

Ask @BrightTegu

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Are orc fathers expected to be present at the birth of their whelps? Or is childbirth something that orc men don't typically involve themselves with?

Not expected to, no. Most orc fathers are fairly distant, though not all are.

What is involved in actually casting Sanctify Birth? Something along the lines of painting a few Y'zagya Zokan Runes on a pregnant woman's belly saying a few prayers?

That about sums it up, yes.

Do Y'zagya Zoka priestesses have access to an improved version of Sanctify Birth which confers extra benefits to a pregnant female?

Higher level versions further reduce the risk of complications and keep the female and unborn whelps healthy. Some high level variations also include ongoing protective magics and good fortune to the whelps for up to several years after they are born.

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How basic a spell is Sanctify Birth? Is it a spell that all orc shaman are expected to know?

It's one of the first spells that Y'zagya Zokan priestesses learn, and one of the most basic spells of their arcana, which means that most shamans pick it up early on in their apprenticeship.

Were Aleida and her first husband a more adventurous pair than most couples? Considering that Aleida knew what blowjobs were.

They were, yes.

Let me guess. Awaken the Skies summons a storm, Befoul the Source ruins a spring, Stone Slumber is hibernation, Scarred hide is tougher skin/endurance, Sustenance is not needing as much water/etc., Desolate Wind or Calling the Des. S. is what she did against the bug. What are the rest?

>Awaken the Skies summons a storm, Befoul the Source ruins a spring, Stone Slumber is hibernation, Scarred hide is tougher skin/endurance, Sustenance is not needing as much water/etc.,
Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.
>Desolate Wind or Calling the Des. S. is what she did against the bug.
That was Desolate Wind.
>What are the rest?
Calling the Desolate Spirits is sort of a summoning spell, although rather than calling something fully into the mortal realm is weakens the barriers to Skor'oz Zik's realm, allowing dozens of the lost spirits that drift through his realm to slip partially into the mortal one, where the confused, angry spirits lash out violently at anything within reach. Effectively it creates something of a localized dust storm with poltergeist effects.
Summon Dust Devil summons one of the Divine Spirits you met outside of the ruin.
Walking the Desert is a general purpose spell for survival when travelling through deserts, reducing the need for food and water, as well as the impact of heat and cold. It only works, however, while you are travelling, if you stop your journey for whatever reason, the spell ends immediately.

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When will Aleida be ready to conceive another litter of whelps safely? Has the birth of her first set of whelps with Ur'shal discouraged her from making more?

>When will Aleida be ready to conceive another litter of whelps safely?
Without a Y'zagya Zokan priestess on hand to smooth out the process, it's probably best for her health to leave it a year or two. Fortunately now that you have access to the jungle, you have access to herbs with contraceptive properties so you don't have to stop having fun in the meantime.
>Has the birth of her first set of whelps with Ur'shal discouraged her from making more?
Not in the slightest, she's both eager to mate with Ur more, and she's not even all that worried about giving birth since Ku'zag cast Sanctify Birth for her first set of whelps, rendering the whole process simple and fairly painless.

What was Aleida's first husband like as a man and a lover? (I'm assuming her second "husband" Alwin was a useless turd).

As a man, he treated her well, and was a skilled hunter for his tribe. As a lover, he wouldn't have measured up to Ur's orcish dicking skills, but Aleida certainly didn't have any complaints at the time.

I'll try to remind you in the next thread. Maybe you could edit the character sheets to have a */GIVE IPTION TO PASSIVELY WORK ON SOMETHING/* in the beginning of it to remind anyone who looks at it of it?

I should, especially since I also need to add dwarf slaves to several of your lieutenants on the character sheets already, so one more reason to go do that.

>(rolling in Y'zagya Zokan favor and boons if you made them suffer.) How would we go about finding out who is on Y'zagya Zoka's shit list?

Research, interrogating others from beyond the wall, divination magic. There's plenty of methods.

When do we get to select somethig to passively work on, like endurance, strength, or archery?

When I stop being dumb and remember to include it in the thread, I should've done that already.

For the females who have committed atrocities against orchood by hurtig orc women and children, does Y'zagya Zoka appreciate a painful, agonizing death, or a life of servitude as a slave for punishment?

Either is fine, as long as they're paying for their crimes.

Would hunting down those who planned and carried out the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of orc women and children during the destruction of the orc kingdom be pleasing to Y'zagya Zoka?

It sure would. While not every single enemy engaged in mass culling of orcish children or the like to an extent that would earn any particular notice from Y'zagya Zoka, there are certain individuals who, due to their actions in the war, would have you rolling in Y'zagya Zokan favor and boons if you made them suffer.

So the orc kingdom went from 1-2 million orcs to about, what, 1000-2000+ orcs living in the wastes? Goddamn, the enemies of the orc kingdom were not mucking around.

They sure weren't.

How conflicted are orcs about thievery? Sure, skulking about in the shadows avoiding attention isn't very orcish, but orcs also love taking stuff that isn't theirs.

Quite conflicted. Orcs understand the need for stealth in hunting, raiding and scouting, and they do like taking things that aren't theirs, but on the other hand some orcs see thievery as a cowardly alternative to just smashing someone's face in and taking their stuff when they're dead. In general those orcs who don't like it will tolerate it as long as the thieving orc is turning his attention outwards rather than stealing from clanmates, but an orc with a taste for thievery is going to get some suspicion or hostility if his clan knows about his interests, all the same.
That said, in clans with a heavy Zol'gor Tor thievery is rather more tolerated, since Zol'gor Tor is among other things a god of thievery (though orcs who focus on his more martial aspects tend to ignore that fact), though an orc who is stealing from clanmates in such a clan is still going to get his ass kicked if he's found out.

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What was the population of the orc kingdom before it was destroyed?

Population numbers were hard to lock down for the orcish kingdom since it included various nomadic clans who were only there sometimes, however it was probably somewhere between about 1 to 2 million, and double or triple that in slaves.
At its height it had a higher population, but in the years leading up to its fall the orcish kingdom was bleeding population at a worrying rate as more traditional orcish clans and groups left to join up with more martial warlords elsewhere in the world or strike out on their own.

How feasible is Anon's plan to start farming? We have no experts in farming. We have no irrigation infrastructure. We have no crops to plant. We have little arable land. Is it even the right season to plant stuff? And it will take months until a crop is ready for harvest. Is it worth the effort?

Right now, probably not worth the effort, the Great Waste is not good farmland, obviously, and the majority of your slaves right now are hunter-gatherers with no more idea about how to develop farmland than your orcs do.
With time, effort, trial and error, and the coven rerouting an underground river (which could take months, possibly more since the coven are all knocked up right now and therefore not capable of the endurance to do serious, sustained magic) you could probably get some farmland set up, but that effort would most likely be better served planning how to seize control of better lands and slaves who actually know what they're doing.

Does Skor'Oz Zik kind of have the mentality that no matter how bad the orc race/other gods fuck up he'll always be there to keep orckind around?

Sort of, yes, although he's perfectly willing to cut off a limb or two to keep the body alive if necessary.

Why is Reverse Trap so good?

Because tomboys are qt, and reverse trap is tomboy taken to its final logical conclusion. Besides, everyone loves surprises.

If the cragfolk refugees had encountered any other orc besides Ur'shal out in the wastes, would would have happened? How strange is it for an orc to just let them go?

Most likely dead, enslaved or just ignored entirely, Ur's actions were pretty unexpected for them.

How well constructed are all the orcish tombs lying out in the wastes?

It varies wildly. Some are grandiose subterranean carved tombs, others are little more than simple rock barrows and burial mounds. The grandiose ones tend to survive the ages better however.

Can a Y'zagya Zoka priestess bless an island and the surrounding waters with extra fertility?

If it was more than some tiny spot of sand, that would require some hardcore power and a whole lot of preparations. It would most likely involve a whole circle of other priestesses to assist, and years spent working ritual magic and setting up physical anchors for those rituals, like massive stones carved with holy runes at key points around the island.

Are there legends of obscenely powerful Skor'oz Zik priests sleeping in the wilderness, who will wake only in the time of the orc's greatest need?

There are several skor'oz zik priests of incredible power who have disappeared through the ages, most orcs assume they're hibernating until some preset condition is met.

Did Skor'oz Zik interfere with Aza'ra's hibernation, making her sleep far longer than she intended?

No, she just underestimated how long it would take her to recover from her injuries.


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