

Ask @BrightTegu

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About how many groups of harpies are we aware of in the jungle, and what size are they?

There are several large nests scattered around, exact numbers are unknown since it was hard to get a headcount on them during the scouting expedition, but at least 30, probably far more in the largest ones.

Harpy culture and scale. Has there ever been Harpy kingdoms or very large nests? What is the Culture of harpys or is it just wild women taking men to propagate?

There has never, to Ku'zag's knowledge, been a harpy kingdom.
Harpy culture seems to revolve around three things, music, hunting and raiding settlements for men. Ku'zag doesn't know a lot about harpy culture beyond that, as harpies have always been fairly distant from most races.

How far in aee you with Yours? Chapter X? Any significant event yet? Is Pauline a cutie?

Just finished Chapter 3.

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Who in the harem likes the taste/smell of Ur'shal the most?

Either Inka (who likes Ur's *everything* intensely, so I'm not sure that counts), or Lokasi.

Will we ever run into some priests or devotees of Skor'oz Zik or get opportunities to earn favor with him? Does anyone in our clan follow his ways?

>Will we ever run into some priests or devotees of Skor'oz Zik or get opportunities to earn favor with him?
That would fall under the realm of spoilers.
>Does anyone in our clan follow his ways?
A fair few of your orcs offer up the occasional prayer or the like, but you don't have any hardcore Skor'oz Zik worshipers.

Are we fucking Aleida before Aurora/Inka?

Not in the pastebin I'm working on today, but I'm sure you will at some point.

Have you been reading that smutfic that was linked to you, or is it not your cup of tea after all?

I have indeed, it's pretty good.

Where did all the previous horde's elf slaves go? Elves keep a long time y'know.

During the latter stages of the war the orcs were in the midst of a clumsy, scattered, all-out retreat. Most slaves were either freed by the enemy, got loose, or died during that time.

Was Or'kaz really ill when we encountered him at the celebration? Some Anon's came to the conclusion that he must of had Abyssal Rot or Draconic Explosionitis since he wasn't enjoying himself to the fullest. (Personally, I think a case of 'Getting Too Old For This Shit' seems more likely.)

Since you don't know the answer to that in-quest yet, I'm just going to say no spoilers.

Is there a hierarchy between magical shit? Is a divine fire damage spell generally stronger than an arcane fire damage spell of the same level, for instance? Since gods are pretty focused on particular things, I'd think they'd be damn good at them.

Levels are a measure of your power in an arcana, a level 2 in a divine one is as strong as a level 2 in an arcane one.
Divine spellcasters tend towards higher levels since they only have the one arcana relating to their deity, while arcane spellcasters tend to pick up multiple arcana at lower levels.

>pure bred toucan harpys. Yup! Reason enough to keep those colorful girls around. We'll have to try, we're The Warlord Of The Wastes afterall, our claim is law

Well, bring it up next thread then.

If we want to reform from just being a tribe of orcs it should probably be done over the Timeskip. Wouldn't have to deal with endless minutiae then.

I'm going to skip over a fair few details in the timeskip, but you aren't going to be able to enact any really major cultural reforms over a mere few months.

>investigate the gods Fetch the Cuck Wizzard! As for the harpys, its up to Ur to convince his people of turning their ways a bit for an alliance, though we plan to do that a bit with romanceing the red dragon as opposed to kicking in her temple doors

You're welcome to try.

How about convincing the clan to have the harpies fuck non-orcs instead of the orcs raping and impregnating themselves? I mean, we'd have to do that if we want to have some pure harpies around. Is breeding slaves with each other for more slaves a thing that orcs do?

Not generally, since orcs just see a lack of pure breeding slaves as a reason to go raiding for more pure breeding slaves.
You're welcome to try and introduce the concept though.

When will we investigate what gods the elves have?

Next time you think to ask Lokasi while she doesn't have Ur's dick in her mouth I suppose.

Is an alliance with Harpies sane at all? We have male slaves we could offer.

Of course Ur might have a lot of trouble convincing his clan that they should ally with a tribe of sexy birdwomen rather than enslaving them.

So will we ever be able to organize a puppet "tribe" of elves/humans/whatever functioning under orcish rule?

Dunno, will you?

So... does Za'ria end up joining Ur in his tent? Actually, on second thought, might be better to keep it a surprise.

Have to wait and see.

so are you having the Aurora scene in the next thread, or are you pastebin'ing that one as well? And are you going to write the pastebins in chronological order? Since we only skipped Ya'zada so far, it's not like Aurora would be long afterwards anyway.

I'm going to pastebin it. Next thread I'll move on to the timeskipping and such.

Sorry mate, I think I'll have to miss GKQ, and maybe even OWQ for next week, I have finals to prepare for, need to cram 4 years of material in a week.

>Putting real life ahead of my quest.
Well, good luck anon.

What would zaria do with a particularly sexually skilled slave?

Focus on ensuring that they are properly obedient.


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