

Ask @BrightTegu

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The simpler answer is to send Alieda out with K'zala or Sho'ka doing chores like cleaning Ur'shal's many bloodsoaked garments. The more time associated in public with the chieftains mates the better, and it'll help her feel safer (the most important bit)

Ur'shal does get blood on a lot of his stuff, it's true.

Oh man, the mind wanders to strange places during showers, no doubt partially because of my perversion, I just thought up a way of fluffing futa into your setting in a way that can imo seem natural/fitting/etc.

Eh, I'll pass, I do enjoy a good futa, but I just don't really want them in this setting.

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I suppose not knowing orcish might also make it hard to get an orc to back off by telling them you're the chieftain's.

Might indeed.

So what you're saying is, if someone touches our waifus, the appropriate reaction would be to react like /tg/ always reacts when we think someone is touching our waifus?

It's a warrior culture, so yes, if someone tries to dick your woman (without your permission, if you're into that sort of thing), the appropriate reaction is to remove his dick.

Would it be reasonable to make a system where if someone wears a certain item of clothing they're automatically considered the chief's slave? Like a poncho/necklace/scarf/hat/something distinct? Or maybe a tattoo?

That could work, certainly.

So what you're basically saying is, the appropriate reaction would be tying him up, claiming his slaves/mates us our own and taking them in front of him, then humiliating him in combat, torture(?), and execution?

That would probably be considered a reasonable reaction, though they might wonder why you were humiliating him in combat after you'd tied him up.

Is orcs not remembering whose slave someone is the result of them not recognizing them + not listening to/understanding their claims of belonging to someone else or would walking around become safe for Aleida as soon as the conclusion "human -> most likely a communal slave" becomes less reasonable?

Probably not, but right now she doesn't trust them, and honestly it's entirely possible that an orc might make that mistake. Orcs don't always think things through all that hard when they see something good to fuck.

Would a severe beating and exile for an orc who raped our slave be appropriate punishment? Or maybe the exile is too much for just a slave? I'm pretty sure raping a mate would be more on the level of execution though.

For raping the personal slave of a chieftain? A member of the chieftain's harem no less.
Most orcs would consider any lesser punishment than death to be a sign of weakness.

(>She doesn't entirely trust Ur's clan to remember that she's the chieftain's property only.) Well, at least she can't be accused of being stupid. It sounds like she already has a firm understanding of Orcish nature.

Lucky for her orcish nature isn't all that complicated.

THEY CAN'T STOP ME FROM POSTING GOBLIN TITS! EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO GOBLIN TITS! But okay, maybe I will stop FOR A WHILE, until I figure out how to do it without too much risk.

You need to kidnap moot and force him to create a /gt/ board.

>tfw looking up a good VPN or proxy is too difficult after sleeping 4 hours only I guess I will miss today's Xenocide quest then, a shame, but tomorrow ends my ban.

Remember not to celebrate your unbanning by posting more goblin tits and getting another one.

It's logical that a male orc would have more children than a female. Did Y'zagya's lifestyle compensate for this, and so one is more likely to have her as an ancestor than any other specific male orc?

Y'zagya Zoka's lifestyle did do a lot to compensate for this. It is however pretty unlikely that your orcs have more than a vague connection to Y'zagya Zoka's bloodline, if any at all. She was a pirate queen far to the south-east of where you are based, and while her worship spread quickly (can't imagine why!) her descendants are still mainly focused on the southern island nations.

Did Y'zagya's lifestyle make up for the fact that she could only have children every couple months compared to males, and so one is more likely related to her than a given male ancestor?

I don't entirely understand the question.

Has Aleida been making friends and talking to fellow slaves and some of the more chill and laid back orc women outside of our harem? Or is she not quite comfortable doing that just yet?

She's still not entirely comfortable being away from the tent, you get the feeling that she doesn't entirely trust all of Ur's clan to remember that she's the chieftain's property only.

Do orcs like to play strategy games like Chess or Go? Or are games like that too cerebral and boring for them?

No, they'd get bored pretty quickly.

Have any orcs tried to internalize the teachings of both Kul'zog Zor and Zol'gor Tor? It seems to me that it's not a question of which god is the better war god, but rather that you have to be able to determine which gods approach is better for any given tactical and strategic scenario.

Certainly, this is one of the reasons why many of the most renowned warlords of history were not priests or otherwise dedicated to a single orc deity. They understood that they needed to make use of all kinds of warfare to achieve their goals.

So it wouldn't have been surprising to find a couple royal chefs among orcish slaves before the fall? Are chefs primarily male in this setting too?

It wouldn't have been that unusual, no.
Chefs aren't necessarily male, that's more of a cultural thing which would vary depending on where you went. Of course a male slave would probably get more time to actually cook!

>For the glory of Ya'zada. Did the shaman say this because he was a fan of Kul'zog Zor and he thought Ya'zada was such a perfect practitioner of his way?

The shaman had some issues regarding Ya'zada.

I can just imagine some tribes having some mustard-like thing literally too strong to go bad, as it'd just kill any bacteria or fungus trying to use it as nourishment, or maybe some bell pepper paste resembling paprika.

Yes, that's the sort of stuff orcs like.

Did orcs have something resembling high gastronomy? I assume being in the wastes kind of made it impossible, but how varied/advanced/etc. was orc gastronomy before the fall? Varies by clan/place?

Orcs never really had a whole lot of fancy cooking, what they did have generally involved incredibly unsubtle powerful flavors and strong spices to the extent that it was somewhat painful for non-orcs to consume, not to mention eating poisonous things for the kick (and to prove how tough they were).
What things they eat would depend on area, and would generally consist of any animals they hunted or fished, along with berries, nuts and other plants gathered or harvested by slaves.
Powerful orcs who wanted something a little fancier to eat, or just wanted to show off, would often try to claim a skilled chef of one of the other races as a slave.

Did Zol'gor Tor keep his weapon from his life after ascending, or does he favor those types of weapons still at all? I think he had a magic sword, right? An instakill one, I think?

Zol'gor Tor's blade is still out there somewhere, he didn't take it with him.


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