

Ask @BrightTegu

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Does orc dick withdrawal kick in even if the subject is allowed to suck orcish dick, or does the subject need to be fucked?

It's an addiction to orcish fluids in general, so any sort of sexual contact would do, hell, even a lot of very physical non-sexual contact will do for a while.

How would it be seen if a chieftain gave a slave a test ride before giving it away to someone? Would letting a slave decide her owner be seen as heretic?

>How would it be seen if a chieftain gave a slave a test ride before giving it away to someone?
Depends on how he did it. Orcs aren't that concerned about "muh pure virgin waifu!" in general, so the fact that another orc has dicked her before him wouldn't bother the orc in question. It would only be a problem if it was seen as insulting due to the way that you went about it, for example if the orc got the impression that you were just offloading that slave on him because you'd tried them first and considered them to be substandard in some way.
>Would letting a slave decide her owner be seen as heretic?
Boy would it ever.

Actually, reading old OWQ threads. At some point a prisoner offered to tell us about the other notable elves in nearby villages. At this point are they already mostly enslaved?

You have removed most elves from the north of the jungle. They are now either your slaves, or fled south seeking protection from the larger enclaves or into the city-states.

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I know at least one other anon in your readerbase read DD back when it was regularly running, I had a conversation about OWQ in there about [s]maid outfits[/s]

Reading through the quest now, and I'm liking it.

Snekes don't have backdoor it's the same thing

True, if you go looking for a hole on the opposite side of Isyil's tail you're going to spend a long time searching in vain.

What would a Dragon need to do to become a god

The method most being use is: Become a divine servant, then become powerful enough to either ascend to godhood and forge a new domain or to slip into the role of a deity that has been destroyed and make their domain your own. Dragons can't do that, because dragons, as far as people can figure (which is hard since dragons don't tend to appreciate being studied) have zero connection to the divine, they are literally incapable of learning divine magic and their souls don't seem to pass on to a divine realm after death, instead returning immediately to The Crucible. There are exceptions, but those are generally caused by non-draconic entities meddling or claiming ownership of a dragon's soul.
Of course with dragons being incredibly powerful, long-lived and cunning, it is possible that one might find a way to trick reality into thinking it was a divine servant despite dragons not having any connection with divine energies. None have figured it out yet though, that you know of, which speaks for how challenging it is to pull off.

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Is Disciple of Elshu Guest the quest where we play a new one-shot protagonist visiting the Temple of Elshu each session?

Ends in sex.

What's this week's schedule looking like captain?

Very vague, but GKQ tomorrow, DoEQ for later in the week, and maybe OWQ this weekend, though that might be bumped back to early next week.

Hypothetically, would Sanctify Birth work on the full blood ogre offspring of a cursed ogress?. While it wouldn't eliminate the defects caused by the Ogre Curse, would the magic effect of Sanctify Birth make the resulting ogre baby's defects less debilitating?

Nope, it's a divine curse. No-one short of Y'zagya Zoka herself would be capable of doing that, and she won't, for various reasons.

you deserve a break after that satisfying thread

Glad you enjoyed it, anon, hopefully I'll be back to OWQ either this coming weekend or early next week though, depending on how things go.


I have no idea what quest you're referring to.

I do wonder how Isyil and Ashuris will interact though. Both see themselves as civilized, both basically high priestesses, both powerful, both big, both Ur's slaves, both magical, and pretty and pale, but Isyil might be more tired of the egotistic shtick I wouldn't know, of course, just a hunch.,

Guess you'll have to wait and see.

I can safely state, that according to my research, assuming Isyil's human upper body has the same proportion of a normal human female and if she was a human she would be about 6'10'', Ur's dick should still be longer than her forearm, as I believe her forearm should about 11.5 inches long.

I see.

I though we only ever plundered Loksais backdoor, and Zarias.

Not Lokasi's, Ur just gave her some training with his fingers to prepare her for later. Zaria of course you had that threesome with, so you've plundered that backdoor.

Does the Y'zaga Zoka faith use any enchanted magic items in its rituals and ceremonies or magical weapons and armor intended for use in slave taking? If they do, what kind of specialized enchantments would such items have?

Weapons for subduing enemies or corralling slaves tend to be the ones most likely to be enchanted by Y'zagya Zokan priestesses. Nets, whips, clubs, things like that, and are generally enchanted with magic to aid in that use, weakening the will, preventing movement, that sort of thing.
Armor isn't something that Y'zagya Zokan priestesses make the effort to enchant so much, not least of which because they don't tend to wear a great deal. They prefer protective enchantments in the form of rings, armlets, bracelets, stuff like that, which is more valuable if they have to suddenly defend themselves in the middle of doing some holy work.

Could we have Zo'rok make more of that paralytic he used in his blowdarts and train other orcs in its use? 'Cause that stuff sounds like it would be extremely useful in future raids and stealth ops.

Sure, the plant he makes it out of is pretty rare, but you could have him go out with some other orcs to harvest a larger amount of it and show them how to prepare and use it without paralyzing themselves.

What's the likelihood of finding some Y'zagya Zokan holy texts or artifacts in a tomb out in the wastes somewhere?

Very likely.

Further, all of the female slaves not owned by individuals are communal. I assume all the general-labour male slaves are as well. What happens when we assign someone a male slave, though? Does Y'zoa own Sarsi, or is he a communal slave tasked to work with her? Who owns cuckwizard? Ur? The clan?

Yup, all male slaves are considered communal labour slaves unless they have some specialized skill that would make it more valuable to put them under the direct control of a single orc.
>Does Y'zoa own Sarsi, or is he a communal slave tasked to work with her?
Yes, although there would be a lot less fuss involved if Ur took Sarsi away and turned him back into a communal labour slave since he was basically given to Y'zoa to train her for the clan's benefit rather than as a personal award.
>Who owns cuckwizard? Ur? The clan?
That's a bit of an unusual one, since obviously slaves dominated by other slaves isn't something orcs come across often enough for a precedent. The way it's generally seen is that he's Ur's slave, and that Ur simply leaves the day to day bossing around of said slave to Ashuris, so you wouldn't get other orcs trying to order him to do anything, since they see him as the chieftain's property.

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How does slave ownership work? Ur's slaves are all his personal property and not communal property between him and his mates, since Ya'zada couldn't claim them for herself when he disappeared, Zo'rok had to. Could Ya'zada own slaves of her own? Do mated orcs ever jointly own slaves?

Ya'zada was out cold for a while, which is why Zo'rok stepped in and claimed Ur's slaves to keep any other orc from getting bright ideas. Ya'zada certainly could own slaves of her own, but would face more grumbling from the clan since the orcs would ask why all those female slaves were being wasted on a female master who couldn't impregnate them.
>Do mated orcs ever jointly own slaves?
Sort of. A slave has an owner, that owner's mates can order around that slave, but theoretically shouldn't give the slave any orders that go against its owner's orders. Of course in practice this can vary depending on the actual power dynamic in a relationship, and generally once orcs are mated the clan will tend to view the orc in charge of the relationship as being the one who all the slaves belong to first and foremost, which is usually the male, but not always.
So to answer >Could Ya'zada own slaves of her own?
Yes, she could, but with Ur being the clan chieftain and therefore the one in charge, most orcs would see any slaves you gave to Ya'zada as being Ur's slaves that he was leaving his mate in charge of for the time being.

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>not wanting a repeat of ash when it's a known fact we are getting a scene with her soon. Also ash seeing not fugly whelps when?

Little while yet, ogre pregnancy is longer than human pregnancy.

Ash is the only one warlord, but I suggest doing the back door boogalu on the human mage or the snake.

Duly noted.

Is Isyil currently the most "powerful" member of our harem? Or Ya'zada?

Isyil, Ya'zada, Ashuris and Izannia are all pretty powerful.


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