

Ask @BrightTegu

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You know same ole /tg/ meta threads about quest went about 700 posts

Seems like people are trying extra hard right now, perhaps in the hope of attracting mootwo's attention before they realize that he doesn't give a fuck and nothing whatsoever is going to change.

Howuch shit posting did you do in that Metathread yesterday?

Which metathread would that be? I was a little busy for shitposting yesterday.

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Was Ku'zag just being a grumpy old man when saw Aza'ra again and gave her lip, or was there genuine animosity upon seeing her again?

Ur didn't get the feeling of any actual hatred there, any more than Ku'zag's usual hatred of everything because he is old and grumpy.

Did Ku'zag's and Rak'zara's whelps know that their mother and father were also their aunt and uncle?

No reason they wouldn't have, Orcs don't really have taboos against that sort of thing after all.

When Aza'ra asked Ku'zag about when did he get so mouthy, I assume this means that Ku'zag was a lot quieter and less sure of himself when he was younger?

At that time he had not blossomed into the cranky old man you know today, it's true.

Does the Stonetusk clan have any hardcore nudists or exhibitionists that love putting on a show for their clanmates?

Most orcs like to show off their sexual prowess, the ones who don't like showing off are the unusual ones.

How does an orc go about getting to have sex with a Y'zagya Zoka priestess? Does he just have to ask her, or does he have to do some kind of favor for her first? Is there a waiting list?

There's no real set process for it. Y'zagya Zokan priestesses are pretty easy, obviously, so if an orc finds one with time to spare and she doesn't actively dislike him, just asking would probably do the trick. Of course being in a priestess' good books means you're more likely to be approached and asked to "assist" in religious rituals and ceremonies.

How many Y'zagya Zokan priestesses should a clan the size of the Stonetusks have, ideally? Can a clan have too many priestesses?

Your clan is only a couple hundred right now, so you could get by with one, after all, Ku'zag isn't even a full time Y'zagya Zokan priestess and he's (just barely) managing to find time to do the basics.

How much political power and influence can a Y'zgya Zokan priestess acquire in an orc clan? I'd imagine that very few orcs would want to end up on a priestess's shit list and that would give her considerable leverage.

Very true, considering what a central part of orcish society breeding and slaving is, Y'zagya Zokan priestesses can have a great deal of power in a clan. In the Reaver Isles it's an open secret that they're running the show, even if they aren't the ones openly ruling the clans.

We will be given the option to have Aza'ra be our next mate? Or do priests/priestesses usually not have partners?

The only priests/priestesses who usually don't have mates are priestesses of Y'zagya Zoka, and even that's not because of any religious prohibition against it, it's more because most male orcs don't want a mate who's banging half the clan during the course of her duties.

I would participate the fuck out of a quest about a warrior unic monk, who is just a beast of a martial artist. And who knows, maybe later down in the quest a Priestess of Y'zagya could then regrow his joke or something.

Maybe someday, anon.

Would an orc ver get bored/tired of sex? Is that what happened to Or'kug?

>Would an orc ver get bored/tired of sex?
Some can when they get very old, yes.
>Is that what happened to Or'kug?
Or'kug has a mate and a slave, he's not bored or tired of sex, he's just a bit more private and restrained than many of your orcs.

>not becoming a vagrant and seeking absolution from the gods through perfecting one's survival, combat, hunting, and sneaking skills Find new meaning in life, become an Orcish warrior monk. But yeah, poor orcs who lost their dicks are pretty fucked.

I'm not saying that that could never happen, but 99.9% of orcs would opt for the blaze of glory route.

Now you've made me wonder. Orcish urges can pretty much be simplified down to FUCK and KILL. What happens to an orc who has either in battle or surgically lost not just his/her fertility, but also his/her genitalia and erogenous zones? Go full transcendant monk dedicated to combat and balance etc.?

Remember how that one orc reacted to losing his arm? Imagine that reaction ramped up a hundred fold. With how central breeding and sexual prowess is to orcish culture, an orc who lost their fertility and genitalia would be viewed as barely an orc and treated with contempt (or at best pity by friends) and would most likely die trying to prove their combat prowess.

Do Ur'shal's pheromones smell like anything in particular to his mates and slaves? Or do his pheromones just subconsciously hijack their sex drives without them realizing what is affecting them?

Ur has a fairly standard orcish musk, if there is any change to his smell as a result of his boons, it's too subtle for orcs to notice it.

Can an orc who goes loses his mind and goes insane expect his clan to try and treat his madness? Or will they just put him out of his misery?

Depends on the extent of his madness and whether they have a method of treating it. If the madness couldn't be treated, and was causing problems for the clan, then yes, they would most likely put the orc out of his misery.

Are there other races/individuals out there similarly blessed to the gills in sex boons or who have natural sexual advantages? I can't imagine orcs have a monopoly on sex related stuff, otherwise they'd be too OP

Though no other race has one so central to their culture as to be worshiped worldwide the way that Y'zagya Zoka is, there are plenty of deities of varying power level around the world who gift their non-orcish followers with increased sexual prowess and the like.



When are we going to get smut with powerful orc female domming humans? Will throwining bills at the screen help?

When you have an unmated orcish female and a human powerful enough to garner her interest.

What skills does A'ska posses and use to serve and strengthen the Stonetusk Clan?

Aside from good, strong childbearing hips? She's a competent warrior, but spends more of her time overseeing the whelps and slaves.

Do Elf ears show the Elf's mood? Do Orc ears do? Do Goblin ears do? Do Sluagh ears do? If they do, what have Lokasi's ears been like since she has become a slave? Can you tell how well a communal slave is broken in by their ears? Can any of the races listed move their ears intentionally? How well?

None of the races have enough ear control to show mood through it. Elves (and sluagh by extension) do have highly sensitive ears however.


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