

Ask @BrightTegu

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I think Isyil's popularty mostly stems from her being different from the harem members so far.

I'd like to think that I've made them all at least a little different.

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What other spells do Y'zagya Zoka priestesses have to aid the breeding process besides Sanctify Birth and Strengthen The Fertile Body?

Those are the main two, aside from that it's just one more use of their various healing spells to ensure everything works out.

With Strengthen The Fertile Body, how quickly can a female be re-impregnated without health complications after giving birth?

Depends on how powerful the spellcaster is, but it can go from several months down to pretty much straight away.

Are you making all the potential lamia harem members we didn't choose characters at least. I still wanna learn about them if you've given them history and personality even if we aint dicking them

I might make passing mention, but I've got enough other characters around already to focus on that you probably won't get any serious characterization.

>cont. And then the generation long social engineering starts and what's left are proper fanatics who care a lot less that the dragon doesn't give them useless divine magic but do rather appreciate that The Great Camroth has lead them to unparalled glory for centuries.

Pretty much, yeah. Dragon cults do gain a fair amount out of the equation (unless they've got a very lazy or self-absorbed dragon who doesn't see the benefit in strengthening his fanatical followers) for following a dragon, even if they don't get actual divine magic.

>cont. Add that dragons are in fact seriously powerful and therefor make for a pretty good thing to have in your corner and subordinating yourself to a dragon and getting personal tutoring for your high ranks is actually a decent deal even if you don't actually believe in them. cont


I assume a big reason behind Lamia being suited to dragon cults is the very fact that they are all sorcerers. After all, there's no benefit to cross training, which means there's a lot less benefit to having true priests. A century old sorcerer on the other hand is really damn valuable to them. cont


Anon is wrong, we don' have a slave who has yet to be fucked, we just have a slave who has yet to be creampied.

A subtle but important distinction.

What kind of contests do orcs put their slaves through? Obviously, contests of martial skill would be a fan favorite but are there others?

Any other skills that might make them appeal either to people their masters want to barter them away to, or just show off the quality of one's slaves. Obviously these sorts of contests only tend to happen with skills that are fun to watch, competitive leatherworking isn't really a spectator event.
This is mostly only the Reaver Isles though, their Y'zagya Zoka focused culture makes them a bit more free and easy about swapping slaves than most orcish cultures.

I think I really got a too large mental image of Isyil initially. I imagined her as this big giant monster, but I only now realize her torso should be smaller than Ur's.

Her torso is smaller than Ur's, yes, though larger than any of your other slaves save Ashuris. Her tail however is very long and so overall she's larger than Ur.

Would you call anon's description of Aurora under coven dominance as accurate enough?

Sure, although coven dominance and succumbing to orcish D are not exactly the same kind of control. Guess you'll have to wait and see how she reacts.

Ever considered doing a Harem pov pastebin? also Isyil seems super popular, gj on that.

I have considered that, for sure, and thanks anon, she does seem to be a well-liked new addition.

So how are Or'kug and his mate Ba'za enjoying fulfilling their duty to Y'zagya Zoka?

Or'kug may be old, but he still knows how to keep his mate happy.

How are Or'kaz and his two cragfolk slaves holding up? Hopefully he's keeping them well shagged and the beatings to a minimum.

Or'kaz isn't abusive to his mates, distant perhaps but since they're well behaved he's never actually raised a hand to them. He's also getting a bit more virile since he's overcome his laziness and started acting like a proper orc, so dickings have noticeably increased.

Not enough anal scenes warlord.

You know, I was thinking just that recently. My only concern is that I can't remember which of his women Ur has been all up in the back door of, and I don't want to write a repeat.
Ashuris for sure, but were there any others?
Liked by: Blah

So is the tent plot sized to fit Isyil or am I overestimating Lamia size? Also, scene where we outline her new responsibilities when?

You mean Ur's hut? It's a big one, he had the coven design it with future harem additions in mind.

I hope once Aurora breaks she will be like she was when the coven was dominating her(subdued, passive, always looking for guidance from her master, honestly obedient etc) instead of what Inka(obsessively overzealous) is like to be honest. Do tell if I am just misremembering what she was like, though

Who knows, guess you'll have to wait and see.

Not sure if this was asked in thread or not, didn't see it. Snekkbutt, is it located in their butt butt, or do they have a special front snekkbutt? Just having a hard time picturing it and it wasn't really explained.

If you're asking where Ur stuck his dick, then it's on the front, just below the hips.

Is Yselt greedy enough that she'd risk sex with an orc if some massive moneymaking scheme requires it?

Who knows, she IS very greedy though.


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