

Ask @BrightTegu

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Who were Zo'rok's and Druak's parents?

Ur's never actually met any of them to his knowledge. Dru'ak was another orphan, one of a group of orcs who joined up with the fleeing Stonetusks, his parents having died in battle. Zo'rok's parents were Stonetusks, however his father died in a goblin ambush shortly before he was born and his mother passed away a year after he was born from the strain of birthing her whelps combined with a lack of food and old injuries acting up.

Why is Zo'rok so weedy compared to other orcs? (Baring in mind that he's still 6 foot 5 inches and could probably tear a full grown man apart.)

He was strength 1 originally, which makes him scrawny by orc standards, a result of his mother not having much to eat while pregnant with him, but still as strong as a healthy adult human. He has actually put on some muscle since then, possibly due to all the crazy shit that's been going on, so he's actually as strong as a few of your other lieutenants now at Strength 2, just still kind of short to be taken seriously on physical power alone by some orcs.

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>DoEG when? Most likely next after GKQ | sads, DoEG isn't getting the amount of threads it used to, which is a shame, my fave of your quests.

Can't be helped right now unfortunately, juggling three quests and everything else takes a lot of time. However hopefully in a few years or so I should be able to drop the number of hours I work, then there'll be more time for QMing.

This curse must be the spriggan's, giants', boggarts', and kelpies' collective revenge.

I should've known. Guess Sief will have to kill even more of them in retribution for this.

A shame you'd need to be healthy to write pastebins as well. Autumn has taken its toll on me as well.

The weather getting colder and damper'll do that, unfortunately.

What are the races that are seen as beneficial to breed with because it's an "upgrade" in some way to orcs? Are humans seen as just good enough to increase numbers, or do halfhumans have some advantage over pure orcs?

Most races are seen as having some sort of benefit, though most orcs would scoff at the idea that any halfbreed is an "upgrade", even if halfbreeds of things like giants, fey and of course dragons can be monstrously powerful compared to your average orc.
Halfhumans are slightly smaller and of lighter build, which isn't seen as a particularly valuable difference from regular orcs, though it does make them a little more suited to sneaky purposes.

Did we take Ya'zada along to the raid? I'm asking because I don't remember her really being mentioned.

You did, she got caught up in the fighting by the wall, so wasn't at the front of the battle inside the temple.

they prefer giants and oni. Oni babes to enslave when?!

Nearest place to you with Oni native to it is Hisari, but as mentioned before, the city-states are a good place to find people from foreign lands.

Feeling better yet mate?

Sadly not. I blame sickly people on public transport. If only I could acquire true NEET life and never leave the house, I wouldn't have this problem.

Do the other orc gods have an influence on the approach a Y'zagya Zoka priestess executes her duties to her clan? Like, if her clan devotes Kul'zog Zor, she'll have her clan breed with size and strength in mind? Or if her clan devotes itself to Skor'oz ZIk, she'll go for quality over quantity?

Sure, a Y'zagya Zoka priestess is still going to be influenced by a clan's overall culture and outlook, which is going to influence her preferences when involving herself in the clan's breeding.

What's the opinion of Y'zagya Zokan Priestesses of the usefulness of ogre slaves? While they make good shock troops and the halfbreeds are XBOXHUEG, they're also deeply stupid, insane, cruel and so goddamn ugly that even the randiest orc (male or female) would think twice about fucking one.

They're of limited usefulness for the reasons you said, generally if they want XBOXHUEG halfbreeds and have other options available, they prefer giants and oni.

Has the fairly close proximity Sarsi has been in with Y'zoa inspired naughty thoughts and feelings in him towards her? Or does he do his best to keep his distance so Zo'rok doesn't have an excuse to throttle him to death for making the moves on his woman?

Not as far as anyone can tell. Again, creepily calm and patient.

Does the master/slave relationship cause problems for Y'zoa's blacksmith training with Sarsi?

Not that you're aware of, Sarsi is ridiculously patient and calm, to an almost creepy degree, so he just goes along with things.

What Will stat would be needed to resist the desire for orc dick after having sucked on orc dick for 2 hours, if the orc in question has Enhanced Pheromones 2? What if he had EP3?

The advanced blowjob formula is far, far too complicated to write out within ask.fm's meager character limit.

So you finally read Deepest Dungeon, who your grrl? Also, who gets the Petra?

>So you finally read Deepest Dungeon, who your grrl?
Bell, though I suppose the fact that I have an appreciation for big sexy ogre women shouldn't really come as a surprise to anyone.
>Also, who gets the Petra?
Alexander/Lissa/Petra threesome.

That's fine, was just good to ask now rather than later. Are bets of the "We'll let you go and never enslave you again if ___" for cucking purposes okay with the clan?

Of course, orcs always enjoy seeing things like that, makes 'em feel good about themselves, gets a bit of racial pride going. Although it would be quite a major embarrassment if you made such a bet and didn't win it.

OWQ question again. What will the tribes collection of magic using slaves be up to? Teaching magic? Working magic? Do they get to chill and talk magic or is that orcs only?

Female ones spend a lot of time doing the same stuff as the rest of the female slaves, which is to say saying large quantities of green dick. For the rest of them, they generally have it easier than the non-magic using slaves, since your orcs leave them be until they need their magical skills to aid in some specific task, rather than tiring them out on manual labour which they have no shortage of regular slaves to do.

Oh my fucking god just imagine how pleased Y'zagya Zoka would be if one or more of Ur's dragon slaves found a way to ascend to pseudo or full godhood, this making the whole of the dragon pantheon subservient to the Orcish one, once Ur ascends to godhood as well.

"I uplifted an entire new pantheon just so I could fuck 'em" truly is a grand ambition.

As another matter of curiosity, what percentage of questions do you already know the answer to when asked, and what percentage of questions require you to invent new facts about your universe in order to answer? Is asking about thing you might not have considered useful, or annoying?

It's about 70/30 already knowing to inventing new facts. I'm glad to answer questions though, it's always nice to have my players taking an interest.

I have more questions on slavery, but they're detailed enough that trying to type them into Ask's interface is an awful idea. Here they are in pastebin: http://pastebin.com/xiSJqJSy. Sorry they're so involved; I don't mean to needle you, I'm just genuinely curious about the culture you're developing

>My understanding of your previous answer is that Sarsi is now Y'zoa's personal property after we gave him to her. Is that accurate?
>What are the circumstances in which we are able to strip an orc of slaves?
That's up to the chieftain, just that if your clan feels that you are taking slaves away unfairly, it will erode loyalty.
>Assuming no wrongdoing on Y'zoa's part, if we decided to take away Sarsi, what kind of justification would we have to cite in the absence of a recognized crime?
Sarsi was given to Y'zoa specifically to help her improve her smithing abilities. Saying that you believe Sarsi to no longer have anything worthwhile to teach her would be a valid reason.
>could Y'zoa dispute our taking Sarsi away?
>If she tried to dispute our taking him away, without resorting to persuasion on practical grounds and simply as a matter of "he's mine and I haven't done anything wrong", would the clan be in her corner, or the chief's?
Nothing's stopping Y'zoa from disagreeing with you, orcs are by nature kind of stubborn about their belongings, so generally you want to either be liked, respected or feared enough that they'll let it slide. If it did lead to a dispute, who the clan would side with would be a matter of public opinion, whether the rest of the orcs agreed with you or her. Of course, many orcs will side with the chieftain on something like that just because they don't want to get on the shitlist of the guy in charge. How you choose to deal with that situation however is going to be remembered by your clan in the future, even if they don't stick up for the orc disputing you right then, which could lead to other future problems.
>In what way would the matter be different if we had given Sarsi to Y'zoa as a reward?
It would be seen as a very different situation. If you strip an orc of a slave given as a reward, you are effectively saying that they have failed you or otherwise proven themselves unworthy of that reward. It's a pretty big and humiliating slap in the face, and orcs don't forget things like that.
>Are there any circumstances under which we would award an orc a male slave as a reward? Perhaps a powerful captured male warrior to a fertile female hoping for strong half-breeds, but would a chief ever award an orc a male labourer or specialist as a reward?
Generally, when orcs need male labourers, they just drag them out of the general group of slaves and set them to work, however that isn't to say that you couldn't give an orc a personal male slave to serve him, or a slave with specialized skills to assist him in his work. Giving a powerful captured male warrior to a fertile female for strong half-breeds is less common, but that's not to say that it never happens.
>Also, how do we reward female warriors who distinguish themselves, since giving them female slaves is seen as wasteful?
Better weapons, armour, warbeasts, good food and drink, same as you could offer a male warrior if there were no new slaves to give.

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Did one of Ur's stats in the gdoc increase? I seem to recall his endurance being at 2, but I may just be misremembering.

Not that I'm aware of.

>Boy would it ever. Even if it was "Well, these 3 orcs have fucked you, which would you prefer to be the slave of?" right?

Yes, because in that situation it could be seen as allowing a slave to disrespect the two orcs she doesn't choose. If you want Ur to ask some slave that question in private, you're welcome to, but if it was known he was allowing a slave to have a say in such things, his clan would not be happy.


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