

Ask @BrightTegu

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Here's how I'd describe this. The players gave you a knife, and told you to let it go right above my side as I lied down, and you did. This is fine, I blame them. Now you're dropping little weights in the hilt so it penetrates further in and moves sideways a bit, and drops of acid on the wound.

That's a very melodramatic description, anon.
The outcome of yesterday's thread is not irreparable.

>Ur exits the tunnels looking right as rain, contrary to the lies spread by cowardice orcs claiming he is near death. "Fighting 4 divine servants on my own? Why that'd be a stupid idea, quit spreading your lies."

That would be nice, wouldn't it.

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>Dra'koz's slaves are nothing special, you have many superior waifus True, but they are still superior to genderbent and f/m/m/m/m/.../m, if you ask me. I would much rather have some other pastebins of course, like the Pia one or the rest of the celebration ones. Imagine if Ur had a mate since young

I mean, my genderbent Ur idea was Ur'shala having her way with Shota'zala, which I know some people liked the sound of. I will remember all the other requests though.

>didn't require any backup So? The orcs WANTED to have fun, we were fighting in big chambers with enough space, and were nearing the broodmother with her army of at least a hundred Kulakin. Would've been good exercise, AND safer.

That is true.

"I still have Ur'shala the orc chieftain's non-canon smut on my backlog of pastebin ideas." So never then.

Never is such a strong word.

I told people we should have called the other 10 orcs too, but nooooo! Damned reckless morons

To be fair, until you faced the divine servants you really were fighting pleb-tier mooks which didn't require any backup.

Genderbent a shit f/m/m/m/m/m/m a shit pls gib Dar'koz's slaves

Dra'koz's slaves are nothing special, you have many superior waifus, and are two thirds of the way through the complete set of Kasimir's daughters stolen from Slaagyr.

At the very least I can promise that I'm not enough of a dick to just straight up kill Ur off-screen. Gee thats confidence inspiring, I bet you'll probably do worse things to him and everyone else and make us wish he died off screen.

Now you're getting it. From now on this quest will be about Ur the orc cripple getting NTR'd by chieftain Juk'ruk.

Huh. It's kind of interesting that, while there's a whole bunch of presumably butthurt triggered downvotes, both threads are getting roghly a dozen of upvotes, just like they usually do.

I suppose some people liked it at least.

>cont. Should probably make clear that I don't want spoilers for what happened to Ur, but am curious how you'd generally rate the crisis management that followed. Was sticking around just stupid? Was trying to regain order completely out of Yzada's are of expertise? That kind of thing.

Ya'zada was close to regaining order, she does have a +1 in command so it's not entirely outside of her area of expertise, being a former chieftain herself, though the DC was getting higher to do so after each failure.

Did you expect people to go for Vaki in order to heal Ur? How would you rater people's decisions after Ur got trashed on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is pretty reasonable and 10 is getting into a 1v4 with Divine Servants?

I thought they might try and call on Vaki for something, but I didn't exactly expect it.
As for the decisions after Ur got trashed, I was surprised that people wanted to stick around to search the room, but overall there were no really bizarre choices made.

I'm going to calm myself with the knowledge that Ur's chestplate should theoretically protect against any sort of bad shit Vaki might be intending to do to Ur.

But it won't protect his penis.
...though that's probably the last place Vaki wants to injure.

Hey Tengu! You're a cool guy! Don't stop doing what you do! Also [spoiler] Genderbent Ur orgy when? [/spoiler]

Thank you kindly anon.
I still have Ur'shala the orc chieftain's non-canon smut on my backlog of pastebin ideas.

Well, if Vaki wasn't lying most of the time during the interactions between her and Ur, and fey/Vaki aren't genetically/anyhow motivated to fuck people over, then I can see there being a chance of having trusted Vaki being a very good thing, at least.

Guess you'll have to wait and see.
At the very least I can promise that I'm not enough of a dick to just straight up kill Ur off-screen.

>you could have dropped the DC down to around 15 >could've had a 65.7% chance of success Thank you based anons who voted to solo the shitmonsters, you really did us all a favor, really, you have something to be proud of.

Divine Servants are always dangerous to underestimate, even if they are possessing piles of offal and poop.


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