

Ask @BrightTegu

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How long can harpies stay in the air? Can they keep flying for several hours, or do they just fly as a form of transportation usually?

Transportation usually, they can't just keep flying indefinitely.

How long would it take to get back to camp on a flying mount? I was thinking we could go ahead of the pack, since it'll be a mostly eventless journey, I assume.

Ur will need some training before he's ready to handle a flying mount, as for time, probably a few hours.

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I don't underatand the plan right now. Are we bringing all the Skyhunters back to our main camp for now? Because that seems like a good idea. What kinda beasts do they have, in any case?

Seems like you're bringing them back, yes.
As for beasts, they have two dozen adult Spirit Vultures, ten chicks, and eleven eggs.

Did we tell the witches to start looking for underground water yet? If not, we should once we get back.

I've kind of assumed they've been doing that while you've been off doing your stuff.

Considering she has a favor with her, I kind of doubt Za'ria's infertility is a curse from Y'zagya Zoka. I guess it could be from the past, but still.

Well, Za'ria has said that she'll tell you, so you'll just have to wait and see.

Does it seem like a good idea to ask Za'ria for help with Inka, or would that make us look weak to milfgod, since we can't even discipline our own slaves?

Nothing wrong with asking your resident slave expert to help with a slave.

Hypothetically, what would happen if a orc male and female who both possessed the Improved Fertility boon at level 5 mated? Would that be a "Litter Of Twelve" scenario or something even more dramatic?

Probably more, though obviously it would never go beyond a number of children that the female could birth without serious damage, since that would go against the purpose of a blessing.

Actually, I think ash prepping us for Ya'zada coints as a blowjob, doesn't it? Granted, she didn't deepthroat, but still. >"you know you like the taste" Can I assume she has tasted it before, then, or is it just when she cleaned Ur and Aleida's mess up that one time?

Well, yeah, I wouldn't count that as a proper blowjob from Ashuris, but rest assured you'll get your chance for that sometime.

Yeah, but it still kind of seems to me like Improved Fertility 5 is the sort of thing a god only spends energy on when they're really drunk and convinced themselves it'll be totes hilarious. I mean the reason they aren't liberal with high rank blessings is that it costs the god power, right?

Not really, it's a bit more complicated than that. Part of the requirement for a blessing is a mortal actually being capable of accepting said blessing.
You can't just dump high level blessings on those too weak to accept them, it can mess a person up pretty badly.

Comparing it to other high rank blessings, Improved Fertility 5 seemed so useless, I tried to think of reasons to get it at all. What came to mind where large litters of rare half-breeds and throwing packets of sperm at enemies to make them unable to fight in a month. So very useless.

Well it's not like getting it will stop you getting other blessings, or indeed that you have any particular control over whether you get it, save by going out of your way not to please Y'zagya Zoka.

Considering the slave girl who was trained and has been a slave for months, if not years, could only take the head, or Aleida just really da,n talented at blowjobs/deepthroating? Or is it orcish sex magic making her able and our fluids playing with her mind? Has anyone else blew/deepthroated us yet?

Aleida's a talented woman, though Ur's blessings might have had a hand in it.
>Has anyone else blew/deepthroated us yet?
Not yet.

>Ur raids a village with improved fertility lvl5 >he makes all the women drink from a bowl >whole village worth of Ur children

By the time you reach lvl 5, I doubt you'll still be personally leading raids on villages.
You'll be dicking queens, high priestesses and legendary warrior women by that stage.

Is treating slaves well and using her boons in general pleasin to Y'zagya Zoka? I assume we gave those 5 humans the time of their lives, or will at the start of next thread, in any case.

Y'zagya Zoka doesn't really care too much how well you treat slaves as long as you don't damage them and prevent them from breeding more orcs.
That said, banging (and possibly impregnating) the entirety of your defeated foe's harem in celebration of your victory is certainly the sort of thing Y'zagya Zoka approves of.

What are Ash and the rest of the coven wearing? We should get them some real clothes sometime.

Well, they were naked when you met them save for bone and feather jewelery, so that is pretty much still what they are wearing. Being naked really doesn't seem to bother them in the slightest, Ur gets the feeling that they like showing off their bodies.

What, so we could impregnate women by just standing near them? Or is it more just covering their entrance in it, or somewhere on their body/mouth?

>Or is it more just covering their entrance in it, or somewhere on their body/mouth?
Yeah, that one.

Did you know that snakes don't have a gag reflex? I wonder if lamia do or not.

I'm sure you'll get a chance to find out.

So most noncursed ogres are more beautiful than giants? I assume having skin of rock isn't particularly appealing, at least.

Non-cursed ogres aren't really more beautiful per say, it's just that the only known way to uncurse an ogre right now is through Ylugri's blessings, which comes part and parcel with the Divine Beauty boon.

What are the physical differences between a non-ugly ogre and a giant?

Ogres are a smaller subspecies, ranging from about 9-10ft. Giants go from 12-20, and the larger giants, or 'noble' giants, or 'true' giants if you want to use their smug terms for it, tend to be more unusual in appearance, strange skin tones, elemental effects, sometimes even with horns, tails, and other weird stuff.

What would getting level 5 in the 'Improved Fertility' Boon mean for Ur'shal? Would there be any other benefit besides siring massive litters?

That, and you would be guaranteed to impregnate any female you stuck it in.
Hell your seed would be so potent you might not even need to stick it in to get them pregnant.

Do you enjoy the crisp refreshing taste of Pepsi? Also would the clan think we lost our mind if we woo'd the fire dragon in the jungle? Though really if we go ahead with it we can set a trend of romance. Then start printing bodice ripper books for nobles

Well good luck with that, I guess.
...and Pepsi is terrible, it tastes like someone put cola through a strainer made of arse and old socks.

So, taking a barren orc woman as a mate, especially when you have a choice of five young human women, would be considered super weird in orcish culture, right?

Yeah, it would.

While restoring Za'ria's fertility is going to require more than just a few prayers, it will be still be possible, right? Will Ur'shal get any hints in the quest to make that happen if neccessary?

Rest assured, I have a plan.

Is there still no one in the clan who could identify the enchantments on our great axe? Truth be told I'd rather have them revealed dramatically/in battle, but I'll take what I can get.

Not yet, no, Bra'kur isn't really focused on that sort of magic.

Can we pencil in some deluxe Ur'shalXK'zala cuddling in this thread?

At the rate I'm writing today, it's unlikely, but perhaps sometime this week.


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