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>Warlord doesnt know about Ben-Jammin' Franklin's guide to slaying cougars

Well I am a filthy limey after all.

>the leathery 60 yr old [Yes. Girls got experience.~ ]

Sorry anon, I draw the line on smut age for human women in the forties, maybe fifties if they look particularly youthful for their age.

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Do Iquani say Delicious Vanilla? Did Sief also accidentally seduce princesses Christmas cake chaperone?

>Do Iquani say Delicious Vanilla?
I'm sure some of them do.
>Did Sief also accidentally seduce princesses Christmas cake chaperone?
Are you referring to Jira the leathery 60 year old?

I find myself wondering, how much would have the awkwardness increased if Ratu was there as well and Qualaji's ghost would still have shown up as Sief? Or would ther have been two ghots?

It would still have shown up outside her tent as Sief. Qualaji would have been a lot more reticent about letting anything slip in regards to said ghostly encounter if there had been more people around though.

How inappropriate would it be for a young lord and a young princess to sleep in the same tent 3 days after meeting?

Very, the question is whether practicality outweighs impropriety.

Fallout 4 looks like it'll be about The Commonwealth. saw the USS Constitution and Fanual hall. Expect Bawston accents.

Yeah, the trailer's looking pretty good, though as always I shall withhold judgement until I see some proper gameplay.

>certain facts about her current situation that she'd until then ignored. ExplainFurther.jpg

Well Sief is a good-looking man, one of around her age, who just recently proved himself to be a skilled archer and rider who is in exceptional condition, and she is alone with him in the wilderness and probably will be for several days to come.
The full implications of that kind of got buried under her enthusiasm to go hunt down giants until now.

>Sief uses whatever excuses to think of to walk around shirtless now. Sits in his cockpit, open and topless, fanning himself, wrings out his sweat soaked shirt by the river, flexing his muscles while doing so, and she's reminded of the Utter Destruction he did in the competitions against her tribe

>Lordy, you're making me think tent guy was right. I really only had our safety in mind though, the ghost would only have a single chance to trick as we'd be in the same tent. Also, NO! Princess isn't so indecent as to peek at a gentleman! Qualaji is a pure and classy young lady!

> I really only had our safety in mind though, the ghost would only have a single chance to trick as we'd be in the same tent.
Sounds like an excuse to me.

>Implying that a pure and innocent princess has sex dreams and/or masturbates Anon what kind of QM do you think I am? The best kind? She almost fell for ghost booty? Lordy, you're making me think tent guy was right. She seems the type to sneak a peek when she think's Sief is asleep.

>She almost fell for ghost booty?
You weren't the only one the ghost tried to pull the old "I got lost out here let's sleep together" trick on. Ghosts kind of have a one track mind like that.

>implying GKQ isn't not!NGE in medieval fantasy with specific field of magitech

In that case you'd best hope that Sief's father remains a drunk, because if he sobers up he might turn into Gendo.

>a ghost posing as Sief dressed like the cover of a harlequin romance novel Damn, either ghosts have really shit taste, or Qualaji has very pleb tastes.

Cut the ghosts some slack, they've been dead for several decades and reduced to pretty basic thought processes, appealing to high quality fetishes is beyond them.

>She almost fell for that once. Yesss(yes I know that's bad) >cause her to become intensely aware of certain facts about her current situation that she'd until then. This just keeps getting better

Fun fact: If you'd brought Ratu he would have totally fallen for the ghost's lost, frightened, semi-exposed princess routine.
If you hadn't saved him when you heard interesting noises coming from his tent you would have had to deal with a) a behemoth rider suffering severe exhaustion as a result of having a whole lot of his energy drained by a hungry ghost, making him useless for quite some time to come and b) an obnoxiously smug behemoth rider who was too dumb to make the connection and though that he was just tired out after a night of hot princess sex.
At least until he tried to approach Qualaji about their night together a couple of days later, an encounter which would have ended with him getting punched.

>Is it though?// Cmon we both know how this works skip the foreplay Lordy

Silly anon, Sief is the MC least likely to skip foreplay.

I was thinking Sex dream and/or masturbation, she seems smart enough to avoid ghost-booty

>Implying that a pure and innocent princess has sex dreams and/or masturbates
Anon what kind of QM do you think I am?

So since our moms soul is obviously in Raziel a spirit can fuse with the Golem right?

>So since our moms soul is obviously in Raziel a spirit can fuse with the Golem right?
Is it though?

>ghostly booty calls, sex dreams or masturbation here// Whatever you want it to be

Pretty low right now given how embarrassed she is, especially ghostly booty calls since she almost fell for that once already.
Qualaji's got some solid self-control, even if her encounter with a ghost posing as Sief dressed like the cover of a harlequin romance novel last night did cause her to become intensely aware of certain facts about her current situation that she'd until then ignored.

On a scale of 0 to 10 how likely is Sief going to hear his name moaned from the princess' tent?

Are we talking ghostly booty calls, sex dreams or masturbation here?

Considering what happened last night, I personally think it would be much safer if we slept in the same tent, or at least next to each other. Will you reveal if the not-ghost that tried to get us away from our tent was hostile/evil?

>Considering what happened last night, I personally think it would be much safer if we slept in the same tent, or at least next to each other.
Well, you're always free to broach that subject to the princess.
>Will you reveal if the not-ghost that tried to get us away from our tent was hostile/evil?
In Golem Knight Quest, it's best to assume that anything strange and supernatural has dark intentions for you, it's not a setting with an abundance of happy little gnomes.
Spoiler: Gnomes exist, and they are real assholes.

What are ~spirits~? I assume ghosts, kelpies, etc. don't count as spirits, so what DOES count as one? Does Sief actually worship them to a degree, would he react with respect to being in the presence of one?

Spirits are spirits of the land, the ocean, the sky, etc. etc. Most free humans either worship them or at the very least treat spirits with respect, considering that it was the spirits creating elementals which first gave humans a real chance against their titan masters.
Spirits aren't really something that one just runs into and has a chat with though, they're mysterious entities which very rarely meddle in the day to day lives of mortals, and if they do then generally one is left not really knowing if they have or not. The one time spirits interfere in a dramatic way is when fusing with a human soul to create an elemental, but it's been several hundred years since the last time there is any record of that happening.
Ghosts are a puzzling point for many academics, who can only theorize that perhaps mass death leaves and imprint on the spiritual world and creates something of an echo. Considering that areas of mass death often have a brutal history, that imprint tends not to be pleasant, and ghosts range from ignoring humans to actively seeking to harm them.
Kelpies are a kind of low race or strange animal, it can be a vague distinction at times.

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>Something dad hasnt fucked IN YOUR FACE FATHER

Well to be fair Sief's father is pretty lazy about his depravity, so there's a lot of things he hasn't fucked. It's mostly been limited to the hired help, women from the local towns and villages, and one or two neighbouring lords and ladies who share his lifestyle.

Sief is so in there. The only question is will he be able the mental block he's put on his own desires? Princess Sief, your dad hasn't gone after a princess~ actually, has Pa had delicious brown around the house?

Not that Sief has seen, considering that it was only a decade or two ago that the empire and the iquani were at war, delicious brown is very rare in imperial lands.

No halflings in OWQ? Have they never existed in your setting, or is it an Elder Scrolls scenario where the entire race went poof?

Never existed in that setting.


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