

Ask @BrightTegu

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(>Ku'zag is about as close to a father figure to Ur as most orcs expect) So has Ur'shal been pestering Ku'zag with questions since he was a lad?

Pretty much, Ur was a precocious little scamp.

So when are we going to "negotiate" with Lokasi to find something she can do and enjoy?

I dunno, after you get back to camp, probably after the timeskip now since I'd rather not drag that out any longer.

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Thred wen?

Golem Knight tomorrow, Orc Warlord most likely thursday, Disciple of Elshhu friday or saturday.

How would you fluff these fluffbins? Stories Ku'zag told littler Ur'shal as he was growing up or something? I forgot, was Ku'zag a father figure to Ur'shal

Pretty much, yeah, these are things Ur heard from Ku'zag in the past.
I guess Ku'zag is about as close to a father figure to Ur as most orcs expect.

>I'm sure you can, any slave(s) in particular you'd like to see starring in that one? Same anon here. Don't really have much a preference, though Ashuris and Lokasi for sure.

Okay. I'm sure I brought up a Sho'ka x Ashuris scene at some point in the past, I'll see what I can do.

Any chance of a short stack halfling milf riding the Ur'shal express at some point? Because Vera Tolman out of InCase's Alfi series is superfine.

Halflings don't actually exist in OWQ, sorry anon. You may have to settle for a goblin milf.
>Because Vera Tolman out of InCase's Alfi series is superfine.
Very true.

Apart from Durna, are there any other goddesses who could match Y'zagya Zoka in her degeneracy?

There's some other gods of perversion, depravity and such out there, Ur doesn't know of any other specifically though.

For smut how about some erotic dream sequences where Ur'shal's harem are different races? Half-orcAleida! might be fun to see getting her freak on.


For smut, aside from the omake with Ur'shal hooking up with a different mate after taking over the Stonetusks, could we also get some smut along the line's of 'A day in the life of'? I'd like to see not only what A'ska, Zik'yi and Ul'kaza get up to, but also the other orc women in the clan as well.


>Fey find it easy to enter dream realms Neat! Next time a cultist, sorcerer, or god tries some shadow realm dream bullshit we can have backup! ... Because Vaki doesnt seem to sleep. Qt Vakimakura pls.

Fey generally don't sleep, unless they're a kind of fey that thinks it should sleep of course.

How many kinds of elves does Ur know of?

The jungle elves obviously, as well as the elves of the Solar Enclave, which helped wipe out the orcish kingdom, who are fair skinned (sometimes with a greenish tint) and tend towards hair in shades of browns and greens. He also knows just from passing comments from Ku'zag about the elves of the north, who inhabit the Jotun Empire and the Demonweald, who are pale, blonde-haired and tend to have a somewhat frosty look to them. He knows other kinds exist, like some elven race which lives entirely underground, and another which lives in volcanic wastelands, but he doesn't know any details about them.

Are elves descended from some special fae? What do they worship? Would an orc+fae have "stronger" traits than an orc+elf?

Elves are descended from many different kinds of fey, though usually fey of the graceful and ephemeral variety. An orc+fae would indeed have "stronger" traits than an orc+elf, but fey are hard to keep captive and don't exist in great numbers, so you would have a far more limited supply of fey mothers to birth magically potent whelps from.

Why is elven lifespan so variable?

Because of their fey blood, their immortality is a result of that, but over time their magical blood can start to fail them, and when it does, mortality catches up hard.
It has been noted that many of the elves who make to to particularly old age are sorcerers, priests and the like, and one popular theory is that channeling arcana helps keep their fey blood going.

And building on that, wouldn't tall elves/short elves also exist? Are the Slaugh related to the fae as well or some kinda debased elf descendant?

Some elven races are taller or shorter than others, yes.
Sluagh are descended from elves, the great epic of the Sluagh, which is a popular book in many civilized lands, tells their history as an elven culture that was banished from the mortal realm and spent centuries wandering the realms beyond, dream realms, divine realms, even the cronelands themselves. The strange magics over time started to influence them, and the end result by the time their exile ended was the Sluagh you see today.

Why the hate towards the Crow People, anon?

Maybe he's worried that a culture of vicious warriors and raiders who worship brutal and unforgiving gods might not mesh well with your own orcish culture...

Do all hunts equally please Tak'zaya Ska(dependig on difficulty of prey, of course) or are there ways to make hunting X more pleasing than it otherwise would be? Would we need to ask Vor'zal about this?

Tak'zaya Ska likes two kinds of hunt, the kind where you hunt a prey animal which is particularly cagey and hard to catch, and the kind where you pit your wits and strength against an apex predator. Generally she prefers both kinds of hunt to end with the devouring of the creature's heart.
Basically, make it 'fair', don't bring many people, and unless it's something you definitely can't take down alone, she would expect you to hunt it solo. Don't use magic to do something like just burn down a whole forest to chase it out, because that shit just ain't hunting in Tak'zaya Ska's mind. Things like that.

When we eventually reach this demon weald place we're gonna have to exterminate with extreme prejudice. Burn the whole forest to the ground. Salt the land. No males slaves, and probably very few female ones. Zol'gor Tor style.

Good luck.

Thanks for that new quest, was a nice bit of fun. Hope to see it more often

When possible I hope to do one thread of each quest a week. Look out for it on fridays or saturdays.
Glad you enjoyed it.

How would those "poisonous trees of the weald" compare to what is found in the wastes? Do you pronounce "weald" as "wield"?

Plenty of the trees are just creepy rather than deadly, but some of the demonweald's trees are pretty toxic, either their sap, bark or fruit.
In some rare cases they're so poisonous that even standing underneath one can be potentially deadly.
and yeah, it's pronounced the same as wield.

I ju wanna say thank you.

You are more than welcome, anon, and thank you for taking the time to play my quests.

Why would we negotiate with manbat if we don't even get loot?

Who says you won't get loot after you're done drinking?


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