
503 people

50 posts


It is nice to hear that you’re starting to feel better Tea. My heart was hurting knowing that yours was.

At the risk of sounding very silly, knowing that there were wonderfully kind people in my life (like you, lovely) has helped the journey back to Happy immeasurably. So thank you so much for your kindness and patience with my sobbing 😂

Do you hate talkative people ?

I love them with all of my heart. I love listening to people just yap to me about everything and anything. Like, yes, cutest earthling, get excited and tell me how you got distracted by the fragrance of a fresh croissant on your way to work. I am always the one talking, so, my heart beams whenever I don't have to talk and still be allowed in their presence, like I am actually wanted.

thoughts on people doin sucide?

It is a very complex and deeply sensitive issue that affects so many people in different ways. While it is important to acknowledge the pain and suffering that can lead someone to contemplate ending their life, it is equally crucial to provide resources and support for those who are struggling with mental health issues or other challenges. It breaks my heart to think of anyone feeling so hopeless or alone that they would consider taking such drastic action, It makes me upset why— do people never talk about the part of depression when you just don’t want anything anymore¿ Everybody talks about when it hurts like hell; when you cry, when you cut; when you take drugs when you break down. But no one ever talks about when you just lay down in your room with a hole inside of you that you don’t know how to fill and you don’t want to do anything even the things you usually like. So you just spend your day kinda waiting for it to end. And it's horrible cause you feel empty and guilty for that at the same time. Anyways, I hope you are kay and safe, incase needed an ear to listen - Iam here for you. 🌻

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what advice will you give to younger people?

asweirdasme’s Profile PhotoUSMAN
Advice to people of any age:
The words "Shia" or "Sunni" are not mentioned in the Quran. They have no existence in it. The Quran, in Surah Al-Imran, Ayah 103, says:
"Hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided."
Allah, in Surah Al-An'am, Ayah 159, says:
"O Prophet! Those who divided their religion and became sects, you have no part in them in the least. Their affair is with Allah, who will tell them what they used to do."
Thus, creating sects within Islam is prohibited. Anyone who creates sects is moving away from the Quran and Sunnah. The Quran instructs:
"Obey Allah and obey the Messenger."
To be a Muslim, one must simply obey Allah and follow the authentic teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Moreover, do not feel superior to any other Muslim or any human based on caste or sect, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) stated in his final sermon:
"All humankind is from Adam, and no Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white; none have superiority over another except by piety and good action."
The Prophet (peace be upon him) taught us humility. If you feel superior to another Muslim or human, you deviate from the righteous path and become a follower of Satan, who was the first to say, "I am better than him" (Quran, Surah Al-A'raf, Ayah 12).
Furthermore, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said about arrogance:
"He who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of arrogance will not enter Paradise." (Sahih Muslim)
Therefore, as Muslims, we need to focus on our faith and deeds and stop declaring others as 'disbelievers' based on their sect while considering ourselves as 'believers.' Unknowingly, we are wasting our good deeds and causing division, which is prohibited in our religion. May Allah guide us all on the straight path. Ameen.

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Aj kal kya chal raha idr?

Faiqjunaid’s Profile Photoفائق جنید
“I see her pictures sometimes and they don't invoke a feeling inside me. Sometimes she feels like stranger these days. Like I dreamed her up. Like she never really was there. But the unfinished sweater she was crocheting for me is here. In this wretched world.”
Just read this and my heart dropped at 'but the unfinished sweater she was crocheting for me is here', oh god??? I haven't read something so provocative in a long, long time.
Aj kal kya chal raha idr

u cant be a successful MAN unless a girl breaks ur heart? is that true?

No, I’ve seen men wasted because they fell for their so called the love of their life. Men who are indulged within the pleasures of this world such as drugs & women are often lost, confused and in disarray. They have already reduced their purpose when they’ve settled for the worldly entertainment. Now we have weak men keeping themselves busy with pleasures of life. Control your soul if you want to raise your standard, the purpose of men is to bring stability to the world. Stop being simps and addicts, it’s high time you wake up and bring about a positive change in yourself. Stop sobbing over these girls, they come and go in life, your vision should be something bigger.

What is about this society that disappoints you so much?

usmanaay1’s Profile PhotoUsman
Sighs. — There are many things about society that I found disappointing from time to time from the injustices and inequalities that persist despite our best efforts, what disappoints me most is the way in which we often judge and devalue one another based on superficial characteristics like appearance, background, or social status. It breaks my heart to see how much pain and suffering this kind of narrow-mindedness can cause - not just for those who are marginalized or discriminated against, but for all of us as members of a shared community. I believe that there is so much more to each person than meets the eye; if only we took the time to truly get to know one another with open hearts and minds, I think we would find so much beauty and richness in our differences. 🌻

Why are you still awake? 🌚

o6ogold’s Profile PhotoAdil
I haven't been sleeping at night for almost a month now. Sometimes, when something breaks inside a person, then everything that was once healed also gets broken.
It's like plates stacked in a line. When one moves, all the others move too, and everything breaks all over.
I'm not blaming anyone. The blame game ain't my thing. For the first few days, I was kinda mad at myself, at God, at fate, at the situation but then it all felt like okay but just because you have accepted something doesn't mean you're over it.
It just means that you're trying. That you're trying to be okay, that you're trying to heal everything in you, that you're struggling, that your heart isn't as stoned as you once made it seem so.

It's very intimidating to think: to think and answer back those unasked questions which lament so loud that you misses out some words from the questions themselves... selling an epiphany or grieving over it?!

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
Yass — I can definitely see how unasked questions or unsaid feelings can weigh heavily on a person's mind and heart. It takes a lot of courage to confront these thoughts and emotions head-on - to acknowledge their presence and try to make sense of what they mean for us personally. But I also believe that this process is essential for our growth and well-being as individuals; by being honest with ourselves about what we're feeling or thinking, we create opportunities for deeper self-awareness and healing. So while it may be intimidating at times, I think it is more important to give space to those unasked questions - even if the answers aren't immediately clear. 🌻

Hey Jo! I was just wondering if you had any song recs for Ghost? I’ve never really listened to them before but just heard ‘Mary On A Cross’ which is fab, so I’d love to check them out! 🎶👻

asgardarts’s Profile PhotoLivi;
First and foremost, thank you for giving me an opportunity to talk about the Special Interest (tm), I'll do my very very best to not waffle on too long (very unlike me, I know 🤣) and just get straight into my recommendations.
If you enjoy MOAC then I would say that their other top five tracks on spotify: Square Hammer, Dance Macabre, Call Me Little Sunshine, and The Future Is A Foreign land may also be up your street! Sound-wise they're in the same vein as Mary on a Cross. Not too heavy, more along the lines of arena rock than heavy metal.
Some of my other personal recommendations would be Cirice, Darkness at The Heart of My Love, Zenith, Ritual, and Watcher in The Sky.
They've also done a bunch of covers too, the majority of which are all pretty solid. They tend to put their own spin on whatever songs they cover which is quite refreshing. I particularly enjoy most of the covers from the 'Popestar' EP. Their rendition of 'I Believe' is particularly pretty...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVM0dqhyaqQhellojonesymo’s Video 174147876380 VVM0dqhyaqQhellojonesymo’s Video 174147876380 VVM0dqhyaqQ

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hellojonesymo’s Video 174147876380 VVM0dqhyaqQhellojonesymo’s Video 174147876380 VVM0dqhyaqQ

Imagine you're curating an art exhibition. What theme or concept would you focus on, and why does it resonate with you?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
I think I'd keep it monochrome with different styles of artworks... From hyper realism to its fusion with pointillism ... From scribbling to shading ... I'll keep everything for all types of audience ✌🏻
The reason I'll keep it monochrome is I want my viewers to understand that even just black on white can emerge all sorts of different emotions in you and touch your heart to the core .... The only condition is if you're willing to look at it and try to understand it ! 🙃
Imagine youre curating an art exhibition What theme or concept would you focus

Face of ............., heart of............., Fill with the most impactful words to convey your thoughts.

AhmedZaiyd’s Profile Photo
for many decades, we have been taught that the face should become a mask, in which it is impossible to read anything.
devaluing impulses of the heart and desires of the soul.
today, the face is a trend in the fashion industry, which everyone is used to demonstrating as a product, becoming similar to each other.
now it's not a figurative mask, but a real one.
plastic without feelings, without emotions, without life.
the external indicator has become so fundamental that a modern person, creating an appearance, began to move away from his inner self more, becoming extremely insignificant.
"the face is everything, the feelings are nothing," they said, but how wrong they were

اكتب لشخصٍ ما دون ذكر هويته :

Dr_Cancer’s Profile PhotoEmad
I sometimes want to show this whole world that somebody like you does really exist. Because I was lost thinking I will never meet somebody as honest and compassionate as you.. I thought you were only an idea in my head, didn't believe there was actually.. someone like you!
But you showed up when I was about to lose my faith.. It was like finding a lost piece of me.. I was embraced by the softness of your heart.. My first safe place ever..
Then you showed me your wounds, didn't imagine I would find peace in them too.. Honestly.. how generous were you! to give me what others didn't give, and won't and don't have in the first place.. But you? You had it all and didn't hesitate even a bit.. to let me in.. How brave were you..
You saw me.. You saw my true self. Nobody else could see me as you did despite of how obvious I am.. You really know me.. I'm that familiar to you cause we were connected way before we realized.. and it made me happy.. being exposed to you..
I can't forget what my life was like without you.. After all, you were the answer to my prayers, a sign of god mercy. And I can't be more grateful to god, who brought you to me.
Ahh now I feel so inspired to write a story.. about the first hand that dared to touch me.

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Liked by: Emad مَهدي Ioη

The person I love, is very very happy with his wife, my heart hurts for that ، iam so sad 😞

انتي باعثه السؤال بالعربي وبالانجليزي 😂😂🐸؟
What you wish for others will come back to you, my dear 🌹
وبطريقك اعمليلي بلوك لانو بصراحة لما اشوف زي هيك شاوت منك ما رح اقدر اسكت ف مو حابه تزعلي مني، الموضوع خرج عن سيطرتي🌹

What do you miss the most about your old self?

I miss how nice and caring I was. I miss how I use to love helping people out when they needed help. I miss how big my heart was and just enjoyed exploring new area and going on trips. Now I'm just a very spiteful and hateful person because I decided to let people dictate who I am as a person ina negative way. A damn "monster".

The sea of my heart ||🌍✨️♥️

raghdah21999’s Profile Photo• رغـٰٚـ✮ِـٰٚـدآ ¦♞
✨تحصّـيـن النفس✨
‏اعوذ بكلمات الله التامات التي لا يجاوزهن بر ولا فاجر من شر ماخلق وبرأ وذرأ ومن شر ماينزل من السماء ومن شر مايعرج فيها ومن شر ماذرأ في الارض ومن شر مايخرج منها ومن شر مايخرج منها ومن شر فتن الليل والنهار ومن شر كل طارق يطرق الا طارقاً يطرق بخير

any new concerts ? projects ?

definitely! personally, together with Alexa, I am working on a new movie #GetHimBackOnChristmas which will probably be available this year & recently a new movie "Mr. Manhattan" was released which I recommend with all my heart, it was an honor! It was an honor to be part of this project & together with the boys, we recently returned from a tour in Europe, but soon we will continue with concerts!💥

where to buy unlimited mental peace ?

herpov’s Profile Photothe woman
Just read Quran with extreme focus. Synchronized thoughts between heart n brain can lead you to create an image of world scenario. You can call anyone through your brain, track every movement whether of electron/proton/photon or giant aircraft. Your brain can work like sonar, lidar and tracking radar, it can match with a whole lot of varieties of electromagnetic spectrum for e.g., frequencies of light from stars, underwater phenomena etc. Why are you keen on proving yourself disabled when we got the Holy Scripture? Have faith in Allah, He can guide you well. Curse everyone who needs to be cursed. If we all had true faith in Quran we could kill all infidels without firing a bullet. Know the muajizaat you'll get surprised.
Liked by: Abdullah Basit Micro.

Do you think it’s better to react appropriately according to societal expectations or to react according to your heart and convictions?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I can't speak of what's better for everyone. I only know that what is best for me is following my own intuition. I may never live up to anyone's expectations, but my life has always found direction when I needed it. I only ever did what felt right in the moment. At times to success and others disaster. I learned from it all. I wouldn't change much

*Space for a picture you want to showcase* 📸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
CN:❗Spider 🕷️
It's the same I posted a few days ago, just from another angle but I experimented a bit with the saturation and brightness and really like how it turned out! ʕ⁠·⁠ᴥ⁠·⁠ʔ
I find those creatures to be quiet fascinating, especially in different color variations. In this case, the lilac hue of the lavender blends exceptionally well with the white outer layer of the spider (in combination with the shadows surrounding its body).
It also inspired me to write another poem I would like to share:
Under the moon's soft, silvery glow,
A white spider weaves its porcelain thread,
Amidst lavender blooms that gently sway,
In the night's tender breath, delicately spread.
Elegant limbs trace a whispered dance,
Across petals that dream of the Lethe's serene flow,
A river of forgetting, where old sorrows fade,
Yet here, in this garden, memories gently grow.
Each movement is a testament to nature's grace,
In the lavender's embrace, a tranquil romance,
Where time pauses, and the heart finds rest,
As the white spider spins its eternal trance.

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Space for a picture you want to showcase

You look so beautiful

I'm gonna do the biggest appreciation post I guess.
1. @quarterofblackpink Excuse me miss, but you're the most important thing in my life. You're my best friend, my sister , my one and only. And I'm so happy to have you by my side for almost 3 years. I love you mama.
2 . @dontaei you're weirdo, just weirdo, but i love you.
3 . @bangchaan what bout you ? bruh my b**t is still bigger than yours.
4 . @jiminzjam youuu... You're my number one no matter what . even though you so far away right now. you're still in my heart . you're not just a boyfriend - you're the part of me, my family and my world. you're the only one who showed me what real love actually is. And I'm so thankful for that . Thank you for being with me no matter what. Supporting me.. Talking to me for hours . Thank you for making me yours and being the best boyfriend ( hubby) . I'll never get tired of telling how much I love you. happy 2 , 5 years baby. I miss you. 💋🐾

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Write a nice message or some advice for Hina_San ..!! ..🌻🖤🦋

Who is Hina?🤔
Dear Hina,
Embrace every moment with an open heart and a curious mind. Remember that challenges are just opportunities in disguise, waiting to help you grow and shine even brighter.
Trust in your abilities, and never underestimate the power of a positive attitude.
You've got this!
Warm wishes 😘

What's on your mind lately?

Met a brother from Palestine just now , can't stop that pain in my heart when am trying to feel him, he is Pakistan for his studies on scholarship and his family is in Hebron , knowing that your family is in danger every second , be far away from them and living a life like that , ya Allah, yet he offered me help if whenever I need it he'll help me with anything in his capacity, his name is Mohammad Ismail

What has left an imprint on your heart?

akciMMicka’s Profile Photo⚜️ m o n i c a ⚜️
Not knowing if a passed ex is still alive or not.. always wonder. He was someone I grew up with. My husband and us were alo good friends. Cause they was like family. He kinda went off his rocker (is why we broke up) always wondered if he was okay and still alive. :( Never know. Always wish the best. Good luck Nick

czym według ciebie jest miłość?

❛ love used to make me
float in the air and now?
these are just empty words
changed to I care about you
I no longer believe in mine
Happy ending — love is pain
And the illusion spell turns me
into a bad character, heart of stone. ୧
czym według ciebie jest miłość

"Looks don't matter, it's what you do that counts." --_--Remember, cute and cuddly, boys. Cute and cuddly.

i’m start from far away:
in our time love not everything.
( i’m talking about the love that is between man and woman )
a person girl or guy …
is enveloping… and enjoying himself…
he/she spends an interesting time… works… crests something
and he/ she comfortable with him/herself…
this is a fact…
not exist anymore
you must … date
be in relationships and and and
maybe there are still places where is cotton wool in the head
and the other mindset is old…
but mostly it’s like this
when it’s time for love …and
when you in love …
love is everything… !!!!
and it’s about beautiful actions !
it’s about beautiful spend time together… enjoying the life together
and… and …and…!and
everyone different have own visions of love and
i feel and think only like this…!
and your timing… it’s so
i don’t like … and don’t agree…
it’s sounds like a reproach…
i don’t like reproaches
but all women is different…
and you are like that…
everyone has their own vision…
and i wish
you found not handsome but your type man…who will make everything how you want…!
and i think
that beautiful men must be with beautiful girls! only!
but it’s my vision … everyone is different !
because from your question
i see you probably not beautiful …
when person really beautiful.
from birth
im not about that beauty which money give… or … or… or…
beauty from birth plus money it’s absolutely beauty!
it’s another
and i’m from birth so beautiful..
and for me important beauty and i
i want everything!
for me man must be absolutely handsome… tall …beautiful body …and and …and
inside and out…
you right in one moment … anon…about actions…
and i always “looks “ what man do
what he do about me…
because language of men is actions.!
doesn’t mean he is celebrity
all about actions only…!
and in me … thoughts …
without actions it’s about what…?!
it’s how …?!
you used to me writing i feel everything
and it will be so so so
yes i feel… but it’s doesn’t mean… that …
it’s even about more actions…
o, you feel Ines
i will do it with you
even more beautiful that you feel
and from man which i love and want…actions
it’s not for all.!i’ve never even thought otherwise
handsome … rich …golden childs sometimes famous
usually attacked me with such beautiful actions …it was me ….who blocked them…
who knows me know…!
and right now i answer on your message and think … hmm…
why i should write about..?!
what man must …want …do he do …and will…
without any words
need only my permission
in form …that i want it…
he must feel … ask… write … do
no one will not remember you because
you was thinking …
bla… bla… bla…
always need “to do” ask’ talk’
but look absolutely important too… for me.
and everything should happen
not only in mind heart or in body
everything must happen
in life.
i not created for
my man show himself with another woman
but inside everyone understand
he loves only me his Ines!
i was made … born for
my man must show me to the world with him!
only for that!

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Which philosophy changed your perspective of life?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
"amor fati" — Embracing fate with all its chaos made life a thrilling ride. Plus I am more of a live in the present kind of person. The idea of living in the present moment. It taught me to appreciate what I have in the here and now and to stop dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. I learned to be grateful for each day - to be able to start my day with a grateful heart and to savour the small joys that life brings. 🌻

How often do you hang out with your friends?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
We don't hang out. I have hardly gone anywhere with my friends.
But I cling on to friendships, even broken ones, be it the situation or the people themselves who broke them, I have always clung on to hope, to see something positive in all that mess.
My very first best friend had transferred to Chalwal when I was 7, I had no other friend in class, it was really hard for me to become friends with anyone after that, I actually spent a year or two without friends at school. So, for me, friendship matters more than anything else. 5 days ago, I met that one friend who was separated from me at 7, I actually wanted to let out my heart to her, like she was my first friend in school, but I couldn't say much, I genuinely expressed my happiness to see her and told her about how life was going on how the two of us had movef to two different cities for the sake of education and employment. And we talked about our class, I told her about all the classmates that I met after school in uni, at any social gathering and how many of them were related to my students in one way or another and how good it felt to meet teachers too, we talked so much but not like old times, not everything, and then again we separated too, because times have changed and so did responsibilities.

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Who should we choose? A) The one you love Or B) The one who loves you

You can't just choose someone based on who loves you more or who you love more¿ I think when it comes to matters of the heart, there is no easy answer. The decision should be based on mutual respect and compatibility rather than just one-sided feelings. If both parties are willing to work together towards building a healthy and fulfilling relationship, then that can be a strong foundation for lasting love. However, if someone's feelings are unrequited or if the relationship is built solely on one person's desires rather than shared values and goals, then it may not be sustainable in the long run. So I believe that choosing between two people should ultimately come down to finding someone who loves you as much as you love them - but also shares your vision for what a happy and healthy partnership looks like. It is more about finding a balance. A connection.🌻

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According to research, the heart produces an electromagnetic field that exists about 3 feet outside our body. It allows us to read emotional energy within proximity. Have you ever experienced this? Is it more so with certain people than others for you?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Yes, it's true. It's why sometimes we feel uneasy standing next to someone. And sometimes we feel very good standing next to someone when their energy is giving positivity and good vibes.
Once, my teacher told me that it happens with rooms and objects as well. Sometimes when you sit in a random chair, you can never get comfortable enough. It's like it has some sort of energy that you just don't like. Same with rooms. Some rooms are beautifully decorated but you will never feel good in it, nothing will feel comfortable or good for you. It's weird how everything works. Everything has its own place in nature.

⠀⠀❛ ⠀✴ ⠀Tell me how does it feel when your heart grows cold⠀❜

LILAC__WINE’s Profile Photo⠀✴ ・ thin lilac duke ﹅
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀﹐⠀⠀⠀♰⠀⠀OH BABY LILAC⠀BOY
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀There's⠀somethin wrong with me
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀But you know what? Ain't nobody
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀gonna⠀change me and⠀nothing's
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀in⠀vain⠀cause⠀now⠀I⠀know I'm

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀You didn't see it coming, you were
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀not that smart. You⠀thought⠀you
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀could fix my mind. I have to⠀K1LL
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀you it's gonna be time of my life ♡

Tell me how does it feel when your heart grows cold

What's one thing you hope will never change about yourself?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
I am a good person. I don't harm anyone intentionally. I respect people who deserve it obviously... I always have a sweet smile on my face and a soft kind heart... I don't want to lose any of these qualities. Although I know deep down that some people may not deserve my kindness but it's not enough reason to stop being myself.
Whats one thing you hope will never change about yourself

Language: English