

Ask @BrightTegu

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Wouldn't resorting to cannibalism in order to survive starvation just be shouting to all the heavens that you're a massive pussy? Or more seriously, shouldn't the correct response to starvation be prayers to either hobo god to survive the dry spell or to the hunting goddess to find proper food?

Cannibalism is certainly taboo in orc society, but orcs can get incredibly pragmatic about such things when they situation calls for it. An orc who does it for fun is likely to be shunned and probably killed, an orc who does it to survive will be treated a little leerily, but it will probably be forgiven in time.

What would have happened if the ogre Dar'koz found was female instead of male?

He would've had less honourguards due to the slower breeding rate, aside from that, nothing much really.

Does Skor'oz Zik approve of orcs learning how to navigate by the stars and making detailed maps and charts to give to other orcs?

Yes, star charts and maps are one of the things that Skor'oz Zik's faithful use for trade when they make contact with orc clans on their travels.

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Has an orc ever written the orcish equivalent of something like the Art of War?

No, there's plenty of smaller collections of orcish strategy and tactics around, mostly penned by Zol'gor Tor's worshipers and other pre-Zol'gor Tor war gods of a more tactical bent, but no-one has ever written the definitive orcish treatise on the subject.

Have there ever been clans of Amazon orcs who shun the company of men, only seeking them out to breed the next generation of Amazon orcs?

Ku'zag has heard some vague accounts of such a society existing faraway to the east, though even he doesn't know a great deal about it, or whether it's even real.
Not that that stops brave and/or foolhardy men from going in search of them.

Would the best way to describe the orcs of the Reaver Isles be 'Green Polynesian Vikings?'

That's a very good description, yes.

What would be the orcish reaction be to encountering The Incredible Hulk?

Crazy uncontrolled Hulk or Hulk who still has his mental faculties?
In the case of crazy uncontrolled Hulk, at first he'd probably be viewed as an abyssal threat due to being an overmuscled orc rampaging around smashing things, much like Mul'orog Grul's corrupted followers. Once they ascertained that he wasn't, and that he was beyond their abilities to drive away or kill, they'd probably just move away to avoid him.
In the case of Hulk with his mental faculties, cautious curiosity while they, again, ascertained whether or not he was an abyssally corrupted orc. When they discovered that he wasn't, I'd imagine some orcish females would want all that dick, and some orcs would probably try to link up with him and form a clan around him. Of course, a being that powerful isn't likely to be popular with other chieftains who would see him as a threat to their position. Of course, once Hulk with his mental faculties started to complain about the whole "murderous rapists" thing, any clan that had developed around him would start to break down as the orcs grew frustrated and restless at being ordered not to do orc things.

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Would Skor'oz Zik or Zol'gor Tor appreciate finding the most venomous animal around, capturing it and keeping it a cage to continuously milk for venom to toughen up orcs with(thinking immune to toughest venom->others are no problem)? Learning to fight with ears plugged, with one eye covered, etc?

Venomous animals is more of a Skor'oz Zik thing
The other two would be more of a Zol'gor Tor thing.

What are Orcish Funerary rites like?

It varies in some orcish cultures, but the most common one is burning the body on a pyre while the clan shaman (or in the case of a priest or particularly devoted member of one god's cult, another priest of that god) chants some prayers to send off the spirit.
Then comes the wake where the deceased orc's achievements are remembered, and the clan drinks and celebrates the orc's life and his ascension to the realms of the orcish gods.
Of course, given the orcish warmongering lifestyle, such funerary rites are designed so that they can easily be adapted for holding multiple funerals at once in the aftermath of battle.

Hey Warlord, I noticed that on your twitter banner you have Marcille there. So you read Dungeon Meshi?

Yeah, I'm a big fan of dungeon cooking adventures.

What are the chances that Snowfox will underestimate the orc prisoner and wind up with a case of the green fever?

You don't survive over a decade at war with ogres without being tough as nails, but who knows, you've still yet to establish exactly how this orc prisoner, if it is Juk'ruk, survived being torn apart by Needlebacks.

Who is Ur's biggest hero? Do the Orcs have an Adam or a Gilgamesh?

They have Ur'gar (which was the inspiration for the first part of Ur's name back when he was a whelp).
The first orc king, who freed the creators of orckind from the heavy burden of lordship and brought them the peace of subjugation by their creations. Of course there's countless different versions of that story, all of which are too long to write out here. By this stage the story's most likely more parable than fact anyway, and myths of Ur'gar's life are used to show young orcs what they should aspire to be.

How would orcs fare against a society that that has developed mass production techniques and gone through the industrial revolution?

Orcs can be fairly creative when it comes to absorbing other races' military tech, better weapon crafting techniques or whatever, but they lack the focus or patience to match the output of a society which had mastered mass production, their slave society is pretty inefficient when you come right down to it, and most orcs lack the patience to do the menial jobs required of such a society themselves.
Basically, to beat a post-industrial revolution society, they'd need to take it by surprise, raid plenty of supplies early on to ensure they were properly equipped, and play the shock and awe psychological warfare game to keep it reeling while they picked it apart.

What does Zionism look like for the Orcs? Like, what's their ancestral dream? Do they have a collective objective, or any real rallying cry that would attract the orcliest of orcs?

For most orcs, the dream is conquest, glory, and many many slaves.
Early orcish history is a bit of a jumbled mess of parables and contradictory folklore for most orcs, but what all the versions have in common is this.
Orcs were created as warriors to fight for their creator/creators.
Their creator came to lust after her creations.
Their creator reshaped the orcs to properly satisfy her urges and to exist beyond her control as free beings.
Orcs feel the need for conquest, glory and a whole lot of breeding on a very instinctive level. While some have spoken of resurrecting some ancient Orcish Empire of myth (which many argue over the extent of, or whether it even existed), Orcs can be rather shortsighted and selfish, which means that however impressive the ideal, any rallying cry will last only so long as the orc in power can keep his followers interested and provide immediate benefits.

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I'd have assumed Y'zagya had picked up enough breeding related boons that incest deformities during her lifetime become exceedingly difficult or even outright mathmatically impossible regardless of her degree of degeneracy.

Breeding related boons weren't so common back then, since Y'zagya Zoka was the first big fertility goddess in a long time. She certainly picked up a few from weaker regional fertility deities though.
Whether they made it impossible or not for such deformities to appear, who can say, but given that the Reaver Isles of today is not full of mutant orcs, one can assume that the vast majority of her whelps came out fine and healthy.

What would the stat block of a divine servant of Y'zagya Zoka look like? Are there lesser and greater servants of Y'zagya Zoka?

>What would the stat block of a divine servant of Y'zagya Zoka look like?
Not going to just start dumping statblocks, but a mix of combat prowess and powers to influence mind and body would be a safe bet.
>Are there lesser and greater servants of Y'zagya Zoka?
Sort of, as mentioned previously, Y'zagya Zoka's divine servants are a mix of her own whelps who're born in that state and the souls of her followers. As a result, she tends to be less regimented than some deities in the divisions between divine servant types, though there are definitely divine servants that would be considered "greater" due to added power bestowed upon them by their goddess for winning her favor.

Do orcs have a god of gambling and risk taking that they invoke when they want to win a game of chance?

Not any ones worshiped globally. There's probably at least one regional deity to that effect somewhere, but not one that's known to Ur.

What's the orcish stance on cannibalism? Something along the lines of "only if it is only way to survive (and you've screwed the pooch if that's the case)"?

Pretty much that, yes.

Do the other orc women in the Stonetusk Clan grumble about Za'ria being given so much D, orcish or otherwise, despite being barren?

Not particularly, since it's mainly the unmated males who're giving her the D, and the females aren't all that worried about her supplanting them since she can't birth whelps.
Za'ria gets her share of bitching and gossiping from the clan's females, but it's not generally grumbling about all the D she's getting.

Do orcs men who are very close friends sometimes share their harems with each other? Or does orcish possessiveness discourage that kind of thing?

It's not like it never happens, but it's pretty rare since orcs tend to be kind of possessive.

Did Y'zagya ever take her love of family way too far and eventually birth whelps too inbred to live?

If she did, those stories of her life have been quietly swept under the rug.

Watch "enter the void" ant tell me little sisters aren't everything good and holy

I would, but I'm worried that if I watch another french film the government might take away my citizenship.
Liked by: RageBob

Will we even ever see Quals again or will that be in the epilogue or something

You will see her again, yes.
At the rate I'm releasing threads though, that could be many years from now.


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