

Ask @BrightTegu

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>etc. So where do Trolls rank in that? Above ogres but below giants, or above even giants? Would a Togueripper rank at weak/average ogre? Who are above dragons?

Trolls range from about 4 for a young troll through to 8 or 9 for the particularly ancient ones.
The troll that attacked your camp with Slaagyr's minions was about a 5.
Tonguerippers are about 4.
Above dragons, it depends on age obviously, but if you mean an old, powerful dragon, things like Primordial Wurms, ancient Leviathans and Krakens, and some particularly powerful divine servants and abyssal horrors.

After having a look at the character stats for K'zala, I noticed that she has a one in the strength stat. I take it that means while she's scrawny by orc standards, she's still incredibly strong when compared to a human woman of the same size and build?

Strength ranks go like this:
-2: Average Goblin/ Sluagh
-1: Weak Human/Elf
0: Average Human/Elf, Weak Dwarf
1: Strong Human/Elf, Average Dwarf, Weak Orc
2: Strong Dwarf, Average Orc
3: Strong Orc, Weak Ogre
4: Average Ogre
5: Strong Ogre, Weak Giant
6: Average Giant
etc. etc.

But at least the moon had one hell of a good rodgering before it died.

It died happy, really what more could one ask for.

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How big did you say our dick was?

5,000,000 kilometers.
It can actually be seen from space.
Last time Ur got an erection he punched a hole in the moon, thereby dooming millions of people to a horrible death due to dramatic tidal shifts causing tsunamis across the world.

Well, to answer it one more time. You should probably put it in a pastebin and make it the first thing posted in threads just so people stop asking.

Or just turn the OP image into a great big twelve inch green dick.
I'm sure the mods wouldn't mind.

Are you unwilling to get Adblock or something?

I have adblock. It's not an ad. Every day ask asks you one bland, generic question which as far as I can tell there is no way to switch off in the options. Usually it's stuff like "what did you have for breakfast?", so I just delete it. Yesterday it was asking me what I thought of the Apple Watch.
Give it a couple more weeks and the daily question will be "do you think there's anything more cool and refreshing than a delicious Pepsi?"

What happens if people start worshipping a living person like they're a god?

Nothing, unless some powerful entity decides to channel its divine power through the living person in question to fuel the worshiper's spells.

How often do people straight up forsake their gods? Like get pissedan and say fuck em?

It happens. The gods can be kind of dicks sometimes, after all.

So basically if we want a slave goddess of slaves we have to pick one of those regional goddesses, subjugate her people, capture her, dick her silly, and offer her a way to avoid getting joked by the abyss, repeating the last two steps as needed? I wonder if there is a goddess of victory, for irony?

>I wonder if there is a goddess of victory, for irony?
Probably several, but even if you crushed her people, capturing a goddess is far beyond your abilities right now.

I've answered that question about a hundred times already. Oh? I've not seen an answer to it anywhere, but I only just caught up with the quest.

Well, to answer it one more time. 12 inches.

Has their ever been a goddess of orcish slaves? Not a godess of orcish slavers, but a goddess specifically of orcs slaves. If not, how hard do we have to dick a nonorc goddess to change her portfolio to that?

>Has their ever been a goddess of orcish slaves?
Not that you're aware of.
>If not, how hard do we have to dick a nonorc goddess to change her portfolio to that?
Said dicking would have to be the stuff of legends, that's for sure.

So if a halfbreed orc were to start worshiping in the pantheon of his non orcish side how would that be treated? By the non orcish gods in question.

That would depend on the deity, some might accept a halfbreed worshiper, others would ignore the halfbreed.

Do goblins/dwarves have the biggest dick size to height ratio?

Goblin dicks are about 3-4 inches, dwarf ones about 5-6.
Figure out the ratios for yourself.

What kind of circumstances would have to come about for Y'zagya Zoka to give very serious consideration to cursing a non-orc with infertility, despite the possibility of sparking a divine war in the process? Has any non-orc been such a thorn in her side to warrant such a punishment?

As far as you're aware, it hasn't happened.

Have Aleida and Inka been talking much to Lokasi? Or is Lokasi not particularly interested in speaking with the chieftain's breeding slaves?

Lokasi generally ignores your slaves.

So how hard is it going to be to un-barren the new chick? Can we do it by gaining enough favor? Does she have to do it? Is the first boon a barren follower of Fertility Goodess get the ability to birth children?

That is a good question. Might be worth finding out why she's barren first.

Are there any circumstances where an orc woman would have consensual sex with a male ogre? Aside from being extraordinarily drunk?

Are there any circumstances where a woman would have consensual sex with a big, hideously ugly dude with mental problems and a violent temper?
Yeah, probably.

Can Y'zagya Zoka punish nonorcs with infertility?

Yes, provided no nonorcish god sees fit to intervene, which they probably would for one of their worshipers.
Gods generally only curse their own fuckups, because otherwise they risk sparking divine wars.

Can Y'zagya Zoka make someone barren?

She has been known to curse those who offend her by making them barren, or making them impotent in the case of males.


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