

Ask @BrightTegu

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Will we be playig through arrivin back to camp, then organizing and planning, and then a time skip? Will there be a full moon(coven sacrifice) before we migrate?

Yes and yes.

I believe you mentioned that Zul'orok Zar and Tak'zaya Ska have a kind of On Again Off Again thing going on. Why is their relationship with each other so tumultuous and unstable?

Orc gods are after all orcs, both Y'zagya Zoka and Tak'zaya Ska can be linked to most of the male orcish gods at one time or another, though Y'zagya Zoka a lot more than Tak'zaya Ska of course.
As for Zul'orok Zhar and Tak'zaya Ska in particular, both of them are prone to becoming consumed by their respective passions and disregarding everything else, whether that be warring with rival gods and abyssal lords, or losing oneself in the sensations of the hunt.

While Tak'zaya Ska isn't as easy as Y'zagya Zoka, she can be so impressed with a hunter that she decides to bone him in his dreams like Y'zagya did with Ur'shal, yes? Has Vor'zal been badass enough in his long life to earn at least one night of celestial dream sex with his goddess?

Vor'zal has never had a piece of dat divine ass, however there have been a few myths throughout history of Tak'zaya Ska taking a "personal interest" in some orcish hunters of legendary skill.

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How far would Skor'oz Zik go to put a fire under the asses of a clan that he felt was getting too soft? What are his usual methods of motivation? Earthquakes? Floods? Drought? Would he give a lazy clan's enemies, orcish or non-orcish, some favorable weather to level the playing field?

Skor'oz Zik would certainly throw some natural disasters at orcs who angered him, but he wouldn't help their enemies. If he was feeling particularly dickish he might in fact inflict natural disasters in such a way that it drove new enemies into the orc clan's territory.

Was the woman who slew the Orc King a known enemy of the Orcs? Or did she just kind of come out of nowhere and take the orc kingdom by surprise?

She was the daughter of a minor noble family, apparently, but aside from that she really did come out of nowhere as far as the orc kingdom is concerned, they'd certainly never heard anything about her before.

Were bladegod and firegod sitting on a couch side to side with beers while watching the shitmonster fight? Did smithgod drop in for a bit? I imagine it like watching a game of football(a.k.a. soccer) where one of them is rooting for the underdog, one is just awaiting the tragedy.

Sure, why not.

just finished reading the archived quest and I was suprised that Ur has never asked the older members of his tribe what the previous orc king was like. Could you tell us what they would say or should we ask in thread?

I think I've mentioned it in ask before, but the last orc king was a very skilled fighter and a charismatic leader, the problem was that he had no actual practical understanding of how to rule or lead his people during wartime, on account of growing up during the decline of the orcish empire and earning all of his combat experience as a popular arena champion.
Mighty though he was in battle, his constant tactical fuckups in the war were one of the many things that led to the defeat of the kingdom.

Can you lose progress towards a boon/pleasing a god by doig something that isn't in line with his domain, or only by doing something that actually annoys/angers him?

You can, yes.

But we can assume that when the dream happened, we were around equally close to getting a boon from all the gods we could have chosen, right?

That first boon was really more of a freebie on account of the gods recognizing your efforts, except Skor'oz Zik, who was the first to abandon the kingdom and will take a bit more convincing that you're worth his time.

Did you purposefully not answer my question about Ur meetin milfgod in the dream, or did it not send correctly? Also am I the only one who dislikes it when anons constantly ask if Ur has earned another boon yet? Like holy fug, we'll learn in the quest when the time comes, no need to spoil it OOC

I just didn't get around to answering every single question yesterday, it's answered now.

Are there any nations that regularly seek out Abyssal shit to beat the crap out of or is that sort of thing too horrifying and suicidal for whole nations to keep up for long?

Not whole nations, no, though there are organizations, orders, religious groups etc. within most races who have a hateboner for the abyss and go out of their way to seek out and put down horrors, abyssal sorcerers and the like.

So, on that night we got offered boons from Kul'zog Zor, Zol'gor Tor, Y'zagya Zoka, and Tak'zaya Ska, right? Would we have "personally" met the other gods like we met milfgod had we chosen them? Why did Tak'zaya Ska offer a boon? Does that mean we are somewhat close to getting one now?

You would have encountered them in some form or another, yes. As for how close you are to getting a boon, who knows, you'll have to wait and see.

Is Tak'zaya Ska watching every time we kill an animal in combat? Did the feydragon count as an animal? I now realize that our too wargods are oinked somewhat since one's brutality fuels the other's use of terror. How did it come about to have 2 wargods? There was only one before, right?

The gods aren't over your shoulder every second of the day grading every little thing you do to that degree, if you do something impressive, Tak'zaya Ska will take note, but just killing some unchallenging animal will not attract her attention.
The jabberwocky wasn't an animal, it was crazy but still above what could be considered "animal intelligence".
There have at times been only one war god, and at a couple of occasions throughout history, three. The number of "main" orcish gods fluctuates as less well known deities fluctuate in popularity and get replaced.

How many whelps does the average slave of the average orc give birth to during her life, assuming the slave become a slave at 13 years of age and stays a slave until she dies of old age? How often does a slave give birth to a litter on average? How high is the mother mortality during births?

Depends on race, and in the case of slaves owned by a single orc rather than communal ones, whether their master allows breaks in between. Mortality is about as high as it would be for the race in general, although the Sanctify Birth spell used by Y'zagya Zokan priestesses helps prevent that.

When will we Fuck the hunting God?

She doesn't put out anywhere near as easily as Y'zagya Zoka, so you'll have to do some far more impressive things.

Is Tak'zaya Ska "watching" whenever we kill an animal incombat, or does it have to be a hunt for her to care?

She prefers hunts, but killing a particularly impressive beast will get her attention either way.

Does Thea work with Y'zoa and Sarsi in leather and armor crafting?

Sure, you don't have many slaves or clanmates with that skillset yet, so it's all hands on deck.

While many orcs went west into the wastes when they were forced to flee the destruction of the orc kingdom, were there any who went south into the jungle? Would it be worth it to perhaps check the jungle for signs of orc habitation?

It's possible, although south of you are elves, and further west in the jungle it starts getting a bit abyssal. There might be some clans in the rare safer areas though who haven't died or gone all Tongueripper-y on you.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

How are Ya'zar and Sho'ka getting along? I imagine they interact quite a bit around the war beast pens.

Yeah, they get along well, Sho'ka's pretty outgoing in general though, so of your mates, she's probably the one with the most friends amongst your clan.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

Did raiding those dwarves finally get us the resources to get Ashuris the fine clothes or whatever I faintly recall promising her or do we need to capture intact infrastructure for that?

Ashuris wants jewelry, not clothes, indeed your ogress slave wouldn't wear clothes unless you specifically forced her to do so, since she considers her body to be a work of art worthy of display.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

timeskip things: play with lions, get venom immunities, learn how to swim, tame/hunt animals, strength training, improve archery and languages, maybe try meditating while in the burning sun, improve vulture riding, maybe get more animals from the dreamrealm, like those not!emu, harem stuff, etc.

You will not be able to do absolutely everything, since a lot of time will be taken up with preparations for the move south, but you will certainly get to carry out a fair few of your plans.

Don't forget, we still need to get rid of the Rotten Man before we leave, and could also clean out the Kulakin because why not. Is there no one in the clan who Vor'zal thinks might make it as a priest of Tak'zaya Ska? Good thin we'll have vials for worm acid once used the normal elixirs.

>Don't forget, we still need to get rid of the Rotten Man before we leave, and could also clean out the Kulakin because why not.
Again, you'll get your chance to do so next thread.
>Is there no one in the clan who Vor'zal thinks might make it as a priest of Tak'zaya Ska?
Sho'ka, as well as a couple of the whelps.

Would you say that Ur is an especially kind, if not necessarily great(not a whole lot of discipline) master to his slaves amon the clan? would milfgod prefer he keep a stronger hand over the slaves to keep them in line? Can we get Lokasi to train halfelves in her style of combat maybe, later?

Ur is pretty laid back and kind by orcish standards when it comes to his slaves, many of the orcs of the clan consider it to be an odd but ultimately harmless quirk of their chieftain. Those who dislike him however would bring this up as one of the things that makes him unfit to rule, that he's too soft on his slaves.
Y'zagya Zoka isn't really concerned one way or another, she wouldn't object to you taking a firmer hand with your slaves, but since they aren't running wild and causing trouble for your clan, she's not bothered about Ur's more relaxed methods.
As for Lokasi training elf halfbreeds, perhaps, though even amongst the halfbreeds it won't be for everyone, even by elf standards Lokasi's got some impressive acrobatic ability.

So have earned any more boons from Yzagya for breaking in Bryna and Izanna? And besides material and magical goods, did we earn any boons for killing that dragon-like fae?

I'll be going over favor and boon stuff next thread.


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