

Ask @BrightTegu

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Orcish Senate yea or nay? Seats for vassal states as well

You can try whatever you want, as long as enough people in the thread agree.

Has there ever been any intra-pantheon cooperation? Not just with orcs but in general? Also are there any gods solely there to combat The Abyss?

Sure, the pantheons generally hate each other but they'll team up against more deadly threats. The Human and Elven pantheon have united against the Giant gods, the Dwarven and Giantish ones once united against the Sluagh gods, and most deities have put aside their issues at some point in the past to battle the Abyss.
There are several deities out there who focus on battling the Abyss, none of them have big official followings since they tend to be very driven and demanding deities not suited for peaceful civilian worship, but all of them have militant or secret orders to do their will and are generally bad people to get on the wrong side of.

How is Zul'rok Zhar a dick to Divine Servants? I don't recall seeing that mentioned.

Zul'orok Zhar has a special hate for non-orcish extra-planar entities which mess with orckind. His priests have a lot of spells to ward off, banish, harm or destroy Divine Servants among other things.

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>Ku'zag has Heartblood Might, Sanctify Birth and Summon lesser Ira. What does casting these spells entail and why hasn't he been doing these as much as possible?

Heartblood Might involves actually going out on a hunt, which is something Ku'zag isn't really up to any more.
Sanctify Birth is something he has been casting on all pregnant females in the clan, it's just been in the background.
Summon Lesser Ira doesn't require anything special, but Ku'zag would have to be present personally at the battle to command the Ira.

>The, uh, regular way, I'm asking what that is for orcs in the wastes. Buckets? Skin/bladder? Giant carts? I'm thinking of how hard it would be to bring a significant amount of water from the forest, sihce you said we'd start having problems with it sometime in the future.

No giant carts, the wasteland is too rocky and uneven for wheels.
You will either have to figure out something new, or move closer to sources of water.

Are you working on the pastebins one at the time, or working a bit on each before switching? How many do you plan to make/finish before revealing one? Are you spending more time on them since you don't have the pressure of being fast like during threads? Don't reveal content, keep it a surprise, eh?

Slowly but surely working on them. Sadly real life is determined to keep me from having the free time for important stuff like writing orc smut.

Has Urr figred out that his scar is now an abyss sensor? >My abyss sense is tingling, there's abyssal things nearby!

Ur's a smart lad, he doesn't know why of course, but he's certainly aware that his scar starts acting up around abyssal stuff.

How does one transport water? Are there spells to make water? Is the ability/difficulty of a certain arcane spell dependent on thee spell's innate level/complexity/difficulty, or is here an affinity and personal level thing involved as well?

>How does one transport water?
The, uh, regular way.
>Are there spells to make water?
It's likely. None of your spellcasters know them, though Ku'zag is aware of the existence of a Skor'oz Zik ritual to call rain.
The difficulty of a spell is based on its level and its basic difficulty, which is why you want higher levels of the Divine Arcana or Sorcerous Arcana skill to give you bonuses to counterbalance the difficulty.

Could Ya'zada have beaten the parasite by chopping its head off from behind while it was still in Gro'kal form?

It's possible.

I assume 6 humans aren't enough to register for "bigger and better sacrifices"? Could they sacrifice Tonguerippers, or does Ylugri want nothing to do with the abyss?

No, Ylugri would prefer quality over quantity.
He wants nothing to do with the Abyss either, besides, the souls of the Tonguerippers already belong to the Abyss, so Ylugri would get nothing from the sacrifice.

What pleases Ylugri? Bigger and better sacrifices? Sticking it to the other Giantish gods?

Bigger and better sacrifices, monuments to his greatness, and yes, humiliating and crushing the giants and sticking it to their gods.

>Yes, into the realm of it having supernatural effects on people who look at her. What do we need to do to level Ashuris' Divine beauty?

It's a boon, which means it comes from the gods, specifically Ylugri in this case.
So if you want to improve it, you'll have to let Ashuris do things that will please Ylugri.

(>If there are any non-orc deities who respect his actions or appreciate what he did, then it hasn't been recorded in orcish myth) Would it be safe to say that even gods that combat the abyss have a strained relationship with Zul'orok Zhar, since he also does terrible things to divine servants?

Yes, though most pantheons have at best a strained relationship with each other.

When was the Abyss or its effect(s) first discovered? I assume at first its effect may have just been seen as a strange new disease before they realized that it was much, much worse, and entirely different in nature.

Even draconic myths and legends speak of the Abyss as something which had been around for as long as anyone remembers, so no-one knows when it was first discovered. Maybe reality was created with that sickness in the first place.

Any other panthon's god ever kicked the Abyss' ass as hard as Zul'orok Zhar did? How do other dieties(orc and nonorc) view him in general, and regarding his role in the fight against the Abyss? Did he ever bro it up with anyone? Any notable priest/favored of his? No need to spoil, just what Ur knows

There are many gods who have fought against the Abyss and battled Abyssal Lords. Also, just to be clear, Zul'orok Zhar did not "kick the Abyss' ass hard", he damn near died killing that Abyssal Lord.
As for your other questions, if there are any non-orc deities who respect his actions or appreciate what he did, then it hasn't been recorded in orcish myth.

Since Ur'shal has Enhanced Pheromones and Enhanced Fertility at level one, does that mean they can be leveled up? What can Fertility and Pheromones do at high levels? Could high levels of Enhanced Pheromones get Ur'shal into trouble, with his presence getting orc women that aren't his mates wet?

They can. At higher levels the influence of both simply gets more pronounced. More fertility means higher chance of impregnating anyone he dicks, and larger litter size. Higher level pheramones builds upon his natural orcish ability to get others addicted to him.
At high levels other orc females (and non-orc females) around him will certainly start to feel the effects, but it won't be uncontrollable by any means, Y'zagya Zoka isn't trying to screw you over.

On the character sheet you posted, Ku'zag has Heartblood Might, Sanctify Birth and Summon lesser Ira under boons and rituals. What do these rituals and spells do exactly?

Heartblood Might: Enhances physical abilities by drinking the heartblood of a ritually hunted beast. An important basic ritual in Tak'zaya Ska's religion.
Sanctify Birth: A Y'zayga Zoka ritual cast on pregnant females to reduce the likelihood of birthing complications and ensure the health of the child. Generally a shaman or priestess of Y'zagya Zoka will cast that on every pregnant female in the clan.
Summon Lesser Ira: Summons a minor Divine Servant of Kul'zog Zor, a fiery humanoid creature which is not only quite useful in a fight, but also inspires nearby orcs to greater feats of martial prowess.

Were there ever any female war gods?

For Orcs specifically? Yes, there's been a couple throught history, none in recent centuries though.
In general, yes, there's dozens of them.

It's happening to me as well.

How strange. Don't know what to tell you, I don't know how to fix it because it doesn't show up for me, even when I'm not logged in.

Something is fucked up in the docs about Tak'zaya Ska's favors, the number is not in line with the others before and after it. You should look into it, if you haven't already.

Hmm, how strange, it looks like it's in line when I check it.
If this is happening for anyone else, feel free to chip in.

So there are a bunch of neat spells and boons and such on the new character sheets, and we don't know what most of them do; is that something we're going to have to learn as the opportunity to use them arises, or is some kind of compendium forthcoming?

Compendium forthcoming.

What were Mul'orog Grul's domains before he became an Abyssal Lord? He was a war god, right? We already have two war gods; did one of them replace him when he fell, or did he embody a third aspect of orcish warfare?

He was a war god, yes. He predates Kul'zog Zor though, who rose to divinity a few decades after his death.
As for his domain, it was marginally similar to Kul'zog Zor but not quite. Kul'zog Zor is more about glory in battle, while Mul'orog Grul was more about mindless, unrelenting fury.

>From all this end-game talk, if Ur does manage to ascend, I suggest you don't hold a vote for it or anything, and just choose it yourself based on what happened in the quest and what you made Ur's character/personality like. I agree with this.

I wasn't intending to hold a vote, so you don't need to worry about that.

From all this end-game talk, if Ur does manage to ascend, I suggest you don't hold a vote for it or anything, and just choose it yourself based on what happened in the quest and what you made Ur's character/personality like.

Of course.

>Good luck, many gods before you have tried. It's not me who has to plan for it, not yet. You however must begin the long term planning for when we lead the Divince Orcish army against the Abyss. Hell maybe we'll maybe it a community event and invite some other pantheons over,

Good luck.


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