

Ask @BrightTegu

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I just caught up, Vaki is cute, we'll have to do a trade where we pay by killing the rotten man. I kind of don't want to make her pregnant though, fey are some weird shit, and I'm not sure if she would leave the river and if we could have the kids.

Who knows, there are certainly accounts of fey bearing the children of other races or impregnating other races, but as with most things involving the fey, it can vary from one fey to the next.

Do Y'zagya Zoka Priestesses have spells that would let expectant orcish parents choose the gender of their whelps?

Not that you are aware of.

>anything that lets you fight better >impractical use of time

Compared to other things you could be spending your time on, yes, trying to excel at something that you will never be good at is an impractical use of time.

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>not learning the theory behind every single fighting style and integrating what you can into a superior mosaic

Most orcs would consider trying to integrate elvish acrobatic tree fighting techniques into the fighting style of a 300+ lb slab of muscle to be an impractical use of time.

Lokasi didn't have any pre-slavehood elf friends(besides her lover I suppose)? How sad. Should start working on getting her out of her shell, her life doesn't have to be JUST sex, she should live a little. Weren't there some suggestions to learn her martial arts from her at some point?

>Weren't there some suggestions to learn her martial arts from her at some point?
Lokasi's fighting style really does not mesh well with most orcs who lack her acrobatic skills and flexibility.

You think that substitute teach is an amazon?

It was made pretty obvious as I recall, although I haven't reread that thread in a long time.

>tfw Joe introduces an Amazon >tfw it's a short blondie I'm not sure how to feel about this.

Well, that amazon who's teaching at our school is amazonian-looking, so I'm cool with this one being a short blondie.

Mind answering the last two questions of the Lokasi question?

Oh right, sorry.
Lokasi is very much keeping to herself, indeed unless you actively engage her she says very little and ignores everyone, so she does not really have friends, and no-one could be said to have "the best relationship" with her.
You aren't sure if this is an elven thing or just a Lokasi thing.

Have there been Y'zagya Zoka priestesses in Orcish history that would be considered legendary in both their magical power and skill, and their devotion to their goddess?

There have been a few pirate queens in the southern isles which would fit that description. Given the southern isles orcs and their pride in their Y'zagya Zoka heritage, it's one of the few places where an orc priest can rise to a position of leadership without upsetting too many orcs.

Will Ur'shal's whelps, and the whelps of our lieutentant's, be playing a role later on in this quest? Or are the adventures and antics of the future whelps beyond the scope of the story you have planned?

Not sure, they might well do though.

Does Asanagi draw the best ahegao faces?

Eh, I dunno, I'm partial to some Mizuryu Kei ahegao faces myself. Asanagi isn't bad though.

Why are inverted nipples so cute? See cedargroove's smitetits#4 pic for example.

I dunno, because it's like the nipples are shy or something I guess.

>Aurora didn't submit even after hours of orgasm denial, when she just had to ask for a creampie to find release Really? Damn, girl has some willpower.

Much like Inka, she's crazy intense about the subject of her obsession, must be a family thing.

What all has Lokasi been doing? Maybe getting her moving about, training/exercising would improve her mood? Maybe a visit back to the forest sometime so she can reluctantly enjoy showing Ur the wonders of the forest? Does she have friends in the camp? Which girl has the best relationship with her?

She's not being tied up anymore, but you still have the rest of your harem keeping an eye on her, so she isn't getting out much yet.

Considering it takes longer for ogres to deliver, does it also take longer for them to start showing signs/symptons of pregnancy? Like, if an orc and ogre got pregnant at the same time, it'd take longer for the ogre's pregnancy to be obvious? Is this the case wih elf, or does size take care of that?

It would take longer for an ogress to show, yes. In the case of an elf it will still take a while, considering how long the pregnancy is.

Has Ur refrained from creampie'ing Aurora like it was suggested? Or did she ask for it on her own already?

She hasn't asked for it.

I gottah know are you a assman or a boob man?

I enjoy both, and can appreciate boobs of many sizes, from sensitive dfc to giant jiggly milkbags.
However if I had to choose, a big, round, squeezable ass wins every time.

How did Sho'ka react/treat being pregnant? I forget. How did she react to Aleida bein pregnant? How did Lokasi and Ash react to Aleida being pregnant? Has Lokasi been being a good slave? How's Aurora's training progressing(I think you should do more scenes before she breaks, to avoid Lokasi mistake)

>How did Sho'ka react/treat being pregnant?
She's excited, even if Ur can tell that there is a slight frustration at it slowing down her opportunity to learn with Vor'zal.
>How did she react to Aleida being pregnant?
No particular reaction, you get the feeling she's biding her time until you knock up the ones who will react more.
>How did Lokasi and Ash react to Aleida being pregnant?
They both seem to be worried they'll be next. Although whether they're worried or "worried", who knows.
>Has Lokasi been being a good slave?
She's stubborn and sometimes sulky, but she has been behaving.
>How's Aurora's training progressing(I think you should do more scenes before she breaks, to avoid Lokasi mistake)
Aurora is proving a tough nut to crack. Physically, Ur hasn't found her all that hard to win over, her body reacts very well to his attention. Mentally on the other hand, her devotion to Slaagyr still persists, and Ur sees little sign of it crumbling. Something more dramatic is called for perhaps.
The promised scene from the celebration hasn't been forgotten, but you haven't broken her yet.

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Do orcs typically worry about wearing out their breeding slaves with constant pregnancy and birthing of whelps? Or are breeding slaves considered disposable?

Most orcs wouldn't worry about wearing out the communal slaves. As for an orc's harem slaves, that's really up to personal preference.

Would the milf gods blessing lessen the affect on women, or do you need a dedicated priest for that?

If you had a priestess of Y'zagya Zoka they could certainly assist with that, the blessing doesn't really help, since it's on affecting you, not them.

I think you've mentioned that women constantly birthing orc whelps non-stop will eventually wear them out. How long apart should pregnancies be to prevent this?

A couple of years ought to do it.

So Aleida is looking forward to having more kids right, has she mentioned that at all or is it just the way she's been acting lately

She hasn't said it, it's just Ur's guess from her mood.

Is it weird that I have literally no idea what this question was asking about? >How far in aee you with Yours? Chapter X? Any significant event yet? Is Pauline a cutie?

It's a reference to some smut another player linked in the quest several threads ago.


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