

Ask @BrightTegu

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Does getting bit by a Gaunt and surviving the abyssal parasite's attempt at possession inoculate an orc from the effects of further Gaunt bites?

No, not completely, people who have thrown off a possession tend to be a bit more resistant to future attempts though.

Would Ya'zada recognize the orcs who assisted her in her dreamscape if she saw them again? Or did the dream muddle their identities?

Ya'zada won't even remember the dream in a few hours, much like Ya'zar and his clanmates who survived forgot their fights with the abyssal parasites.
She's come out of it with something to show for it though, as you may see when I upload the new character sheets, which I just finished.

Would Skor'oz Zik have approved of Ya'zada carrying her clanmate with the broken leg inside the abyssal dreamscape? Does helping the injured offend him, since their being injured is evidence of weakness? Or is an orc who helps his clanmates, whatever the hardship that brings, pleasing to him?

Depends. Skor'oz Zik would be offended by an orc who coddled clanmates, making them weak, but he wouldn't necessarily disapprove (or approve) of someone helping out a clanmate when they got injured.
The one who got injured wouldn't get getting any favor from him though, that's for sure.

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This may be too spoilery, but I might as well ask. Would we have met the other gods if we had chosen their blessings during the dream?

Not all of them, no.
Y'zagya Zoka is just a fan of very personal blessings.

How scary does Y'zagya Zoka's regeneration blessings get at higher levels?

It can get pretty impressive if you really push it, reattaching limbs and such.

Is it normal to meet a gof when receiving their blessing, or was that just becaue Y'zagya Zoka wanted to fuck? Or was that part of the process of receiving her blessing, maybe?

It was more a case of the gods showing you that they were paying attention. Don't expect something so flashy every time.
In fact you have already gained favor many times with the gods, just not as noticeably as that one.

Would walking up to a mate/slave literaly covered/drenched in sweat after a hard work out turn them on from the smell?

Yeah, probably, unless they were particularly strong-willed and making an effort to resist.

How much of Harpy magic is innate? I mean, as a one-gendered race, they seem pretty magical already. Is the singing thing something only harpies can do, or can anyone learn?

Harpy magic is somewhat innate, yes.
There are certain schools of magic which have aped harpy magic, but actually copying it is impossible, most races just can't make the same sounds harpies can.

Correct me if I'm wrong, as far as magic is concerned, we have Ku'zag the coven Harpy(doesn't count) Vor'zal Halfdrawf

That's right.

What kinda tricks? Does she use those during sex?

Flashes of color, projecting her voice, causing light breezes.
Not really useful stuff in most situations, sex included.

Can Koz'rak's harpy slave do magic? (pls ignore previous question)

A few minor tricks, nothing useful, according to Koz'rak she really doesn't have the knack for it.

We have one warg and one crag lion in our camp now, as well as a bunch of juvenile stormhorns. How likely is it that the two predators are going to going to start antagonizing each other? How likely is it that we're going to wake up to find one of them in an empty stormhorn pen, looking oddly full?

Unlikely, Vor'zal and to a lesser extent Sho'ka tend to keep the Crag Lion in line, and keep an eye on the Stormhorns, and the old Warg is well trained and smart, so it won't be going around eating your other animals.

Because orc children are raised communally, I imagine they don't make a big deal about their ancestry; is the same true for their wargs, or do orcs prize them for their pedigrees? Are the pups of a particularly famous warg like Zayar more sought after, or is any likely-looking pup good enough?

Some orcish cultures have put a lot of effort into breeding bigger, scarier, meaner wargs, so yes, a descendent of Zayar would be prized. That said, it's hard since most orcs don't really maintain written records of their wargs ancestry, so there's plenty of orcs out there who would trade a warg to someone claiming that it's descended from Zayar.

What was the DC for convincing the 3rd orc to fight with us?

He was too far gone by a long shot. You can't save everyone.

Tell us some cool Warg stories, please, like you did of the female chief and the power of orc D, turning an assassin/spy into a double agent,

If you want to talk about Wargs, you have to talk about the Warg Lords who rule over the Kessel Veldt faraway beyond the Trader's Sea.
The Warg Lords are mighty orcs rule over great nomadic hordes of orcs who roam the endless veldt warring, hunting and trade with each other, and sometimes boiling forth from the veldt into then neighboring lands to conquer and pillage.
One of the greatest of all the Warg Lords was Tra'zok, who ruled over the Burning Skies Horde. Tra'zok spent many years before coming to power wandering the veldt after being exiled from his clan in a dispute over one of his chieftain's slaves.
Out in the wild veldt alone, his own warg having died from infection after a run in with a Hexwurm, Tra'zok came across an injured cub. While he might have ignored the sickly, dying beast, Tra'zok was starved for company, and curious by the strange shape of the cub's scarring, which resembled a symbol for Tak'zaya Ska. Tra'zok nursed the cub back to health, and the pair spent many years hunting the veldt together, living in seclusion as many of Tak'zaya Ska's priests and faithful choose to.
The cub he named Zayar, in honor of the goddess, and over the years the sickly beast turned into a mighty warg of impressive size and fury, its fur thick and its teeth sharp.
During his wanderings, Tra'zok came across a small clan named the Jackalhides. The Jackalhide chieftain saw Tra'zok's warg and was jealous, the mighty Zayar towering over his own mount. The Jackalhide chieftain offered the pair a place to rest, food and drink and access to the slaves for the night, and Tra'zok accepted.
The Jackalhide chieftain, too afraid to challenge Tra'zok directly, had ordered his clanmates to poison the food and drink of their guest, so that he could take Zayar for himself. However when Tra'zok passed out and the chieftain tried to claim Zayar, the warg overpowered him, tearing out the chieftain's throat. Zayar stood guard over the unconscious Tra'zok through the entire night, slaughtering half the clan when they tried to avenge their chieftain, before the rest fled the beast's fury.
Most of a day passed, Zayar standing over Tra'zok, shielding him from the harsh sun, until a group of nomadic orcs came across the scene. Seeing the beast standing guard over its master, surrounded by the corpses of its enemies, the shaman of the orcs proclaimed this a holy sign from Tak'zaya Ska. Approaching cautiously, the shaman offered healing and sustenance to the pair, and Zayar allowed him to do his work.
When he was recovered, Tra'zok and Zayar traveled with the nomads for many years, taking charge of the group a few years later, which formed the core of Tra'zok's eventual horde, still astride his loyal warg until the pair's dying day.
It is said that the two still hunt together in Tak'zaya Ska's divine hunting grounds even now.

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It's a webcomic.

Oh I see, it's Gunnerkrigg Court. I swear I wish people would stop abbreviating everything, I cannot keep track of this stuff.

>our very soul is scarred and that's influencig our body This is some mystic shit going down. (Are we Annie from GKC now?)

I have no idea who that is.

How hardcore is Orcish regeneration? How long would it take to heal from cutting off the part of our cheek where the scar is?

The scar stretches across your whole cheek, so you'd be peeling the skin off of a large part of your face, which would take a long time and heal back scarred and unpleasant afterwards.
That is of course assuming you can even cut off the scar, and the new skin won't grow back with it...

Are tongueripper females as 'roided up and angry as their male counterparts? Are the whelps they give birth to tainted by the abyss?

Apparently it's hard to tell the difference between the males and females, that's how 'roided up they are.
As for whelps, you don't know, none of your clanmates have seen a Tongueripper whelp. Perhaps, like steroid junkies, they just can't get it up anymore.


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