

Ask @BrightTegu

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Thoughts on Melkor Mancin/Romulo Mancin? Nothing special?

Eh, he's okay, I don't often seek his stuff out, but it's decent.

While I doubt outright asking about the viability of that "Court Xipil!" would lead to a straight up answer of how retarded or not it is, what's the ratio of cautionary fuckup tales to hilarious stories of success when it comes to orcish chieftains courting a freaking dragon?

It isn't really a thing that's come up enough in the past for a precedent either way, though of what few there are there's more cautionary tales than success stories.

Given that all the elves around the Wastes are all kind of tribal and that the other elven civilisations are referred to as enclaves, how "civilised" do the actually tend to get in this setting? Are there at least some elves living in architectural wonders calling humans monkeys playing with dirt?

There are plenty of more advanced enclaves out there, and there have been more than a few past enclaves which has spilled out into elven kingdoms or even conquering empires.

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>priestesses of Y'zagya Zoka in particular look very unfavorably upon those who risk harming developing children, and there's some pretty gory stories of retributions they've visited upon such individuals B Got any examples?

Y'zagya Zoka's priestesses can get pretty imaginative when they're angry, particularly in the realm of genital mutilation. One particularly prolific pedorc found himself connected to the back of a horse by way of a length of rope and a hooked metal spike, and sent for a ride across the deserts of his homeland. He didn't get far admittedly, so they opted for a more traditional rope around the ankles the second time around.

Is the former Skyhunter Shaman still around? If so, what does he do around the Stonetusk Camp? Does he just wander around wishing he wasn't so mediocre?

Assists Ku'zag mainly.

I see you're following The Tribe. What are your thoughts so far? QM is a fan of yours. Shanta best girl.

Yup, was talking to one of my players yesterday and he mentioned finding an interesting quest on anonkun that I might like. I'm still reading through it all right now, just started chapter 3, loving it so far.
Shanta is indeed best girl.

At the end of Thread 19, there was a small aside with a captive orc orc named Ag'zal watching Za'zarag writhe in agony after the dream sequence with Ur'shal. What happened to him in the end? Did he get eaten?

Sadly yes, captives didn't last long in the Tongueripper camp.

Would you say that most orcs would be turned off by these mentioned physical changes in the most faithful?

Depends on the orc and the changes.

Since Zol'gor Tor is a priest of blades, do his priests turn into metal as well? Or is that more a Zul'orok Zhar thing?

Zol'gor Tor isn't quite that literal, his priests tend to wind up more shadowy than anything else. There may be some hints of blades though, like sharp metal claws in place of fingernails.

Do extreme physical changes happen to powerful and dedicated priests of the other orc gods? Like, do Kul'zog Zor priests start breathing smoke and become hot to the touch and Zol'gor Tor priests become like living shadows?

Yeah, the most extreme changes through boons only happen to those who are very, very dedicated to a single god, which means that the most common individuals who manifest them are priests.

Jesus Christ mate you're running late tonight

I would run earlier, but I slept like shit last night, so I want to get a few hours rest before I start.

Was Bob just crazy, or was there some strategic point to his sighs and slow walking and such? Did each orc soul get a body for it to control? Why were some bodies only an upper torso, for the crep factor or because the souls could only summon that or?

It was an abyssal horror, so yes, it was crazy, that said its actions weren't entirely random. Since it had a sort of soulsight instead of eyes, it knew the whole time you were tracking it, so it was mainly just waiting to see if you'd come close enough to attack. The sighing was it tasting the air for the breath of living beings. After your first encounter, it was stalking you, because that's what it does, it had been loitering in that area all those years because it was looking for Aza'ra, too. She got lucky in that the tree was masking her soul while she hibernated. If you'd avoided it at the ruins, it would've followed you all the way back to the Stonetusk Camp.
>Did each orc soul get a body for it to control? Why were some bodies only an upper torso, for the crep factor or because the souls could only summon that or?
The souls got manifested as part of it in their own "bodies", but the process was far from perfect, hence the fact that some were only partly formed, or fused together.

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Bob=cartoony abyssal. Did Bob only have orc souls enslaved? Why? How many? When was the oldest one enslaved? Did they pass on after Bob died, or too tainted by the abyss? Did Ur say a short prayer for them? Did thiefgod like us backing off when first meeting? What thief/smith/firegod think of fight?

>Did Bob only have orc souls enslaved?
Because it was mostly only orcs it ran into.
>How many?
Couple of hundred.
>When was the oldest one enslaved?
Several centuries ago.
>Did they pass on after Bob died, or too tainted by the abyss?
Some did, some didn't, depending on how long they'd been in there for.
>Did Ur say a short prayer for them?
>Did thiefgod like us backing off when first meeting? What thief/smith/firegod think of fight?
Who knows, aside from the gods, that is.

If, for whatever reason, an orc clan didn't have a Y'zagya Zoka priestess or a shaman who knows Sanctify Birth, how tempting would it be for orc women to defect to a clan that does?

It's definitely a temptation, since it does make the whole process far safer and easier.

What kind of boons does Tak'zaya Ska have beside thinga like better animal handling, animal communion? Things like seeing through the sense of animals? Speaking to/controlling animals? Better senses? For some reason I thought her boons coulf work well with Kul'zog Zor's in unarmed combat, not sure y

Aside from the things you mentioned above, Tak'zaya Ska does have boons that work well with unarmed combat, since they can include permanent physical changes to better express an orc's primal nature. The most extreme of such changes only tend to happen to her priesthood however.

Scene where the Whelps wake Ur'shal from sleep and he attempts to quiet them and fails. Then has Alieda come up behind him and teach him how, ends with Him falling back alseep with several whelps and Alieda in his arms. Smutbin backlog or added as a scene to the story you think?

Seems a bit cutesy even for Ur.

I assume that Aleida's Husband's spirit, wherever that may be, would not be happy about Aleida succumbing to the Green Fever?

Probably not, no. It's unlikely that he knows however, since he will either have returned to the crucible for his spirit to be reformed into new life, he'll be a divine servant in one of the Cragfolk gods' divine realms, or he'll be lost in the Cronelands.
The only one of those three that could potentially find out about goings on in the mortal realm is a divine servant, and even that's a very big maybe.

I take it that Skor'oz Zik priests have similar spells to Walking The Desert for different terrain types like snowy wastes, forests, mountains and oceans?

Yeah, they have a whole load of wilderness survival spells. It is worth noting that Walking the Desert works on snowy wastes too, since they still constitute deserts.

How far reaching is Befoul The Source? If cast on a river, would it befoul the whole river or just the area around where the spell is cast?

It would carry downstream, though how far downstream would depend on the size of the river and the power of the caster.

Would it be safe to say that Befoul The Source would be the top reason for nomadic desert peoples to hate Skor'oz Zik priests with a burning passion?

One of the top reasons, yes.

What's the name of the orcish spell that allows women to conceive more regularly without risking being worn out?

Strengthen the Fertile Body.

Could Sanctify Birth be cast on a woman who isn't pregnant with orc whelps? Let's say orcs capture a woman who's already pregnant and they want her child as a slave and for her to survive childbirth so she can birth proper orc whelps later?

Yeah, it would work on other races. Y'zagya Zoka would only start to become displeased if you were using it on other races for reasons that were not to the benefit of orcs.

With Sanctify Birth, was giving birth to three orc whelps actually less time consuming and painful for Aleida than her giving birth to her human son?



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