

Ask @BrightTegu

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>A LOT I see no indication that you've seen ENOUGH goblin girl porn. (Or goblin girl art in general)

I don't think one can ever truly see ENOUGH goblin girl porn.

I imagine the appropriate time for gobblin tits is a ways off still, in any case.

You've still got a bit of a wait I'm afraid.

Well, I wasn't banned for the one I posted in your quest, I posted the same pic somewhere else. But don't worry, I will improve my goblin art skills for the time. I shall master censorship and cropping.

Godspeed anon.

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Yeah we do, they were perfectly censored as well, plus spoilered. Not pornographic at all.

Damn shame. Don't feel like you have to post goblin tits in the thread for my benefit though, I have seen a lot of goblin girl porn over the years.
and I mean A LOT.

Kekkity, got a 3 day ban for posting censored goblin tits. Guess I'm gonna proxy it up for tomorrow's thread.

Clearly the mods hate big green titties.
Truly we live in dark times.

I'm ahead of ya by an hour, so happy new year to you mate

and I'm behind you by an hour, so happy new year to you too.

Depends on if the priest was a new clan member or something, or was a priest to a different god before. Mul'orog Grul was already fallen before orckind got pushed back to the wastes, right?

Mul'orog Grul was turned into an abyssal lord hundreds of years ago, yes.

What will happen to the human children taken as slaves when they reach 14 years of age?

Not much in the case of the male ones, they'll just be given harder labor to do as they get older and stronger.
In the case of the female ones, once the orcs figure they're old enough they'll either be given to a specific orc or end up as more communal breeding slaves.

Should Ur'shal round up the Stone tusk children and tell them to keep an eye on the Stormhowler and Goatfoot children and see if they can at least get the kids from the two tribes to play nice? Or if that's out of the question, at least warn the Stonetusk children to watch their backs?

Up to you, try suggesting it in-thread.

Does Ur'shal have a hope in hell integrating the Stormhowlers and the Goatfoot clans into his own without the two killing each other? What are our options to make sure that getting the two to work together ends up being as bloodless as possible?

It's not going to be easy, that's for sure. Ya'zada is pretty loyal to you, and Or'kug agreed that his clan would be yours now, but there's too much bad blood to just get swept under the rug like that.
As for getting them to work together, well, that's for you to figure out, just don't leave members of the two clans alone together right now!

Ah, so it was something from there that corrupted the Tonguerippers. Strange, it must have been intelligent to take over the clan like our hunterpriest said it happened.

Who knows.
Vor'zal said that there was a priest of mul'orog grul corrupting the clan, but did the orc turn to the worship of the fallen orcish god because of horror corruption, or did he lure the clan into abyssal worship because he was already corrupted beforehand.

Are the Goatfoot or the Stormhowler proficient in bow making ?

Not as a whole, the goatfoots have a few archers and bowyers though.

> the wastes were a part of the world destroyed by an Abyss Lord > dead can be tainted in areas like that Maybe we should move to the jungle fully.

No, the lands west of the wastes were destroyed by an abyssal lord, not the wastes themselves, although it does mean that unpleasant abyssal things do sometimes travel east into the wastes.

Do necromancers actually tear souls out of the afterlife?

Yes, from the countless lost souls of the crone lands generally, as spirits in the realms of the gods resist the summons a long more strongly.

Huh, strange I've never thought of this before. Do orcs have funerals? Do they bury their dead? Burn them? Is that only to rocs, or to slaves as well? Do shamans/priests have any duty like helping the dead move on or something?

Well as you may have gathered from prior tomb robbing, orcs did bury their important dead in fancy tombs in more extravagant times.
At this stage, your people burn their dead, the slaves to.
Generally orcish funerary customs are pretty simple for your average orc, the shaman, a priest, or an orc who was close to the deceased will give a short speech, speak of their achievements before the clan.
As for helping the dead move on, in most cases the dead will just move on on their own, shamans and priests do sometimes have to help things along in the case of areas which are heavy with magical energy (particularly past necromancy) to avoid them lingering as incorporeal undead or their bodies rising as corporeal undead.
Areas of past heavy abyssal sorcery use are even worse, and shamans and priests definitely help the dead move on who fall there, after ensuring that their bodies are removed from the area so that they can be purified. Letting souls linger who have been tainted with abyssal energies can lead to some very unpleasant and dangerous kinds of undead which can later aid horrors with entering the mortal realm.

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How about I join you for a night of fun, then? Not like I had any other plans. I'll have to see if I have any alcohol left though.

Sure thing anon, let's live the high life together!

What are you doing tonight, Lordy?

Very little. I had plans for the next few days but they all fell through. Guess I'll drink and browse /tg/ to welcome in the new year.

Do orc slaves (non-orc) get taken in by/made into orcish divine entities? Because that might pay into inka's soul stealing fear

They can be, yes, but that's only if they start worshiping orcish gods (whether actively or just subconsciously).

>implying you can't copypaste the ERP logs into a pastebin If there's will, there's a way, and the boner must have its way.

I'm sure if anon and his friend want to when they're finished they will. No need to pressure them.

ERP rather than smutfic anons and warlord, We'll see what she wants when its finished (all over her face preferably)

>all over her face preferably
Well, have fun anon.

>telling us of that smutfic >not linking it You can't be this cruel, anon.

It's true anon, that is a little cruel.

Ur'shal's wang has spread far my friend! A friend and fellow fan wanted her frost giant character captured and taken by the orc. Add in some additional ribbing by Ashuris for him claiming the giant woman and, lady boners (not in reference to futa, they just enjoyed it)

Fanfiction (or should that be fapfiction)? Of my quest? I feel kind of flattered right now.
Glad to hear your friend is enjoying the quest so much.


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