

Ask @BrightTegu

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By "soon", do you mean ~10 threads, or ~50 threads? The consensus has kinda been to bulk up before doing it and maybe get some more magicians, but I may be wrong.

~10 threads, probably.

Maybe you're right, I though team captain was the last girl to get dicked, but maybe I'm wrong.

No, I think she's just the team ace, the captain is the ponytail girl.

So when are we gonna kill Slaggy, dudes been our nemesis for way too long

Soon hopefully, I'll admit that my handle on pacing in the past ten or so threads has been subpar, I'd quite like to get things moving myself.

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>team captain I liked her too, but cheeky oppai not!loli and ponytail were too good >tfw smell fetish

Wait, I thought team captain was ponytail.

How many threads do you think it'll take for Sief to lose his v-card? Rough percentage for Princess, Loren, unintroduced girl or best Behemoth to do the honors?

No idea.
Best Behemoth won't take it though, her love is too pure.

How many threads you think its going to be before Sief gets to cuddle with delicious brown?

Does today's thread answer your question?

>not the woman who was team manager before MC

She was good too, but she wasn't really part of the main story, so she loses some points there.

>series Dude, please, be more patrician: g/787234/3107245db4/ And the first 3 chapters uncensored: g/787302/f1c73127ba/

I can't be expected to know every hentai manga ever made, unfortunately.
To answer your question from before now that I've read it, team captain is my favorite.

Because /a/ wants you to not be a huge fucking newfriend, cancer. Anyway, Lordy, who's your favorite girl in Distance's Girls' Lacross Club thing?

Not watching that series, so I really couldn't say.

What's up with /a/ being instantly triggered and or rectally frustrated if someone asks for source?

I wouldn't know, I don't tend to visit /a/.

>Up to you. But how in line would it be with orcishness? Would using such a decoy tactic and using it as a way to have defense from below amd let the Kulakin's numbers thin as well as deceivin the dwarves please Zol'gor Tor?

There isn't only one path to pleasing each of the gods, your intentions and the outcome of your actions is what matters. That tactic would indeed please Zol'gor Tor, but then so might a systematic extermination of the kulakin to send a message to any other nearby nests that might want to intrude on your territory.

How unorcish would be to let the Kulakin live? I'm thinking they could be useful as an excuse for why these dwarves disappeared, in case more groups/scouts come, they would run into the Kulakin before they'd run into us, right? If we disguise/close the entrance with witch magic, we wouldn't be found

Up to you.

Were the goblin and Sluagh kingdoms planning to backstab in the first place, or did they honestly want to ally for a time at least without ulterior motives? Are Sluagh and Goblins hated by others too? Are they like weaker orcs in that they are all hated?

Neither are particularly trustworthy races, and Sluagh are probably as hated as orcs, albeit for different reasons. Goblins don't garner the same levels of dislike though, even if they are considered to be naturally treacherous.

What brought the Slaugh to be allies of the orcs in the first place? Same with Goblins, what made them want to be the allies of orcs, how did they become allies when orcs want to enslave everything?

Orcs had a lot of enemies, Sluagh and Goblins offered to be allies, oftentimes such offers were accompanied by large tributes of slaves for the orcish kingdom to grease the wheels of diplomacy.
The kingdom probably would have turned on them eventually when it ran out of more obvious threats, but the sluagh and goblins backstabbed them first.

Does breeding with Kobolds make children that're driven Mad though?

No, they just barely ever give birth to living young, kobolds are right on the edge of what orcs can successfully breed with without magical assistance.

Does anyone trust the Sluagh? Can the Sluagh be trusted at all? Given their permissiveness of abyssal magic, it could be argued that Sluagh should be killed on sight, just to be safe.

That is certainly a view that some people take, Sluagh society as a whole is not abyss-worshiping though, if they were they would have exploded into horrors long ago.

Has Vaki been keeping track of how many matings she is owed, or could Ur'shal insist that he owes her 'just one more time'?

If there's one thing Vaki takes seriously it's trades. Now that she's gotten a taste for Urdick you could probably just give it to her for free though.

Are kobolds things that are worth the effort for orcs to breed with, or are Kualkin or Trogg tier breeding stock?

Not really worth the effort.

With our actions as is, in your opinion of the players, do you think we'll fuck the plump sorceress or the Necro-soontobe-Tsun first? (We do meed the mana afterall)

Could go either way at this stage.

Which civilized/tribal race tended to give orcs the biggest problem in wars? Dwarves? Elves? Lamia?

Sluagh, their methods just frustrate the hell out of 99% of orcs, they're even harder to draw into a straight up fight than elves are, with the added headache of potential abyssal sorcery fuckery.


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