

Ask @BrightTegu

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Is the power of orc pussy such that if an orc woman mates with a non-orc enough times, he eventually becomes her loyal minion, willing to do whatever she wants?

Yes, orcish addictive qualities are a natural trait of both genders, non-orc men can and do get hooked on orc pussy.

Would a orc female who uses sex to dominate non-orc males and get knocked up with half breed whelps by way of very strong but sexually undesirable non-orcs earn favor and boons from Y'zagya Zoka for demonstrating to all how orcish pussy is just plain better than all the rest?

She's seeking out strong males and using them to produce strong whelps, so yes.

If a breeding slave is later rescued from her captivity by her people and brought back home, how difficult would it be for her reintegrate back into society?

It varies from person to person, some can overcome their addiction with time and effort, others never really get over it. Either way said individual should probably avoid any further contact with orcs, even of the non-sexual variety, lest they fall off the wagon (and onto the green dick).

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Would Y'zagya zoka consider breeding slaves with other slaves unorcy? Surely she can understand that doing so would be beneficial in the longterm.

Sure, provided you were doing it for worthwhile reasons, then she would have no problem with that at all.

(>really unorcy things like buying slaves from foreign traders rather than raiding for them.) While buying slaves is understandably not an orcy thing to do, would raiding and then selling slaves to a third party be acceptable? Or should orcs just wreck everyone's faces and steal everything?

Selling slaves in and of itself isn't unorcy, unless you go about it in an unorcy way.

Can we get a picture or description of Bryna?

4ft tall, light skin, brown hair, pretty, rounded face, good breeding hips, garish fashion sense.

What did the Orc Kingdom do to cause Y'zagya Zoka to rage quit?

Decadent laziness.
For Y'zagya Zoka her domain of fertility and slavery is a means by which orcish society can grow larger and stronger. An orc who just spends all day every day buried in slaves living a comfortable and easy life is not glorifying Y'zagya Zoka, he's just doing it for his own sake. Plus of course they were doing really unorcy things like buying slaves from foreign traders rather than raiding for them.

Have there been instances of orcs behaving in a genuinely heroic fashion in the eyes of other races? Like an orc priest of Zul'orok Zhar who took down an abyssal entity plaguing a human hamlet without indulging in the usual orc shenanigans afterwards, or something similar?

Sure, although it was probably a coincidence more than anything.

Are there many places in the world of OWQ that don't know about orcs?

Perhaps some faraway and isolated island cultures or the like, but obviously if they don't know about orcs, orcs don't know about them either.

What would be an orc's response to the reverse of the classic "Orc Baby Dilemma?" Like, 'Orc raiders destroy a small village and find a human infant amongst the wreckage. Wat do?'

Probably leave it there, unless they had enough female slaves with nothing to do to that they felt they could afford to keep the infant and raise it as a slave.

When writing smut in your quests, how would you describe your process, the way you structure your smut writing? What would you say is the most important thing to remember when writing a scene with two (or more) people having sex?

I honestly do not have much of a process or structure to it. Which probably shows in some scenes.
Sometimes I go into the scene with a pre-established overall idea of what's going to happen, whether it's something I thought up myself or an idea I took from player posts in the thread, sometimes I just start writing and see where the scene takes me.
>What would you say is the most important thing to remember when writing a scene with two (or more) people having sex?
Hmm, I don't know, maybe don't get too fancy. In the end if the scene is evoking the right boners, then it's a successful scene, even if it isn't going to be winning any literary prizes. It could just be me, but I've always prioritized the carnal, messy, down-to-earth aspects of a scene over the more ephemeral ones, I figure that any passion or emotion in the scene will come out well enough from that. Honestly though, I do not think I'm a great smut writer, so you're probably better questioning some other smut QMs if you're looking for advice or inspiration on that front.
Also never use the word moist if you can help it, because that is a massive turnoff for a lot of people.

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Any theories as to why the Anon's in OWQ thread 50 seem to be so dead set against smut in OWQ now?

This isn't a new thing, I recall discussions like the thread 50 ones way back in the early days of the quest. Some people have always been more interested in one aspect of my quest than another.
My players are of course more than welcome to prioritize one area over another in how they vote, but I'll say it again here since everyone seems to have ignored when I posted it in the thread:
I will not be moving smut to pastebins, I will not be increasing or decreasing the amount of smut. I enjoy writing smut, and the smut was always a central component of Orc Warlord Quest's concept, so the smut isn't going anywhere. On the other hand I find writing smut kind of exhausting, I don't think I could write a quest which is nonstop smut without burning out, and besides, I enjoy writing the non-smut aspects of Orc Warlord just as much.

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Qtg sent us a lot of edgelords today havnt we? Lots complaints about smut

Does the qtg even discuss my quest? I never see it mentioned when I occasionally wander in to lurk there for a bit.

On a scale from 1-10 how tsun is that Sunbringer for Jareth?

Who knows. Maybe she is trying to hide her intense desire for Jareth, or maybe she just really does hate him.
Of course in Jareth's mind, any woman who expresses loathing for him is probably tsun.

Does the former Skyhunter Shaman we got have the potential to become more powerful with more experience and training under his belt? Or will he be a forever newb? (And what was his name again? I forget.)

He's always going to be a bit mediocre, but he will certainly grow with time, yes.
I don't think I ever gave him a name, or if I did I forgot it.

How many people live on Atanor's land? Would it be in poor taste to muster up a "Levy" to go scavenging?

Your lands are not very heavily populated, Venser is probably the closest thing you have to a population center, and that barely even qualifies as a town right now. The rest of your population are farmers, woodcutters, fur traders, hunters and the like, who have small hamlets and camps scattered around your lands.
Any levy you mustered up would be small, poorly suited for the task, and would most likely destabilize what little economy your lands have.

Have any orc women been unlucky enough to become breeding stock for an abyssal entity?

Exactly what "breeding stock" would mean to an abyssal entity is a varied and universally horrific and unnatural thing. However to answer your question, yes, countless orcs, just as every other race, have fallen victim to terrible fates at the hands of the abyss.

I did not expect my glory hole pun would cause that little shitstorm Lordy, Sorry bout that. I think if we were to try to have a joint Salvage of the fort operation it'd go over poorly, and might devolve into nobles or clans claiming parts of it by right of it being their ancestors of by conquest

>I did not expect my glory hole pun would cause that little shitstorm Lordy, Sorry bout that.
It's all good anon, I've been there as a player myself.
>I think if we were to try to have a joint Salvage of the fort operation it'd go over poorly, and might devolve into nobles or clans claiming parts of it by right of it being their ancestors of by conquest
Maybe so, there would certainly be a lot of tensions involved, the loss of that fort was not a thing either side is eager to take responsibility or blame for.

You ok warlord?

Yeah, just a combination of personal stuff and some health issues recently, nothing major, just time consuming and frustrating.

What typically happens if an orcish son is caught balls deep in his mother by his father?

Most likely a fight, although some orcish fathers might not mind as much.

(> Love Love Orc High School) Za'kul has only one half orc sibling? Come on Orc Dad, step it up! This lack of breeding game makes Y'zagya Zoka cry!

Well, only one who's staying in the house.

In OWQ, whats a ghul? A corpse eating cannibal or something else?

A corpse eating humanoid that can shapeshift into one or more kind of scavenging animal of its native land. For the most part they just content themselves with plundering tombs and burial grounds for wealth and food, but when such food sources get scarce, they are not above launching raids on other races to make the corpses for themselves.

In OWQ, what's the difference between a goblin and a hobgoblin?

Hobgobins are larger, around about human sized, with ruddier complexions and more of a straightforward violent streak as opposed to goblins' sneakier brand of dickery.

Did Iden summon his dead mom then? Worrisome that Sunbringers are stalking us and our people, good to know our allies think highly of us.

>Did Iden summon his dead mom then?
Who knows.


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