
279 people

50 posts


Best trip you've been on so far?

alishapawar5’s Profile PhotoAlisha
I've been on many good trips but the one trip I'd describe as a "trip of a lifetime" was back in late 2018 when I went to Japan, Australia, Singapore and China 🇯🇵🇦🇺🇸🇬🇨🇳 Got to visit many cool cities such as Tokyo and Sydney and got to see various kinds of wildlife, kangaroos, koalas, penguins, flying lemurs... even got to swim with a wild sea turtle which had been a lifelong dream of mine, they're my favorite animals 🥹
Best trip youve been on so far

What's your best Birthday memory ? As a kid ? As an adult?

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
Not necessarily the best, but certainly a good one - having an awesome night out in Manchester last year with friends after my partner's band played a gig, or the year before spending the day with my partner going to a wildlife park and then out for dinner.
Liked by: LYNDSEY DovahMonah Doug

There used to be so many raccoons visiting me now I barely see any. I think my crazy neighbors (you're not the only one with animal hating psycho neighbors if it makes you feel any better) managed to chase them off because they considered them 'pest'. I hope these people get demons in their dreams.

I don’t know if there are raccoons where I live. There’s a lot of wildlife since it’s so wooded. Back when I was feeding skunks and opossums though that was around downtown Saratoga Springs. I saw a fox run across the street last night. I never saw one before.

Ahhhh it's so CUTE! 😍 Do you see them often out and about? We don't get much regular wildlife outside of gulls and squirrels 😂

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
We see about 25 devils a month at the mine so yeah not as often as wallabies or roos but more often than quolls
If you spot them during the day they usually play dead and you can pick em up easy, like this little fella but they will snap at you when you’re putting them down 😂😂😂😂
The big ones won’t let you pick em up without screaming their tits off but they don’t attack you 😁

How'd you describe the envrionment around where you live? Is it urban or rural? What kind of plants or wildlife can you find there? What do you think about it in general? 🏙🏞🐾🌲

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It's quiet, not much to do except for a few shops and a park/library. Just birds mostly, the occasional cat or dog. Even the zoo got boring although I've been a thousand times but there's not much to see, it's not big. It's rural and the wildlife there's cows and birds, horses but it's a drive to see the cows and horses. it's small and boring where I live specifically but it's quiet which I like. Most of the time anyway unless the neighbours are being loud but I just put music on when that happens

What’s a controversial opinion you have?

jazzyazul’s Profile PhotoJazzyAzul
Fireworks shouldn’t be sold for personal use. They should only be used at events, in open spaces on bonfire night.
It just annoys me how much they affect animals, not just dogs but small animals like rabbits, guinea pigs and then horses in fields too and also wildlife. They don’t understand that you wanna watch pretty colours in the sky, they are just startled.
Also you always get kids or young people getting hold of them and setting them off wrong or acting irresponsibly while using them.
I also just don’t see the fascination tbh. A bright light and a bang, wow 😅

What is the ideal holiday destination for you? 🏖️ 🌴 🍹 🏄 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᏖᏋᏁᏗፈᎥᎧᏬᏕ ᏖᎧᎷᎷᏗᎩ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I love going somewhere with plenty of diving opportunities! Sure, walking through historic city streets is always nice but I do so almost every day where I live. Diving with sea turtles in Australia was one of the highlights of my life and travelling down under gave me plenty of other opportunities to see various other kinds of wildlife! Like koalas, kangaroos and penguins. It's still the coolest place I've been to and I wouldn't mind travelling there again 🇦🇺
What is the ideal holiday destination for you

What kind of wildlife is most common in your area, and which one is considered a problem? We have foxes, wolves, nonvenomous house snakes, deer, polecats, frogs, green lizards. However, the only species considered problematic is the fox as most people in rural/farm areas raise animals that are prey.

eastern grey kangaroos, wallabies, australian magpies, cockatoos, rosellas, eastern brown snakes, brushtail possums, wild rabbits. probably more. the snakes and the kangaroos are the problematic ones.

What kind of wildlife is most common in your area, and which one is considered a problem? We have foxes, wolves, nonvenomous house snakes, deer, polecats, frogs, green lizards. However, the only species considered problematic is the fox as most people in rural/farm areas raise animals that are prey.

The area I live has some of the most spectacular and internationally recognised habitats and wildllife in the country. It would be too long to name all of them, but I think foxes are the most problematic due to parasites.

You discover a new inhabitable planet, describe it! What’s it's name? How does it look from space? What's the climate like? What wildlife and vegetation can one expect to see? 👩‍🚀✨

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I welcome you to Irilia! From space, it appears glowingly blue. Not only cause it's completely covered in oceans, at the surface lays a thick layer of bioluminescent algae. Said layer is so thick, that almost no sunlight seeps through into the depths below. With the light from the algae not being as sufficient as pure sunlight, it gets dark quick as you dive down. Due to the planet being on the closer end of the goldilock zone, the water is surprisingly warm for the lack of sunlight. The darkness doesn't mean the planet is lifeless, far from it. Like the algae above, many of the creatures and vegetation which inhabit Irilia glow intensively, in various different colors to keep themselves distinct and to try and trick predators. One of these predators, appear almost as big sea serpents, but with three sails along it's body which glow in a striking red color 🌌
And to answer your follow up question, "How would you promote said planet to encourage others to settle there? 📺📡📄":
I don't think I'd necessarily encourage people to settle there, maybe as a quirky vacation retreat! The people visiting would be living in large underwater resorts, with thick glass to keep them safe from the beautiful yet deadly creatures lurking in the waters outside! But from there, they could take in all the sights!It's too dangerous to go out and hunt for supplies outside, so a secure shuttle has been constructed to freight people and goods from the surface to the resorts 😬
I have answered a similar question before, since I still like that concept I came up with then, I'll link it here: https://ask.fm/TobbeAsks/answers/170304697977?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=android

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You discover a new inhabitable planet describe it Whats its name How does it

Steckt eine Geschichte hinter dem Namen deines demigods?

somewhatunpretentious’s Profile PhotoHitchhiker
Ihr Dad ist Wildlife Biologe und Hobby Bear Grylls 😂 Ich habe mich also gefragt, was so ein Mann für Namen auswählen würde und wollte sie zuerst nach einem der zig National Parks der USA benennen. Leider gaben die entweder nicht so viel Namensenergie her (hello, Death Valley Mercier lol), entsprachen einfach nicht meinem Geschmack oder basierten auf verschiedenen Native American Personen/-Gruppen. Da ich mit Sable keinen Charakter schreibe, der nur irgendeine dieser Herkünfte hat, wollte ich sie nicht einfach random „Sequoia“ oder so nennen und das war’s dann. Wenn ich einen Native Charakter gemacht hätte, hätte ich dann auch lieber richtig nach echten Namen geschaut, die in den jeweiligen Gruppen vergeben werden.
„Sable“ passt meiner Meinung nach aber immer noch, da es das englische Wort für Zobel ist, die sehr cute sind :D und es wird traditionell als weiblicher Name vergeben, also auch nichts total abwegiges.

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Steckt eine Geschichte hinter dem Namen deines demigods

When talking about environmental sustainability in urban planning, what are some the key things you’d change if you could? 🌿🌳

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
What we've often talked about during our lectures is the importance of "green and blue" corridors i.e greenery and waterways which allow wildlife to safely traverse and thrive within cities. So I think we should take the overall ecosystem more into consideration in urban planning. This also goes for the quality of green spaces. A well kept lawn may be good for human activity but not so much for biodiversity. Local fauna thrives when greenery is allowed to grow freely 🌷🐝
When talking about environmental sustainability in urban planning what are some

Are you a city person or a country person?

I will forever and always be a country girl!
I have grown up in the countryside. I have a strong connection to nature! So being in a city is not something that comes naturally to me. I find cities quite intrusive and overbearing a lot of the time. I can stay in cities, but it will never stop the longing for open fields and wildlife :)
Are you a city person or a country person

What kind of wildlife do you see where you live? You have a favorite of those animals? 🦆🦔🐰

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I live near mountains, creeks, and the coast, so I see LOADS!
I think my favorite are ducks with their cute little waddles 🤗
Sharks are rare to see, but I love them too!
Other than those, we get lizards, snakes, coyotes, mountain lions (usually when there's a wildfire we'll see a couple wandering the streets), rabbits, frogs, turtles, squirrels, hawks, owls, dolphins, whales, fish, and a whole lot of bugs!

What's your favorite zoo animal?

I had been to a lot of zoos, including Taif zoo, Riyadh, Manila, and Qassim. No cap.
I had been there I saw it all, no cap on this.
Dude, after reflecting on this, and recalling my memories, these animals were dead inside, with no soul left out of them, lions hardly roar, had no energy, had no fun, they killed all the enjoyment they once had.
Like a savage, undomesticated beast, need to be watched every second of the day lest at any moment will animalistic instincts should take over, and need to be caged or put down all the time.
The experience of being harassed constantly by visitors and being put in cages, even among the most educated visitors.
Because at the end of the day they're not people; they're pure animals.
I dislike zoos, but I'd love to visit Serengeti National Park Tanzania, where it's open wildlife with no cages or bullying whatsoever.
It's on my list, maybe one day ☝️.

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Liked by: sha ༯

Would you rather live in the country or the city, and why?

in the city. I can't really explain it. I just love that there's always something going on in a big city. I love the ambiance. and I love watching city skylines at night. my ex boyfriend used to live in downtown Toronto and his apartment had such a beautiful view at night.
Moved from city to country 2 years ago and I'll never go back. No traffic, less ppl so stores are never busy. Stars and wildlife instead of noise and pollution
I grew up in the countryside; most of my childhood memories revolve around climbing up trees, getting lost in the mountain side, stealing my dad's car to speed down dirt roads and having no swimming skills whatsoever. I'm in my mid twenties now; I have been living in my country's capital for half a decade; I adapted to the city life quite easily. I am however faced with deciding whether to settle in this city or move back to the countryside. The city offers every needed service, proximity to the sea and a variety of personalities to explore and befriend. But knowing and remembering the countryside (despite its lack of commodities), it offers a level of serenity I could not find elsewhere anywhere else. But, on a day-to-day basis, more of my practical needs are satisfied in an urban environment. I have more greater variety of employers, food sources, and housing choices. I have more reliable utilities and communication. I have a shorter commute to work, school, errands, family, friends, library, post office, museums, entertainment venues, etc. I have better and faster access to emergency services (police, fire, hospitals). Literally everything I need is available, closer and easier, in an urban area. Overtime, if and when you have kids, when you age and need more medical attention and services, there is more available in an urban area.
I've since settled in the suburbs after meetingy wife. Im not sure your familiarity with suburbs but they are essentially town surrounding city with easy public transport access to the city yet just a short drive to the country side. I love being so close to both, and because of that I wouldn't change where I live, but I frankly hate the actual suburbs. Every house in every neighborhood looks the same, and the roads are packed like city roads but the scenery is nothing but Walmarts and Pep Boys. That last paragraph was probably more American centric, but if you have the option to rent and it is easier to do in the city, I would recommend renting and living the city life for a few years. At some point you will either decide to stick with it or settle in the country.
Country for sure. But somewhere near a large city for swifter access to hospitals and similar in case of an emergency. After having lived in both environments I've found I hate traffic, I'm not fond of having too many neighbors, and I like having acreage to grow a large garden and work on my other outdoor projects.

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Do you act more like your mum or your dad? In what way? 👍 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᏖᏋᏁᏗፈᎥᎧᏬᏕ ᏖᎧᎷᎷᏗᎩ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Both are very impatient which has unfortunately been inherited 😆. However both also have a frank, often dark sense of humour which I'm thankful for; doubt I'd have survived my 20s if I couldn't laugh at some situations
I also share dad's love of wildlife & mum's love of films & plants

Do you like to watch wildlife documentaries? I find them interesting, I love reading about them, but I can't watch them really. I'm too sensitive, I can't stand seeing a deer being mauled by lions and stuff like that. I love to see animals in cute and lovely contexts only.

Oh god, this is exactly like me! I do like to watch wildlife documentaries, but if anything like that came on I would just skip past it. I know it's nature, but I'm so sensitive to it. I don't like to see any living being hurt. ☹️
Liked by: Amy Livi;

Do you like to watch wildlife documentaries? I find them interesting, I love reading about them, but I can't watch them really. I'm too sensitive, I can't stand seeing a deer being mauled by lions and stuff like that. I love to see animals in cute and lovely contexts only.

I feel the same way as you do - it’s the only reason I seldom watch them. I adore animals and the natural world, but as you say, do I really want to watch a baby antelope get abandoned by it’s mother because it has a lame leg, to only then watch it eventually get captured (and worse) by a predator? No not really, it’s too upsetting 😅

Do you like to watch wildlife documentaries? I find them interesting, I love reading about them, but I can't watch them really. I'm too sensitive, I can't stand seeing a deer being mauled by lions and stuff like that. I love to see animals in cute and lovely contexts only.

Oh my dude, don't move to the countryside 😅 It's one of the "laws" out here - where you have livestock, you get dead stock. Illness happens, the elements happen, predators happen. You can't save them all.

Do you like to watch wildlife documentaries? I find them interesting, I love reading about them, but I can't watch them really. I'm too sensitive, I can't stand seeing a deer being mauled by lions and stuff like that. I love to see animals in cute and lovely contexts only.

I do :)
I tend to watch David Attenborough documentaries! They're full of lovely filmography of animals, but not so much the circle of life.
But in general I find nature and wildlife documentaries fascinating :3
Do you like to watch wildlife documentaries I find them interesting I love

Were you inspired by the Jubilee Beacons so went outside and lit a candle in your garden? 🏡🕯️

I'm not gonna lie, I haven't been paying any attention to the Jubilee. I'm working throughout most of it lol
As for candles in my garden, because of Sooty, as well as the variety of other wildlife we get, we don't have candles etc.
It's likely any outdoor lighting would get damaged. Plus with our neighbour's freaking flood light, there's no point lol
Were you inspired by the Jubilee Beacons so went outside and lit a candle in

What are u studying for

I’m in school to earn my Associates degree (Science - for Veterinary Technician) right now!!
Once I graduate, I can sit for the VTNE to become a licensed Veterinary Technician.
(I’ll have to take a state licensing exam too bc NC is rude like that).
I was thinking about doing a Bachelors in Wildlife Biology afterward???
We’ll see!! I always wanted to specialize in large animal veterinary medicine.. But wildlife rehabilitation and zoo vet med sound neat too.

Is there a famous person you have tremendous amounts of respect for? Why? 🤩🤔

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I thought of Angelina Jolie when I first read this question. She has done lots of good things with fame and fortune. After she did tomb raider she visited a bunch of countries providing help to people who were in need as well as donating money. When she adopted her first child, she wanted to keep some ties with his heritage by buying a house over there. It was next to their national park which had been overrun with poachers. She got to work buying the land and turned it into a wildlife sanctuary. There's so many good things that she's done, she's definitely a woman I have a lot of respect for. 💓

Would you ever get a tattoo?

Yes, I'm actually booked in for this weekend! I'm having my wildlife sleeve extended, and this time my tattoo artist is working on the fox. I'm excited for it, but I'm not looking forward to sitting there in pain for a good eight hours. I've bought some numbing cream this time, but still it's going to be so boring. I might end up falling asleep. 😂

If you lived in Middle-Earth, who'd you be, where'd you live and what'd you do? 🏰🧝‍♂️🧙‍♂️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I'd definitely be one of the elves, I'd live in Lothlórien because damn it's pretty, and I'd be like a ranger of sorts, I'd look after the surrounding nature and wildlife

Who is someone you have utmost respect for and what is it about that person that makes you esteem them so highly?

Sir David Attenborough :)
Purely for all his work and teachings about our world! The wildlife, as well as the awareness he tries to raise!
Who is someone you have utmost respect for and what is it about that person that

Apart from the zoo/safe environment, have you had any close interactions with wild animals? Did any sightings amaze you? 🦘🦓🦒🦍🦄

n11shake’s Profile PhotoShake
🦊 🦅 🦉 Other than foxes, hawks, and owls (I do recall seeing a lovely snowy owl once at night, perched on a fencepost), not really. There’s not much exciting wildlife hereabouts other than that which I’ve mentioned.

Language: English