

Ask @BrightTegu

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It honestly feels like it's usually just me and maybe 1 or 2 other guys submitting stuff to your ask page, but then we occasionally get the butthurt autists who rage at you instead of the players. It's strange.

Beats me, In well over a thousand questions I've received maybe 2 or 3 which weren't anonymous.

I love how during the celebration, I assume Ur took Ya'zada the hardest, considering that she was barely conscious when he was done with her. That's what such top tier girls deserve.

Ur's helping her make up for all those D-less years, that's for sure.

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(And for the record, I am rather fond of the cock starved muscle milf myself.) So too am I, we must rectify her cock hunger in the future as soon as possible.

Good to see gentlemen of fine taste on my ask.

Basically, Ya'zada would have gone commissar with a battleaxe. And instead we got the appalling mess you heaped at our feet, you should have gone with your idea instead.

When one fights shitmonsters, one must expect appalling messes.
I think Sun Tzu said that.

(>I'm probably more fond of Ya'zada as a character than many of the players are) May I ask in what way are you fond of Ya'zada as a character? Was there any particular inspiration that led to her creation? (And for the record, I am rather fond of the cock starved muscle milf myself.)

No particular inspiration that comes to mind, though I'm sure there are some subconscious ones. I knew that Ur needed at least one orcish musclewaifu, and as I was thinking about the idea of two warring clans Ur had to bring together, Ya'zada just kind of developed on her own.

probably not for the next couple of threads though, for obvious reasons. Your the one at the helm, only reasons would be because you don't make the threads content and story chill.

I'm sure there are numerous slice of life quests you could go play if you want something which is non-stop comfy.
Orc Warlord Quest has its chill threads, but it is still a quest about being an orc warlord, so there's always going to be a lot of conflict to deal with. Suddenly switching to a chill thread next thread would be incredible jarring and contrived given that at the end of the latest thread Ur was missing and Ya'zada was passed out from her injuries.
I would say for you to trust me to make the resolution of these issues interesting, but I'd imagine that will result in more tearful accusations of me destroying the players' trust and being the worst person ever.

Anon plz, you've been at this since before I woke up this morning That was my first ask sent your way, so thanks for lumping me in with the rest and insulting me.

No problem.

>order would have already collapsed That's why I said "REESTABLISH order"

At a certain point there is simply no reestablishing order. By the time you'd brought Rik out you would have passed that point.

What would the DC have been for the Ya'zada fight/reestablishing order if Rik had been there?

By the time you had recovered the shell from Ur, given it to Ashuris and had her chant out the command words order would have already collapsed.

>not sure that really constitutes a vote for it though I vaguely recall you dropping in and correcting anons when they say untrue stuff while planning/theorizing in the past, had you done that, the fight would have turned out different.

I do when I notice inconsistencies, but unfortunately I am not omnipotent, and there were a hella lot of posts coming in in those threads.

Sorry your getting all the hate. Really love your stuff, love the story and characters. All the rage should just remind you that you really made them all care, and you should be proud of that.

Thanks anon.
It is good to see people so invested in my quest, really wasn't expecting it when I started out in the first place.

What woulda been the reestablish order in blood bit idea? Impromptu amputation?

Ya'zada would have straight up taking the head off the mouthy orc and told the rest that they could either follow her orders and fight the shitmonsters, or try and go through her.
The panicking orcs would have decided that the first option sounded preferable.
Basically, Ya'zada would have gone commissar with a battleaxe.

Ah, just to be clear, I'm pretty sure I'm the one who anon is referring to as waifud Ya'zada", sice I was the one to freak out about the gaunt incident a bit, but I'm not the one who's lashing out at you.

The dice do seem determined to make Ya'zada have a bad time, that's for sure.
Shame really, I had a really great post idea all planned out for if you'd succeeded on the "re-establish order in blood" roll.
Anyway, hope you continue to enjoy the quest, anon.

Man, reading these comments, makes me more ashamed than usual to be "a part" of the /tg/ community. For what it's worth I enjoyed the thread as always, "we" made a bad decision and got hit with the consequences, seems fair to me. Keep up the good work Warlord-kun.

I wouldn't blame the /tg/ community as a whole, plenty of other people seem to feel the same way you do.
Thanks anon.

Don't worry, all the hate is just players being angry at other players and taking it out on you. Although from the looks of it seems like you pissed of the one guy who is waifuing Ya'zada by making him think she's dead. I think he's the one who was spamming the whole "never trust you again" bullshit

I'd say I'm probably more fond of Ya'zada as a character than many of the players are, so the accusations that I've always had it in for her and want to get rid of her are kind of funny.

Don't worry Warlord. You handled the entire situation correctly. I was the first person to suggest the 1v4 and that was our fault. Ur got his ass beat for being stupid, nothing more. Also would Ya'zada earn favor from either of the war gods or the survival god for her actions/the poison?

Maybe so, she certainly stepped up after Ur went down.

>Anon, plz. If that's how easy it was for me to lose your trust, then maybe you never trusted me to begin with. I need to use that in a relationship.

I draw on smut quests and their QMs for all of my relationship advice.
Police haven't caught me yet.

>Those two threads were fucking terrible, were not fun to read or participate in, and will taint many more threads to come because of the shit you forced down our throats. This man is a Liar. Also, "shit" tehe.

That fight would have been a whole lot worse if I'd had the shitmonsters try to force their way down your throats, that's for sure.

I mean obviously Vaki is gonna return Ur perfectly healthy and sound from a trip to Faeland. He'll have all kinds of tourist swag, like mugs and flags and stuff.

He will return wearing an "I went to a realm of madness and dreams and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" shirt.

I guess we can have a chill thread where Ur heals and discusses slave policy.

I'm sure you can sooner or later, probably not for the next couple of threads though, for obvious reasons.

What are Skor'oz Zik priests like in combat? While they probably don't have the raw power of a Kul'zog Zor priest, the rat cunning of a Zol'gor Tor priest or the shape shifting abilities of a Tak'zaya Ska priest, I'd imagine that they probably wouldn't be pushovers.

They tend to be very tough to kill, and very adept at using their surroundings to their advantage.
Their magic also allows them to attack from very unexpected directions, like lying in wait under burning hot sand at midday in a desert, or swimming through stormy seas to climb aboard a boat and slaughter the crew.

(I will seize this opportunity. Praise the gods.) And thus, another man falls victim to Ror'shak and her miscegenation fetish.

No dicks are safe.


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