

Ask @BrightTegu

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Would hosting competitions to determine the best fighters/packs in the clan be seen as odd? It sounds like something a real warchief would do to keep his fighters from getting t0o bored inbetween battles.

Not odd, the orcish kingdom had a long tradition of using arena combat, both individual and groups, to keep the orcs from getting too antsy about a lack of fighting. It was one of the main reasons the nomadic clans visited the orcish cities.
Of course, there is varied opinion on how good of a thing that was. On the one hand, it did keep orcs from running wild quite so much, on the other hand some orcs believe it was one of the factors that led to the stagnation and decay of the late orcish kingdom, as its warriors were more interested in getting all the money and bitches from being famous arena fighters than actual raiding and conquest.

>It is a time honored orcish tradition. The alternative is relying on priests of Tak'zaya Ska, which is more reliable. The thought of a group of orcs beating an animal an inch from death and than petting it loveling just made made my day. Got any good stories about this?

Orcs do often come from places where the most reliable way to deal with the wildlife does involve beating it to within an inch of its life before it does the same to you.

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How lethal a venom immunity would be needed for Skor'oz Zik to give a shit? Just any old thing will do? The more dangerous the better? Would doing the whole Riddick(the movie) thing make Ur more resistant just to that specific type of venom?

It's been many years since I watched Riddick, and it was a pretty forgettable movie, so you're going to have to remind me what he did.
Skor'oz Zik would care about anything which has the potential to cause you serious harm or is for the purpose of toughening yourself up against future potential serious harm. Wiping poison ivy on your dick isn't going to impress Skor'oz Zik, there's no real danger of death or injury, it's just dumb.
Getting bitten by a poisonous spider to prove your toughness, or drinking down a mixture containing trace amounts of a lethal plant extract so you build up an immunity on the other hand, is the good shit, in Skor'oz Zik's view anyway.

How long can Ur hold his breath at the moment? How would one even go about training that? Just hold breath? Can orcs do some real bullshit things, like go in the mountains or hold their breath and do strenuous activity stubbornly until their body starts to use oxygen more efficiently or something?

They train their breath the same way as anyone else. High elevation exercise, underwater exercise and plenty of cardio.
Due to generally being in damned good shape cardio-wise, orcs are good at holding their breath, your clan needs to get used to the strange sensation of being underwater more than anything, since for most of them the underground river is the first time they've even seen an amount of water larger than a small pond in one place.

Would not creampie'ing Aurora until she asks, but doing it in her mouth and backdoor have the desired phisiological effect because of oheromones/bodyfluids, but still make her feel submissive and like she's bein robbed of a privilege, like she's not as good as the other slaves? Maybe with time?


How awkward a conversation would bringing up orcish family customs with our slaves be? Why have they not learnt about them throughout the months?

Because your slaves don't really talk to the rest of the clan much, and your clan has very few whelps so far for them to learn about it from.

Would halfbreeds feed on their biological mother's milk as well, besides milk from orcish females? Would it be strange to have halfbreeds know that "look 'ere ya li'l shits, see dis breedin' slave o' mine? Ye, she gave birth to ya, ya know, she's your blood mommy, got it" or smthng? Make Alei happy?

>Would halfbreeds feed on their biological mother's milk as well, besides milk from orcish females?
Yes, considering the number of whelps a clan will usually have at any one time it's all hands on deck to feed them. Or all tits on deck, I guess.
>Would it be strange to have halfbreeds know that "look 'ere ya li'l shits, see dis breedin' slave o' mine? Ye, she gave birth to ya, ya know, she's your blood mommy, got it" or smthng? Make Alei happy?
Maybe a little, but then it's up to you if you want to do something a little strange.

Did Ku'zag check if Sho'ka and Aleida were pregnant, like he did for K'zala? Regardless, we need a scene where he tests Lokasi, and tells Ur about the year long pregnancy; her reaction would be fucking priceless (especially if she's carrying 3+).

>Did Ku'zag check if Sho'ka and Aleida were pregnant, like he did for K'zala?
I will bear your suggestion in mind.

Got an estimate on tonight's thread, hour wise?

Not running one tonight, kind of wore myself out on thursday, hence the sudden halt to Orc Warlord. Next thread will probably be Golem Knight on monday or tuesday.

(>is looking forward to having some children of her own again.) Will Aleida be disappointed to find out her whelps with Ur'shal will be brought up to treat her not so much as their mother, but just as another of their father's breeding slaves?

Possibly so.

Is it possible to get the abyssal resistance trait past level 1? Can it go as high as level 5, if it is possible to raise it further?

Yes, you would have to go through some crazy shit to raise it to level 5, but at that stage Ur's resistance would be at the level that he could walk naked into the nexus of an abyssal breach without being affected.
Bear in mind that no matter how high you get it it will never make you immune to physical damage from abyssal creatures, claws, teeth, fire breath, and carnivorous brainworms chewing through your frontal lobe will still be able to harm you, but possession, spontaneous mutation, that sort of thing, you would just shrug off completely.

So how would we go about taming creatures? Jumping on their backs and punching them in the face?

It is a time honored orcish tradition. The alternative is relying on priests of Tak'zaya Ska, which is more reliable.

>Yes. Completely?

It's a low powered hex, so yes, completely.
More powerful sorcerers might be able to penetrate the protections to a certain degree, but it will make you highly resistant at the very least.

Ah, I didn't mean deathworm, I just don't remember the name, the squid-like scary thing from the Deep Wastes that we sent Juk'ruk to hunt, remember? Something like nightglade or something? I don't know, I seem to remember it having acid and being a hard enemy to kill.

The remains let off noxious fumes as they break down, so it was taken downwind of the camp and disposed of.

What could a Skor'oz Zik favor be spent for?

Resisting poisons, resisting pain, resisting the effects of injuries, resisting dangerous natural phenomena.
Basically, if it involves grabbing hold of your giant green balls, spitting in the face of adversity and shouting "fuck you I'm too tough to die!" then it's related to Skor'oz Zik.

So how do those divine servants Y'zagya Zoka raped measure up to dragons?

As a group, they would have had a fair chance against a dragon up to around a millennium in age. More than that would have been too much for them though.
Individually, maybe a 100-200 year old dragon each.

>Cute, sure, but there's more to being best girl than just that. Have I mentioned she's part of the Elite Ten, likely one of the higher ranks?

I am withholding judgement.

Are there any venomous creatures or plants around that would fit that description? Do we know how immunities work? Maybe some elves or Ku'zag would know?

In the border wastes, plenty. Stingworms, Goldenback Pit Spiders, Ridged Centipedes, Sand Darters, Cragtangle, Toothroot. Of course your orcs tend to be resistant to most of that stuff already.
In the jungle, probably even more.
Ur is aware of the concept of building up immunities.

What did we do with the deathwyrm or whatever that Juk'ruk brought back? Did Ku'zag use its parts for some alchemy shit maybe? Did we burn it? Damn, we could've used its poison for the immunity plan!

Deathworms don't have poison, they vomit up highly corrosive digestive juices. You still have it, since you haven't suggested anything you wanted to do with it. Vor'zal has been keeping it under control.

>Skor'oz Zik always approves of orcs improving their ability to survive in new and difficult surroundings. Ohoho~h, that's good to know, now I know what to plan on. Would you say, for instance, injecting yourself with (even to orcs)dangerous venom and getting imunities be pleasing to him?

He would approve.

What is more impressive, raping dragons, or raping divine servants? Depends on the age of the dragon?

Depends on the age of the dragon and the power of the divine servant. There are some divine servants which are barely tougher than mortals, and others who are more than capable of throwing down with bigass dragons one on one.

Y'zagya Zoka is awesome, holy shit. I hope we can do something similarly impressive and please her, not sure what god would have any female divine servants though. Also we'd need more sorcerers to bind them and shit. Eh, we'll find something to fuck of similar impressiveness. If nothing else, dragon

Follow your dreams, and your dick.


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