices in my head
keep telling me to choose a side
It's heaven or hell like it's do or die
I'm a sad boy, you know better
Please don't make this last forever
The voices in my head
keep telling me I'm not okay
It's feeling like a hurricane in my brain
Dark clouds, hard times, bad weather
Please don't make this last forever
The voices in my head
keep telling me I'm gonna (die)
And I don't wanna talk about the drama
I'm trauma (tized)
They're tellin' me I'm fine
but we both know that's a fuckin' (lie)
I'm losing my mind
but I don't wanna talk about it
The voices in my head
keep giving me the worst advice
Kamikaze crash like a suicide
I'm a lost boy, you know better
Please don't make this last forever
The voices in my head
keep telling me I'm insane
And maybe I'm a little bit, that won't change
Dark clouds, hard times, bad weather
Please don't make this last forever
⠀⠀♪ ᭼ Voices in my head - Falling in Reverse

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Qᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴ Wᴀs ғᴜʀ Gᴇᴅᴀɴᴋᴇɴ ᴋᴏɴɴᴇɴ ᴅɪʀ ᴍᴀɴᴄʜᴍᴀʟ ᴅᴇɴ Sᴄʜʟᴀғ ʀᴀᴜʙᴇɴ

I found peace inside you and I don't wanna go back

taniecwyobrazen’s Profile PhotoDïana Laningham
Śmiać mi się chce, bo właśnie ogarnąłem, że co roku tego dnia pisze Ci tu jakieś głupoty z których Ty się cieszysz, a ja zawsze myślę że wychodzi jeden wielki bezsens. Pewnie znowu ani razu tego nie przeczytam, bo według mnie wyjdzie masło maślane ale ok, w końcu ktoś mi powiedział że chce dokrzysiowania. Zwykle mówimy sobie, że tyle czasu już się znamy ale właśnie dopiero teraz kiedy usiadłem żeby to napisać zrozumiałem, że właśnie pykną nam 4 lata, kolejny rok ze mną wytrzymałaś, łaał. Jeszcze bardziej chyba chce mi się śmiać kiedy przypomnę sobie nasze początki... Od samego początku czekanie na każdą wiadomość, siedzenie przez całe noce razem nawet kiedy byliśmy już całkowicie wyrąbani, przegadanie dosłownie wszystkich tematów, poważnych i tych nawet śmiesznych bzdet które tylko nas bawiły, najmniejszych szczegółów które w sumie były mega ciekawe i ważne dla nas. Nadal to dziwne, że tak naprawdę z biegiem czasu jest tylko lepiej, że nie mamy zupełnie żadnych wątpliwości do siebie i jest po prostu najlepiej. No a przecież zawsze każdy wokół tylko pieprzy, że z biegiem czasu związek czy znajomość się znudzi, albo że zaczyna się monotonia. Nie wiem czemu u nas od tych czterech lat ani razu nie było takiego momentu, ale to chyba najlepsze co może być. Ciągłe tematy, często nawet jest tak, że tylko czekamy żeby mówić czy opowiadać sobie więcej, bo przecież kurde halo, nie gadaliśmy od 20 minut a tyle się wydarzyło! Lubię też to, że właśnie cokolwiek by się nie wydarzyło to jesteśmy dla siebie zawsze, że jesteśmy pierwszymi i często jedynymi osobami do których idziemy z każdym problemem, czy nawet jakąś przypałową głupotą. Wiesz, mimo że faktycznie 4 lata związku miną nam dopiero w lutym to chyba ten lipiec jest dla mnie jakoś bardziej kojarzący się z najlepszym czasem. Albo raczej takim wstępem do tego. Może dlatego, że przede wszystkim poznałem nie tyle co przyszłą dziewczynę, ale też najlepszą przyjaciółkę.. albo dlatego, że w końcu zacząłem się śmiać, myśleć zdecydowanie dużo bardziej pozytywnie o wszystkim. Że w końcu podniosłem się ze swoich walniętych dołków i chciałem po prostu już kolejnego dnia czy kolejnej nocy żeby znowu pobyć sobie tylko z Tobą. Żeby sobie zajarać, włączyć winyla i posiedzieć na parapecie nawet jeśli upalnym latem było Ci niby zimno, chociaż chciałaś tylko się przytulić... Nadal jest jeszcze mnóstwo takich naszych rzeczy o których wiemy tylko my i które będziemy wspominać jeszcze dłużej, w końcu "nawiązałem bardzo fajną znajomość" cytując klasyka, hehe. Dobra weź się już tak nie śmiej typo, bo wiem że to robisz XD Chciałem Ci tylko podziękować za te cztery lata, za to że się pojawiłaś i za te zaczepki na asku 22 lipca, nie żebym ja się wcale nie czaił aż dodasz post że pogadasz, co Ty.
Kocham Cię najbardziej na świecie, Mycho.
She picks me up
don't let me drown
into the clouds, I'll find my home
when I'm with her, I'm not alone

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I found peace inside you and I dont wanna go back

Your definition of happiness 🌹

Chotay bchay. Phool pattay. Chaand. Chaaye. Coffee. Kitaaben. Poetry. Painting. Clouds. Nature. Fruits. BBQ chicken. Barish. Hugs. Cuddles. KFC. Candle lit rooms. Sunsets. Rainbows. Scented candles. BHT kuch ha Yar. I try to find happiness in little things. 🌸

What is the most valuable lesson life has taught you so far?

o6ogold’s Profile PhotoAdil
Sometimes we wish for certain things so hard, we want those things so badly that it clouds our judgement. Even if we know the reality we are unable to face it and we prefer to live in delusions. I think when your wishes and desires overtake you, you become vulnerable and weak. Every human has something they desperately seek and ultimately that becomes their biggest weakness and downfall if they don't keep their wishes in check.

What would you do for love ?

sananmughal’s Profile Photosanandgaf
The song , "I'd step in front of a train for you".
I've felt that way so many times. I'd take a bullet for you. I'd put my hand in the fire for you.
But, why? Why must my love destroy me? Why am I so quick and willing to obliterate me?
Why can't it build me up?
I'll jump on a train for you. I will travel the world and fill my eyes with its splendor.
I will survive everything for you. I will thrive for you. I will write my name across the light blue, concave curve of the sky for you, sweep the clouds aside.
I will leave everywhere beautiful things intended to sprout, to bloom, to take hold in others.
This way, maybe my love , rather than finishing me off , might live forever.

Which is worse: putting diesel into a car that has a petrol engine, or putting petrol into a TDI car that runs on diesel? What could be the consequences of such a mistake?

magdamagdalena90’s Profile PhotoMagdalena ¥ =)=
Having filled the tank of a diesel car with gasoline while the light is on, it will not be difficult to start its engine - there will be enough diesel in the fuel system to start and run for several minutes, after which the system will begin to receive gasoline. You don't have to be too scared here. If you just started the engine, then you need to immediately turn it off, call a tow truck, which will take your car to a service, where they will drain all the gasoline from the tank and fill it with diesel fuel. And this is perhaps the best scenario.
Situations when diesel fuel is poured into a car with a gasoline engine are less common. But if this happens, then the signs of an error come out immediately: the engine makes strange sounds, loses power, and clouds of black smoke come out of the exhaust pipe. Due to the greater density, diesel fuel quickly sinks to the bottom of the tank, pushing gasoline to the surface, and penetrates into the fuel system of the car. However, the presence of diesel fuel in a gasoline engine is not so scary. In this case, it is necessary to turn off the car, and then drain the tank, filling it with fresh gasoline. If the diesel was poured into an empty tank, the engine will stall immediately, without any serious consequences.

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CR33PY____FL0VER’s Profile Photo˗ˏˋ꒰⠀ ℒ⠀ 。゚☆
⠀⠀⠀⠀- ̗̀⠀# DESTROYED MEMORISE⠀ ❱❱⠀⠀ @dying__heart
⠀⠀⠀⠀the⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ colors ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀conflicted
⠀⠀⠀⠀as⠀⠀ the⠀ flames ⠀climbed ⠀⠀into ⠀⠀the ⠀⠀clouds
⠀⠀⠀⠀i ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀wanted ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀to⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ fix ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀this
⠀⠀⠀⠀but⠀⠀ couldn't⠀ stop⠀ from⠀⠀ tearing⠀⠀ it⠀⠀down
⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴀɴᴅ ⠀⠀ʏᴏᴜ ⠀⠀ᴡᴇʀᴇ ⠀⠀ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ⠀⠀ ᴀᴛ⠀⠀⠀ ᴛʜᴇ ⠀⠀ᴛᴜʀɴ
⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴡᴀɪᴛɪɴɢ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴛᴏ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ʟᴇᴛ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ᴍᴇ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ᴋɴᴏᴡ
⠀⠀⠀⠀⤿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ https://justpaste.it/GOD-SAVE-ME-01

Being humble and nice attract disrespect from people. How do I avoid this?

Soar above the clouds, continue to shine and claim your throne among the stars. When your rays draw disrespect from passing asteroids, blind them with the light until they hold you in higher esteem. There is a reason why they orbit around you. Remind them. 👍
Being humble and nice attract disrespect from people How do I avoid this

— kamu adalah nama yang selalu aku gemakan di langit Tuhan.

pada setiap jalan itu..
punya simpang siur yang merisau kadang terbabas lalu
punya lampu trafik yang mengarah kadang terluang waktu
sedetik mata mengerling awan biru mengirai gumpalan rindu
direct translation 👇
on every road..
have a worrying junction that sometimes slips past
have a traffic light that leads sometimes to spare time
for a second the eyes looked at the blue clouds counting the lumps of longing
kamu adalah nama yang selalu aku gemakan di langit Tuhan
Liked by: Hawa ✮ Muna ✮ yaya

Is this comforting to you ?

riverslucy04’s Profile PhotoLucy Glaze
not my cup of tea, but, dark clouds, dark woods and the whole dark atmosphere is a nice combination to a certain extent, that's a bit too gloomy, subjectively saying it needs a moon to create a nice contrast in order to call it comforting,

Tell me anything. Tell me about your day. Tell me what makes you happy or sad. Tell me

Sunny day.. Lovely clouds.. Smooth traffic.. Green lights 🚦all the way..Pheww.. It's make me happy... Alhamdulillah..💙☁️
P/S.. for those sending me a personal dm.. Deeply sorry for not replying..
I'm on full swing shift for this month..
0238am I'm still doing my daily report..
Jaga diri 🤍💙
Tell me anything Tell me about your day Tell me what makes you happy or sad Tell
Liked by: Hawa madin ✮ Muna ✮

your the best way to fall asleep?💭

goricaclash11953’s Profile PhotoAl ninjew
I sleep with no problem at all, and as soon as I close my eyes I see different moving images, sometimes taking me “flying without wings” to mountains and another time to woods or above the clouds, and sometimes I see one image only indicating something, for example, a few days ago I saw stars shining brightly just the moment I closed my eyes and in the next day, I received the news of my success and obtaining an expert certificate. I pray that you have a good night's sleep my sweet friend.
your the best way to fall asleep

Reason of liking winter season 🥶

imtisalbajwa12’s Profile PhotoI M T I S A L ◉‿◉
Snowman ⛄️
Sleep just hits different
Dry Fruits
Hoodie Season
You can wear shirts without ironing them 🌚
Breathing misty clouds in cold weather,like you have just stopped breathing fire 🔥
Grilled Fish/Bbq 🎣
Hot baths
Bonfires 🔥
No lizards
No mosquitoes
Hot Chocolate

Language: English