

Ask @BrightTegu

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Would it be plausible to give our one-armed orc a rapier or something and have him use his disability to develop a new fighting style out of necessity, which will benefit the clan? Like fencing, or some other shit, probably could use other types of weapons in some way too, orcs are good at that aye?

Orcs don't really do fencing, he seems happy enough with the one-handed curved sword he's currently got from your clan's stockpile of steel weaponry.

Ah, I forgot to ask about preferred weapons for orcs, ranged weapons, any weapon they consider cowardly or look down on, their views on armor and such.

Orcish preferred weapons are axes (throwing axes, hand axes, battle axes, whatever), spears, mauls, curved swords, flails, warhammers and glaives. Some of those require rather more metal than others mind you, hence why you lack access to some of those weapons right now. Orcish weapons tend to be a bit too heavy and solid for any but the strongest human to wield.
Orcs also did have bows, which had some pretty amazing draw strengths and as such could do brutal damage on the battlefield, sadly the lack of wood in the wastes means that you clan currently lacks bows, or many people who know how to use them.
As for weapons that they consider cowardly or look down on. Orcs don't like weapons they feel are needlessly fiddly or fragile. Crossbows, rapiers, those sorts of things, orcs would just consider to be a pain to use.

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Do the stormhowlers have any breeding slaves of their own?

No, seems they and the Goatfoot clan have been too busy fighting each other to go raiding for slaves.

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>(Zik'yi bit off some of Juk'ruk's ear) Is it safe to assume Juk'ruk deserved to have Zik'yi bite off his ear?

Considering how abusive he was towards her when she was his mate, yes, he most likely did deserve it.

How do orcs shave? Just water with big ol' blades? Go in dry? Specialized blades? Use some foam of some kind?

Big old blades. Orcish skin is pretty tough. They probably would use water to help, and certainly did in the past, but the wastes are a bit lacking in that resource to be throwing it away on shaving.

I was asking about the raceS' hair, actually, as I seem to remember you saying dwarves are generally hairier while elves and Sluagh have little body hair(except for fluffy tail).

Yes, dwarves are hairier, elves and sluagh lack body hair (save fluffy tail in the sluagh's case), giants, orcs, goblins and humans have about the same range of body hair.

How was the woman who gave birth to the 12-orc litter get treated afterwards? Celebrated? Worshipped?

She was already a priestess, there was a big celebration in Y'zagya Zoka's name after the birth though.

If a half breed's bodily fluids aren't as addictive as a full blooded orc, does that mean that a half breed's sexual prowess can never match that of a full blooded orc?

No, although the difference is pretty academic for the most part since halfbreeds are still pretty damned formidable when it comes to sexual prowess in comparison to other races.

Have there been orc cheiftains who have also been mages and practioners of the arcane arts?

There's no reason an orc chieftain can't be a sorcerer of some kind, orcs don't have any real bias against magic.

I'm pretty sure some important asks about magic got deleted. The arcane kind, what makes a priest a priest, typical minor blessings(fire magic, fertility, etc.), the origin and variety of arcane magic, icorporation to divine magic.

A priest is someone who focuses his worship solely on a single deity, gaining access to the higher mysteries of a single kind of divine magic. Orcish shamans are equal parts spiritual adviser, lore master, and multipurpose divine spellcaster, but lack access to the higher divine magics that would come with dedicating themselves to a single god.
Arcane magic is said to come from the Crones, the strange beings who rule the Crone Lands, realm of lost souls. The Crones might be gods, no-one is quite sure, however one theory is that all arcane spellcasters are actually using the divine magic of the Crones, but since the Crones don't give a shit about what mortals do, they don't expect anything in return for mortals tapping their power.

Talk about orc cities and stonework if you will.

Orcish stonework tends towards the grandiose and imposing, great stony archways, pillars and towering statues to orcish might.
Orcs don't build many cities, many preferring a nomadic lifestyle, or simply to move and squat in the settlements of those they conquer. What few orcish cities there are though are impressive and massive things, designed to accommodate their permanent orcish residents, their large slave population, and any number of nomadic clans who choose to pass through for trade or war councils.

You gonna answer some question before you turn in for the night, or should I just go to sleep?

Not right now, sorry. Going to take a look at my ask backlog in the morning.

Considering how many gods apparently sooner or later meet the fate of being devoured by the abyss, how is the abyss actually held back?

At the cost of countless divine servants, mortal heroes and gods. The barriers between realms are naturally resistant to abyssal breaches, but the abyss is patient and relentless, and whenever the barriers start to waver (as happens during heavenly wars, or when abyssal sorcerers start tampering with them) the abyss is ready to spill forth its twisted hordes.
Fortunately it takes a whole lot for an Abyssal Lord to cross over from the abyss, and in all of recorded history one has only managed to breach the mortal realm once... So ended all civilization west of the great wastes.
The fear that the abyss might one day consume all of existence is not a baseless one, and features in many apocalyptic prophecies.

Now that we absorbed the Stormhowlers, do we still have enough slaves to have a work rotation? What if we absorbed the Goatfoot too?

It'll be tough, fortunately the Stormhowlers have a fair number of females, so the amount that will be using the communal slaves regularly isn't quite as high as it might appear.

How are the witches and our harem adjusting?

Ashuris is becoming more agreeable by the day, she certainly still complains and puts up a surly front, but Ur is far from blind to how quickly she gives in and starts enjoying herself.
The other two witches, well you think Larushka is getting pretty used to it, you know that Zo'rok and Y'zoa have spent a lot of time playing with her, and it's definitely having an impact. Rasha is being slower to break, you don't know whether that's because the orcs fucking her are weaker or just because she's more stubborn, but she's still adjusting slowly.
Aleida adjusted very quickly, surprisingly so, at first you'd wondered if all human women were like that, though Inka rather made you disregard that notion. How well Inka's adjusting, who knows, she was enjoying it by the end last night, but who knows what mood she'll be in once she comes down off her dick high.

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Involvement of Y'zagya Zoka in goblins and dwarves being able to take the orcish D, dick tattoos

Goblins and dwarves have been able to take the orcish D since before Y'zagya Zoka ascended, so no, it seems to be some quirk of orcish biology, possibly magical, though no-one has ever confirmed that.
As for dick tattoos, sure, orcs like their dicks, orcs like tattoos, dick tattoos are far from unknown. Fear the orc who's actually convinced an orcish sorcerer to give him an enchanted dick tattoo!

Dwarves, affinity with earth, society, jobs, etc.

Dwarven society is ruled over by noble houses, but the noble houses are unofficially ruled over by the priesthoods of the dwarven gods. Dwarves do have an affinity for the earth, stoneworking, metalworking, mining, all that sort of thing, and geomancy is very popular among their sorcerers, who try to build their cities along leylines and such.
Dwarven society is very regimented and likes the idea of everything in its place. The two exceptions to this rule would be the nomad houses, who are exiled dwarves who act as scouts and traders and are generally reviled as shifty and degenerate by 'proper' dwarves, and the berserkers, who are loud, boisterous and aggressive, and cause no end of trouble, but due to the fact that they are a) tied to dwarven religion, and b) damned useful in combat, the dwarves are forced to put up with them.

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Somethig about orc fluids used as aphrodisiacs, Durna's cult, and goblin's possibly voluntary joining of orcish clans

Orc fluids certainly have been bottled and used as aphrodisiacs by the more decadent members of other races in the past, and yes, if they can get hold of them Durna's cult does love to make use of orcish fluids in their rituals.
Some goblin women do certainly seek out orcish clans, since life for the goblin peasantry is miserable and short, and goblin women are certainly promiscuous, so to some the idea of being kept as an orcish breeding slave feels like a step up.

I think theere was something about the races' body/pubic hair characteristics and shaving habits?

Body and pubic hair is about the same as a human's, some orcs are hairy, some aren't, some orcs shave, some don't, there's no particular cultural norms on it.

I think there was something about orcish artforms(they don't worship paintings but like music, epics, and tattos?) and stoneworking at one point. Also their jewelry, and craftsmenship in general?

That's about right. Music and storytelling, generally of the bawdy or epic and heroic varieties, are popular. Tattooing (and branding in the case of some of Kul'zog Zor) are also very popular and tattoo art is perhaps the most popular orcish artform, as well as being popular with orcish sorcerers for enchanting.
Jewelry is bulky and a little garish, either made from the teeth, ivory and bones of slain predators, or from gold and bronze inlaid with gemstones. Craftsmanship in general is solid and practical, orcish craftsmanship certainly can't live up to the heights of craftsmanship that some of the longed lived races can achieve, but it gets the job done.
As for stoneworking, while orcs are generally nomadic, they do appreciate big towering monuments to their greatness, so there are some orcs who appreciate impressive stonework and architecture, particularly in tombs or in the rare orcish cities of the kingdom. Of course orcs used to build a lot more back when there was an orcish god of stoneworking and building, but he got devoured by the abyss, so it's somewhat fallen out of favor.

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Hmm, I'll be working through an annoying proxy, but I guess I'll try to re-ask some of my older questions. Won't be as detailed, but I hope they can jog your memory and you'll know what info to share again.

Good luck.

What are the named orcs' ears like?

Errm, ear-like?
Regular orc ears are just slightly pointed but mostly resemble human ears. The only people with notable ears so far would be K'zala, who's ears are pointier due to her elven blood, and Juk'ruk, who's missing part of an ear because Yik'zi bit it off a few years back.

So, at which point in the battle did Ya'zada start hoping Urshal would win? I'll admit, that is something of a fetish, that and a female leader trying to negotiate on behalf of her people with Urshal while she's in a poor position.

On some level she was hoping he'd win from the moment he showed up, just like she was hoping one warriors from her clan would win every time they challenged her to a fight. Ya'zada has been wanting someone to step up and prove themselves to her for years, she just wasn't willing to go easy on them to make it happen, and Ya'zada is not an easy woman to defeat.
As for the poor position thing, Ya'zada probably isn't the best one to fulfill that fetish, since at this stage she's happily signed her clan over to you. You'll no doubt get your chance to enjoy that one later though, since there's plenty of female leaders beyond the wastes.

You're welcome mate, I knew I had to share it as soon as the MC reveal happpened. Shame I fell asleep, but at least I managed to came up with a good name for a QMC this time.

It was something else. I'll be following that QM for sure.


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