

Ask @BrightTegu

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Do humans in this setting worship a pantheon of gods like orcs? Or do they worship some fruity "love and peace" kind of monotheistic deity?

Humans have a hell of a lot of gods, far more than orcs do in fact, though not all of them are worshiped in all places.

Can you type up a real quick description of what the orc children will look like with each species the orc dick enters?

Stay tuned, I'm currently in the process of writing up some google docs to replace the haphazard information dumps on pastebin. One of those documents will be a "bestiary" with descriptions of all the races, as well as any creatures you've met so far.
On every race's writeup I include a short section on what the orcish halfbreeds look like.
Hopefully I'll have that up in time for Tuesday's thread.

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Did Skor'oz Zik have anything to do with the downfall of the Orcish Kingdom? From his description, it sounds like he doesn't like laziness and complacency, and may have disliked what the Kingdom had become. (Though I imagine that he would not go so far as to nearly wipe out his own people.)

He didn't actively aid in it, but he also became disillusioned with the Orcish Kingdom a lot sooner than the other gods. All orcish divine magic is a shadow of its former self now (though your clan at least seems to be making some headway in regaining the gods' interest) but save for some of the most fanatical ones, Skor'oz Zik's priests started losing their powers before the Kingdom even fell.

What kind of hybrid results from an Orc/goblin pairing? Would it most easily be described as an especially well muscled and tall goblin?

Pretty much, yes.
A short, quick orc with better darkvision.

Just bein' funny, but, seriously, my question is how easy do you think it would be to petition her assistance in this matter? Considering that this is further binding the slaves to our will?

You'd have to ask Ku'zag about that, Ur'shal doesn't know enough about divine politics.

I'm sure our fertility goddess, who we have earned MUCH favor with, would be tickled with a chance to take three arrogant, shapeshifting, witches... and throw in a few ORCISH features... Green booty, er, 'beauty', is better then non, biatch. WHAT'S IT GONNA BE?

I... don't really understand the question.

Got any stories about dragons and orc clans, both female and male of course.

Orcs and Dragons have always had a complicated relationship. Dragons like taking other races for slaves and worshipers, particularly the Lamia of the south who raise great Dragon Temples in the jungle, and many Dragons have seen the benefit of Orcs for their impressive strength and skill in battle.
The problem is that Orcs are incredibly stubborn and proud, they react poorly to being kept as slaves or dominated by other races for long periods of time, and any Dragon who takes Orcish slaves has to know that sooner or later they are going to pull something to try and win their freedom.
As for stories of Dragons and Orc Clans, the third question I answered was one, so go check it out. For Orcish clans and female Dragons, legends are remarkably lacking, perhaps it would be best to forge one of those yourself someday!

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How do the Orcish gods feel about each other? Do they get along, for the most part?

Like many of the pantheons, the Orcish one tends to scrap during "peacetime". Kul'zog Zor and Zul'gor Tor, being the two deities of warfare, tend to be at odds a lot of the time, although the myths of their battles make it questionable whether this is actual dislike, or a way for both deities to keep their skills sharp testing it against each other.
Zul'orok Zhar and Tak'zaya Ska have something of an on again off again relationship which fluctuates between lovers and actively trying to kill each other.
Skor'oz Zik tends to go through bouts of aggravating all the other gods, since he enjoys testing them as much as he does mortals, and unleashes disasters on their divine realms when he feels that them and their servants have grown complacent. On the other hand, when they're not trying to kill him, many of the gods praise Skor'oz Zik for his dedication to maintaining the strength of the orcs, so it's complicated.
Y'zagya Zoka has avoided any active conflicts with other gods, although the fact that she has at various times been tied to every single other member of the orcish pantheon as a mate or lover (including Tak'zya Ska) is the root of a great many scraps between the other gods.
That said, during the previous Heavenly Wars, the orcish pantheon very quickly pulled together to repel their enemies and fend off the encroaching abyss, so their relationship can be likened more to squabbling but ultimately affectionate siblings.

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The setting info pastebin says that Y'zagya Zoka is not only responsible for fertility, but she also protects orcish women from sickness and violence. What kind of violence does Y'zagya Zoka protect orcish women from? Would an orcish woman pray to her for protection from an abusive mate?

Yes, Orcs hold a very dim view of orcish males who are needlessly abusive towards their mates, which is seen as causing harm to the clan as a whole. Y'zagya Zoka's priestesses keep an eye out for such things, and will demand justice from the chieftain, or pursue it themselves if it isn't forthcoming.
At best, the Orc in question can expect to have his mates taken from him, at worse, exile, death, or the priestesses cursing him with impotence.
Of course this level of concern is only shown to orcish females. Unless you're actively maiming or killing them and preventing births of additional halfbreeds, Y'zagya Zoka's priestesses couldn't give a damn about the treatment of non-orcish women.

We got kids from the raid on the cloud tribe right?

You did, Koz'rak figured you'd want to use them for simple odd jobs like his clan used to.

Apart from Ogres, Giants, Dragons, Humans, Elves, Orcs, Harpies, Wurms and Goblins (races you have talked about in quest). What other creatures exist in this world? Do Centaurs, Kitsune/Gumiho, mer-people, and dwarves exist?

I'm sure I've mentioned Dwarves before, but yes, they exist. Mer-people also exist though are generally referred to as Sirens. The other two, Ku'zag has heard stories of them but never actually seen them before, so while they probably do exist they are not native to the lands just beyond the wall or the jungles to the south.

From what the witch said can we do sacrifices every other month or would that anger her God?

Her god would probably get offended if he realized that you were effectively trying to "game the system" of making sacrifices to him.

Have orcs ever successfully out bred another race in a region?

Yes, part of the reason Orcs like regular raids for more slaves is because otherwise within a few generations they will breed out all other races until all that remains of them is a lot of orcs with some vaguely non-orcish traits.

Is necromancy a legitimate magical discipline, or is it an expression of abyssal magic and, thus, is extremely dangerous and its practitioners to be killed on sight?

Legitimate magical discipline, it doesn't have any sort of religious or abyssal element to it, and Orcish necromancers have existed as respected members of clans before.
Some other civilizations don't much care for it, but that's more to do with their own personal cultural views than the near blanket hatred that people have for abyssal magics.

Don't have a twitter but some sort of mammoth could be cool, plus it fits with the whole stone" tusk" thing


How does an orc become a priest or priestess of an orcish god? Is it something that an orc has to train for in childhood or can an orc become a Priest/Priestess later in life, due to some kind of religious epiphany?

Generally the first one, although the second one was certainly known to happen. Given your lack of children right now, Ku'zag has told you that in the short term, he thinks you and he need to keep an eye out for any clan members who seem to exemplify one of the god's ways, to consider trying to bring about such an epiphany.

Can we have some general info on what harpies are like in this quest?

Around 5ft tall, skin and hair color varies by location, and feather color usually follows the patterns of local bird life, which in the case of the Howling Mountains harpies means rather subdued browns, blacks and greys.
Harpies look mostly human, with sharp, attractive features and a slim build save for wide hips suited for egg-laying. Their arms are replaced with large feathery wings capable of holding their light bodies aloft for extended periods of time, and they have a plume of tail feathers sprouting from the base of the spine. Harpy legs end in strong, flexible clawed toes designed for fine manipulation and for clinging to rocky ledges in strong winds and other unfavorable conditions.
Harpy society appears to be at a primitive tribal level, they have a simple language which ranges from painful screeching to beautiful melodic tones, and many pick up some understanding of the human tongue from their captives.
Harpies live in large nesting areas ruled over by a single matriarch, and raid nearby human villages for male captives to father additional harpies (apparently they did capture a few orcs back in the Rockbrute Clan's early days, but orcish genetics took precedence and made half-orcs with some harpyish features rather than purebred harpies, and the harpies did not like that). Despite a lack of any real technology, harpies do seem to have culture and religion, and music plays a large part in their society, including for the purposes of divine magic.

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What are orc opinions about bestiality, and the children that happens(if orc sperm is versatile enough)?

For all questions on "can orcs impregnate X", just follow these simple rules:
1. Is it alive?
2. Is it sapient?
3. Is it something capable of bearing/fathering children?
4. Does is have genitals which are somewhat compatible with Orcish ones?
If it fulfills those criteria, Orcs can knock it up or be knocked up by it, which means no, generally orcs do not engage in bestiality or make children with non-sapient creatures.
There are a few interesting myths involving Tak'zaya Ska and large semi-divine predator animals and monsters, but those, and anything else relating to bestiality, will have to go unmentioned in this quest.
(Mainly due to concerns of 4chan bans, and the fact that my country is actually crazy enough with its laws that writing it would be questionable, legally speaking.)

Given that a chieftain can reserve the right to decide who a female mates with, are there any stories of chieftains who were particularly canny matchmakers?

It's not something that generally makes it into legend. Any orc chieftain with a strong clan is presumed to have a knack for deciding who should mate with whom for the best offspring, and back when the priestesses of Y'zagya Zoka were around, they would often advise on good matches for chieftains of large clans who had too many orcs and slaves under them to personally oversee every single match.
Ensuring good matches for the clan is just considered an integral part of being a good chieftain.

If a raid leader has a lot of female warriors in his raid group, does he to be vigilant in making his female raiders don't get to caught up in sampling the local flavor of cock and getting knocked up? Or are female raiders consummate professionals, leaving the fun stuff for when they get back home?

Female orcs aren't as interested in non-orcish males as orcish males are in non-orcish females. If they got their hands on a particularly impressive male they might want to enjoy him, but for the most part any non-orcish male who's too weak to put up a good fight is one who's not worth fucking.

Not that an orc would care, but did Koz'Rak just crash a Cloud Tribe wedding ceremony, steal the bride, kill the groom and his best men, and take their stuff? Goddamn, they must be pissed!

Yes, that is a pretty accurate assessment of events.

Is it common for neighboring orc clans to raid each other for their women?

Fairly common, yes, though some clans do make alliances rather than resort to raiding each other, maybe even trade slaves.

Just caught up with archive of the last session. Koz'rak's raid... could've gone better. What would be some of the lessons learned by Koz'rak and his raiders to make sure that future raids go more smoothly? Was Koz'raks plan to hit the humans hard and fast sound? Or should he hit them as they slept?

There was no best way to do it, really. If you'd hit the humans while they slept, you would have had a far easier fight with them, certainly, but on the other hand the rolls while you were waiting and biding your time were to ensure you didn't attract the attention of any nocturnal predators, so there was risk in hiding out in the mountains after dark too.
In the end what Koz'rak and his raiders learned is that sometimes luck just is not on your side whatever you do. The Cloud Tribe warriors were weak, but Koz'rak and his raiders lost the element of surprise and got divided up, allowing the superior numbers of their enemies to wear them down.
Still, be glad you didn't pick one of the tougher options, rolls like that against, say, the ogres, would have been far far worse!


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