

Ask @BrightTegu

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Yselt would cream her pants if she found out that Ur'shal possessed a vial of Phoenix Elixir, wouldn't she?

She sure would.

Would Inka be happy if we used Aurora to make her an auntie as well as a mother to orc whelps?

Inka would be very happy, she's still holding out hope that her sister might finally learn to love the D, and knocking her up's a good way to help with that.

What would need to do to properly prepare for an expedition to Szar Tzas? Obviously, bringing along Izannia would be a no brainer, as well as orcs with Abyssal Resistance, but what else would have to happen to make sure that a trip to Szar Tzas isn't one way?

Plenty of food and drink, because anything to eat or drink you find close to Szar Tzas is probably going to be tainted in some way. Aside from that and what you said above, the same stuff you'd bring on any expedition into the wastes.
Of course, that's only for an expedition to the old settlements and ruins on the outskirts of Szar Tzas. If you're planning to carry out an expedition into the Szar Tzas heartlands, that's just straight up suicide.

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Is Aurora anywhere near close to breaking? Or should we not bother interacting with her until we kill Slaagyr?

Physically, she seems to be completely addicted to Ur, you think she'd go into pretty heavy withdrawl if denied the D for too long. Mentally, she's still stubbornly convinced that Slaagyr will save her, though how much of that is serious and how much is hollow bravado Ur has no way of knowing.
You can put some extra effort into breaking her in if you want, and it may yield results or may not, hard to say. Or you can wait until Slaagyr is dead and bank on a surefire method of breaking her faith.

How does that tend to work out for young dragons like Xipil? Has she still been at indoctrinating their cults for a generation or two, has it not been too long since the last dragon, is she riding on the "new dragon high" or are they not that zealous yet? If specifics are spoilers, general suffices.

She took over a bunch of scattered dragon-less cult compounds and got their zealotry all fired up with promises of war and glory.

If we were to turn the Lamia main structure into an effigy of a or multiple Orcish gods how long would it take?

A while, since you lack anyone who can magically work stone or wood, which means you'd have to do it the old fashioned way, and would probably want Ku'zag there to give more experienced guidance than plebshaman.

I mean his first quest, not his current one lordy, he fucked off half way through a session promising updates and its been weeks since he's said anything about it while he's running his new one and just ignores all his players from before

I had no idea he even ran a quest before The Tribe.

Will we ever reach the Reaver Isles?

Maybe someday, but that is a loooong way off.
That's not to say that some orcs from the Reaver Isles might not reach you of course...

Next time you speak to The Tribes qm mind telling him to stop being an ass and ignoring his first quest

Wha? He ran a chapter just last night that he cut short due to personal stuff as far as I can tell, and the several days off before that was a result of his laptop dying. Chill out, anon.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

There's a detectable difference between Div. and Sorc. Arcana, right? Lamia are all spellcasters, but dragons can't actually grant them Divine Arcana, can they? They all Sorcerors? How do they maintain faith in their cults when their objects of worship can't grant them magic or boons. Or can they?

Lamia are all sorcerers, yes. There are no tangible benefits to worshiping dragons (unless the dragon chooses to grant you magical items or knowledge of sorcery or any of the other fun stuff dragons tend to have to offer), it's more of a cultural thing.

Orc gods don't care what you worship as long as it's not Slaggy right?

The orc gods don't want any other gods supplanting their worship, as long as the worship of other gods doesn't diminish their presence, they won't be bothered.
Slaagyr a shit, who'd worship him? He doesn't even have lamia.

There are still more orc clans out in the deep wastes right? I remember Or'kug saying that he only gathered up a bunch of smaller ones and not the bigger ones because it would cause too much instability

Yup, quite a few.

Please confirm that anon is wrong and there are more clans to the wast of us. This is already obvious since Or'kug only brought the smaller ones here.

Or'kug specifically said that there's enough clans left out west to give Ur a large enough force to start raising some hell.

How religious/devout do Lamia in dragon cults actuall tend to be? Considering that this is a setting with pretty active full-on deities, I'd imagine dragon-worship has to have some serious perks or rely on hardcore indoctrination to induce true belief in its higher ranking members.

They do tend to be pretty zealous, often as a result of a dragon carrying out careful social engineering over many generations, though a cult without a dragon for a long period of time can start to slip a bit on that front until it eventually breaks apart.

>that whole conversation I... I think I'm in love, Lordy. I don't know hiw you managed this, but she is quite possibly a perfect mix of everything. Oh lord I can't wait until we explore her personality further. Also my guess is her ancestor was an air dragon, and she isn't too bothered by our deeds.

Glad you like her, anon.

Hmm. I can't exactly say I want to bother catching up with BGQ again. What exactly was the shitstorm (I assume it was a shitstorm) about?

It's kinda complicated to sum up quickly, but a vague explanation would be that Danny miscalculated and revealed something which he thought was hot to marie which went well outside her comfort zone, which led to her freaking out, doing a very bad thing, and saying she wasn't sure she could ever talk to him again.

Holy shit just looked into the archives at the last BGQ And my sides are literally transcendent

Just add water and enjoy a relaxing dip in the Red Sea.

When Isyil and Ur'shal are talking to each other, what language are they speaking? Orcish, Human or Elvish?


Does an oneiromancer invading someone's dreams Inception style get to make up new rules about dreamdiving and disregard established ones whenever they want?

Sadly no, that's a good way to start making someone's subconscious freak out, which makes it a far more dangerous place to be. Unless an oneiromancer is far more powerful than the mind they're invading, it's best to be subtle and avoid making waves.

I kind of find myself wondering if Isyil was so blase about the others getting trashed because she knew Xipil is kind of moving in and that an actual dragon being present would have completely changed everything anyways. Don't expect an answer, just documenting for "Called it!" rights.

Guess you'll have to wait and see.

Any other prominent species we'd know about, that goes into a similar direction with acquiring humanoid slaves to make up for numbers?

Well, the Itikskes could count, even if their humanoid slaves are a bit... messy. Aside from that, not that Ur knows of, at least not as extensively as lamia, giants and dragons do.

>Cont. How loyal do they tend to be to their various masters?Sincet servants of a Lamia Compound are actual dragon cutists, they probably tend to be at least as loyal as people usually tend to be to their rulers and religio. How are things usually between giants or dragons and their servants?

Dragon cultists tend to be, as you said, as loyal as one would expect of cultists.
The servants of giants and dragons run the gamut from hired agents who have no loyalty beyond a paycheck and slaves forced into subservience who would escape or riot at a moment's notice if they thought it would work, through to fanatics and unshakably loyal servants whose families have been serving their masters for a hundred generations.
Giants tend more towards the forced slavery side of the equation though, which they mitigate with copious amounts of mind-influencing magics and threats of horrible violence.


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