

Ask @BrightTegu

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Vaki's character sheet is very interesting, particularly her favour. Are the Eel King, the Howling Prince and the Jeweled Viper gods, or other , more powerful fey, or what?

>Are the Eel King, the Howling Prince and the Jeweled Viper gods, or other , more powerful fey, or what?
The answer is somewhere in the middle, and vague, as things tend to be with the fey.

What do Lamia/Orc hybrids look like? Orcs with snake scales or green skin lamias with extra muscle mass?

Orcs with some scaliness and snake eyes, they also tend to be a bit smaller and lighter built than orcs, though not by much, and make up for it with increased agility, the ability to stay underwater for extended periods of time, and a somewhat increased aptitude for magic.

Has Vor'zal healed up from the To gueripper battle yet? If yes, can we take him to the dreamrealm? I remember you said that the feynimals there could potentially be tamed, and we were one roll away from getting one for ourselves, might be fun to get mounts/etc. from the raid too.

Vor'zal is all healed, yes. As for bringing him with you, I'll try to remember to hold another vote at the start of next thread, since people were also asking about Zo'rok.

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Wrestling a Craglion for dominance when? Would it please Tak'zaya Ska, oe is it not an effective enough way of bonding?

She'd be pleased enough with it, sure.

How is the pairing of Rasha and Bra'kur working out?

Pretty well from what you've seen, you suspect that Bra'kur had an easy time of it considering that Rasha had no desire to go back to being a communal slave though.

When it comes to survival in a harsh environment, does Skor'oz allow orcs to bring equipment to aid them? While he wouldn't want an orc to be bogged down with useless crap, would he look down on an orc who brought along basic stuff like a knife, flint and tinder, water skins and proper clothes?

Not really, while he would be more impressed with an orc who could survive without them, he would consider bringing those things if necessary to be mere common sense, and view anyone dying because they didn't bring essential equipment with them to be a fool who deserved their fate.

How inbred do orcs have to be before they start producing retarded flipper whelps?

Four or five generations at least. One of the duties of the Y'zagya Zokan priesthood was to keep records of all breeding in their clan, to ensure that they could steer it away from getting to that stage, preferably subtly, though sometimes a bit more forcefully if the situation is getting out of hand.

Seeing as Y'zagya Zoka was a huge fan of fun for the whole family, does she like to see orc mothers emulate her degeneracy?

Of course.

So Y'zagya Zoka fucked a dragon while she was mortal? Was there any whelps produced as a result of their tryst?

Yes, though an exhaustive list of every whelp Y'zagya Zoka ever birthed in her mortal days is something that very few of her faithful have ever managed to compile, and even then many suspect it is incomplete.

If an orc woman is knocked up by something else besides an orc man, does she still bear a litter? Or will she only bear one or two children?

A litter.

Is it acceptable for whelps to be mentored by slaves? Is it taboo for orcs to be slaves?

A whelp might be taught some specialist skill by a slave, but he would never consider the slave a mentor.
Orcs don't tend to enslave other orcs in general, though some clans have been known to do so.

What happens if more than one god wants to take someone as their divine servant? And that question again but if the gods are from different pantheons?

The gods don't actively pick every single person who enters their afterlife, it's more like a natural process of souls gravitating towards the place they most belong after death. Gods only pay direct attention to select and particularly impressive souls, and in those cases, if there's a dispute, it can well lead to divine conflict.

Would half divine spirit/God whelps automatically become divine servants when they die?

No, they'd still go through the same selection process as anyone else.

Since he's dead^2 now, did we HAVE to fight Rohtan? Could we have just talked him into a discussion? Take the guy who employed us to him so they could talk? Why was he attacking the bookkeeper demon?

Rohtan was a dick, he wouldn't have agreed to any sort of peaceable discussion, especially after Razi insulted him. Even if she hadn't, he would've snapped the moment he realized he was dealing with two teenagers who had a more technical understanding of necromancy than him.
The Lorekeeper demon was bound to protect the treasures in the chamber, which were of course all Rohtan's belongings. Since the royal sorcerer who bound him there did not know anything about Rohtan's reanimation, there was no "except Rohtan" clause in the "kill anyone who lays hands on any object on this dias" order bound into his contract. Rohtan wanted his stuff back, the archivist demon was bound to stop him retrieving it, and the demon found the whole situation rather amusing in that regard at least.

Considering the rate that orcs breed, the typical orc clan would likely have way more whelps than adult orcs. What happens if whelps are unable to find a mentor figure due to not enough adult orcs being around to teach every single whelp?

They just have to get by without one, which happens to a fair few orcs, or just latch onto an orc and follow them around trying to pick things up without active teaching.

So, as far as we know, Elshhu is aracial, but is this the case with all the gods, or are some of them exclusive to a race, or some of them only gods of a couple races and such?

Gods are kind of more vague in DoEQ, some crop up in all manner of races' stories, some only crop up in a few places, but on the other hand sometimes gods have multiple names and forms, being worshipped in different places under different guises, which makes it very hard to say how many gods are aracial or race/culture/region exclusive.

Can an orc gain status in a clan for being an exceptionally able mentor, producing highly competent students?

Sure can.

Is an orc obligated to become a mentor for whelps at some point, or can an orc decide "nope, I hate whelps pestering me about stupid shit all the time" and not bother?

Not obligated, no, but if he looks like he has the free time to do so and isn't, he might lose respect from his clanmates.

Does Durna take an interest in dwarf women enslaved by orcs. or is she too busy doing her own thing most of the time?

Durna does like a dwarf woman taking a good hard green dick, so she takes some interest at least.

What's orc body hair like, male/female? In DoEQ?

Orcish body hair is pretty similar to human body hair, both in how much of it they have and in how it looks.

What do orcs prefer: Having lots of sons or lots of daughters?

Since most orcs are fairly distant parents, they're not all that bothered. They're just happy as long as they don't produce weak children.


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