

Ask @BrightTegu

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4-5 in 3-4 months, Great! If we can catch some goblins and set up a sort of sick goblin mill we can make a surplus to cover the sacrifices. As disturbing as that is, though Goblins are all across the wall arnt they? How many of the captured blackpainted human warriors did we capture?

Yup, no goblins in the wastes, and you captured eight humans.

Tell us about the Nymphs! Are they Nymphomaniacs?

They are, but they are also fae, so watch your back and always expect the unexpected.

Is the rate of reproduction faster than the months of gestation? Like 4-5 kids per 2-3 month?

4-5 in 3-4 months. Good thing for the rest of the world that goblins spend so much time murdering the fuck out of each other.

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What're the Fae like? Can we dick them?

There are a whole lot of varieties of fae. Some are most definitely not dickable, like the spider-things you met in the cave. Some, like nymphs on the other hand...

Have you played Cho dengeki stryker? Its a crime that VN wasn't made into an anime.

Uh, no, can't say I have, or that I've ever even heard of it.

Is that Goblin's as par with goblin dicks or Magical Orcish Babybatter? Do they also have litters? Because we cant sacrifice Orcs/HalfOcs...

Yes, goblins have litters, and reproduce fast even without orcish assistance.

Can an female orc who's committed a crime against her clan be declared communal property as a punishment?

Depends on the crime, but it's certainly not unknown.

Is there any race that produces as fast/faster then us but are pleb teir, like kobolds or some sort of ratfolk? Snnksnnk (mfw Skaven babymachines)


What do we know of the two competing tribes other than they've been duking it out for a while and they've nearly grinded each other to bits? Goddamnit. You went that route didnt you?! They're going to be a Romeo and Juliette trope!

Not much, Ku'zag did meet both their chieftains many years back, but whether they are still both the chieftains now is another matter entirely.

We really need to go knock the Goatfeet and that other tribe's heads together. Make them both stop fighting for Orckind benefit, so we can push into the jungle to touch elf ears. That and they might have surviving shaman's that could have more info for us. [1/2]

Good luck.

Have you read the lewdest quest we've got going on right now, Text Adventure Quest, or the older Blatant Fetish Quest? (M'lady)

I don't really follow TAQ now. It has had some nice scenes, but... I don't know, it's just not grabbing me anymore, couldn't really say why.
As for BFQ, yes, if you trawl the fapfics people wrote and linked in the threads for that you may even find a couple of my only other attempts at smut writing before I started this quest.

Abating the sacrifice ritual for our Ogretits will be costly, around 160-200 people for any half-orgetits children to grow to adults from conception... We havent even seen that many people yet! Are the screecher things we captured intelligent enough to count?

Screechers are animals, smart animals, but animals none the less.

Are they kinda like Eladrin or somesuch, you'd said they were fae before. Are they just elves with odder features, and cat tails? Ears? Nyaaan~?

They are tied to the fae the same way elves are, but not actually fully fae themselves, in many ways they resemble elves, save for some pretty obvious differences. They have a cat tail, ears are pointed and elf-like. They're also about 4ft tall, with dark eyes, and flexible fingers and toes well-designed for gripping and climbing.
Ur'shal doesn't know a great deal about Sluagh beyond their appearance though, since Ku'zag doesn't either. The Slaugh go out of their way to be secretive.

Do you think if we start to coddle the Redhead or Ais more we'll ruin the mindbreak?

Perhaps, or maybe it will help, who knows.

What's the punishment for a young male orc who hasn't reached the age of majority getting caught fooling with the communal slaves?

Beating for a first offense, further offenses would result in not be recognized as an adult upon reaching 14 unless he can do something to earn back the clan's respect.

Are orcs not allowed to fuck before they reach the age of foruteen and are recognized as adults by their clan?

They aren't allowed to have mates or slaves, or have access to the communal slaves. Whether they still get any action or not is another matter entirely.

Is it unusual for an orc to a develop genuinely loving relationship with a breeding slave? It's just that the the relationship between Koz'rak and Eyeke seems to be actually quite loving and tender, given the circumstances.

No reason it can't happen, though it is certainly unusual.

can we make sure that red orge tits doesn't sleep if a sleeping schedule is made.

Something you'll have to discuss with people in thread.

What is your favorite Visual Novel? Have you played Katawa Shoujo or that russian one up on steam, Everlasting Summer?

Haven't played Everlasting Summer. I did play Katawa Shoujo, and funnily enough my opinions on best girls changed completely from playing the act 1 demo to playing the full game.
Favourite visual novel though. Probably G-senjou no Maou. Unless you count Sengoku Rance as a VN I guess.

How do you feel about Handmaidening versus Servanting?

I think both are very useful things that we should take advantage of.
From what I can gather from LambieJoe's comments on servanting, I think people are rather overestimating the problems servants could cause us, and I'd like it if we could have a couple at least, though I still don't think we should just start servanting at random yet.


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