

Ask @BrightTegu

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When Y'zagya Zoka visted Ur'shal in his dreams, he knocked her up, yes? Has she given birth to Ur'shal's whelps in her divine realm?

It does stand to reason, yes.

Just started reading Prehistoric Human Tribe Quest. It just started and it seems promising, plus the QM is a fan of OWQ.

I noticed the notification that he'd started following me today, yeah. I'll give it a look.

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I think you might like Homeless Mutant Quest and Hellborn Quest, it's kind of interesting to follow how the main characters change and shit, plus Crusty is a pro at prose and smut (not that we see any smut 'til 100 threads later)

Hellborn is one of those quests I always hear a lot of good things about but have never actually gotten around to reading, I really should one of these days.

Almost forgot, Vicar of Lichfield is off hiatus over on Akun as well.

I also don't know what that is, but I'll take a look thanks.

You could check out King of Men quest, although it seems to be dead. Extranatural enforcer is run by the gus who did Deniable Assets. WayfarersQ and Ork Quest might be good? Akun has magical girl tamer and pregnantbitchesq(tentacle monster protag) though those seem mainly smut only.

Extranatural Enforcer is run by Fall Guy? Huh, did not know that. I'll check it out then, since I did enjoy DAQ a lot. As for the others, I'll take a look, I was already following Ork Quest, but it seems to be on hiatus too right now.

That means we will have to overwhelm her mentally, with pleasure, instead of doing so physically as well. Must prepare our best techniques.

Good luck, anon.

Is her END5 both physical and mental?

Will is the mental Endurance, so no. She does also have a pretty solid Will stat though.

Is it possible for devotees of Skor'oz Zik and Y'zagya Zoka to have a friendly rivalry with each other, with them screwing each other until one of them collapses from exhaustion?

No reason why they couldn't.

I'm not sre if I want you to run GKQ more for the LOOT, or I want you to not run it to avoid salty shitflinging, to be honest.

I'm going to run it sooner or later either way, considering the amount of plot stuff I have written up that I'm very reluctant to let go to waste. That whining yesterday just reminded me of all the ideas I had for it and gave me a yearning to brush off the dust and run some more threads.

.(Higher Strength and End would be required, and a boon certainly wouldn't hurt.) While we possibly won't screw her to exhaustion, is Ur'shal orc enough to at least make mating with him worth Aza'ra's time?

He sure is.

Considering how I just scroll past literally all of the salt and you seem to reply to at least some stuff, you have my condolences and respect for not just ignoring the thread when it gets that salty.

Well thank you anon, although I don't think I was on top form for dealing with it.

>tfw Ur wouldn't be able to tire out Aza'ra if they mated right now We must fix this. What do we need to do? Max strength, END+2 and a Skor'oz Zik boon? Another Y'zagya Zoka one? I want to be victories and tease her about how a priestess of hobogod lost in a battle of endurance

>What do we need to do? Max strength, END+2 and a Skor'oz Zik boon? Another Y'zagya Zoka one?
Higher Strength and End would be required, and a boon certainly wouldn't hurt.

>tfw I was real careful when taking down Quiet, didn't use grenades once she had less than 1/4 of her HP left, just used my shitty AR, and tried to finish her by CQC subduing because I didn't want to kill her accidentally >tfw there was no way for me to kill her even if I wanted to I WASTED AN HOUR

You should consider it a form of foreplay.

May we have some stats for Aza'ra?

I have statted Aza'ra. You may well be getting them next thread, depending on how far you get and what happens. I'll give you one stat now though, free of charge:
Endurance: 5

The Danes are discussing closing their border with Germany, Hungary is building a fence and legalizing rubber bullets and criminalizing illegally crossing the border, while Sweden and Germany are inviting more immigrants, Russia bombs Syria. Tensions are increasing. Are you ready for the happening?

Not really, my country's leadership is a hilarious clusterfuck of conflicting ideologies and petty bitchfights even by its usual standards these days, and it doesn't matter which party gets in, that will remain the same.

No thread today?

Unfortunately not, got to be up very early monday morning, so it would've been a short thread if I'd done it today. Will try to do it monday afternoon.

You should come back to motherbase sometime, it's not good to act too long out in the field without rest. Plus, the men will miss you and moral will fall.

>Implying I'm not a compulsive motherbase visitor and showerer.


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