

Ask @BrightTegu

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What do orcs believe produces stronger half breeds: Orcs males on non-orc women or Orc women on non-orc men? Or do they believe it doesn't matter either way?

Either works.

Can you get orcs who are all like "Naw, all this violence, rape and violent rape just isn't my thing. I'll just live in the wilderness and not bother anyone"?

Sure, but it's very, very rare.

If orc men can remain virile and strong even into their 80's and 90's if they lead a proper orcish life, does the same thing apply to orc women who also embrace the orcish lifestyle?

Sure, Y'zagya was leading raids and popping out whelps at over a century old.

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(he's not dumb enough to start disrespecting his chieftain's mate in how he tells it, so not really, no.) Is K'zala a little disappointed in herself that she lost a knife fight with a goblin?

A little, yes.

(has happened with more warlike dragons in the past) Have some of these dragons fallen victim to the Green Fever after sampling the local flavor? (Or after being sampled by the local flavor if the dragon in question is female?)

Dragons tend to be aware of the dangers of green fever, so generally no.

Is resisting disease more of a Skor'oz Zik or a Y'zagya Zoka thing?

Skor'oz Zik, while healing diseases is more Y'zagya Zoka.

Hey Lordy, I notice when you write characters eating meals, you tend to gloss over what they eat. Do you think in the future you could describe what they eat? No need for ASoIF levels of food porn, but little details like that do help with immersion.

It's cinnamon crunch, every time I don't say what characters are eating, it's cinnamon crunch.
The real question is which of the three protagonists will unravel its mysteries first.

What does Inka do when Ur's away? Does she lay around and pout?

That or plays with herself while thinking about Ur.

Speaking of Warcraft orcs, what would Ur think of the Horde?

Aside from "I want me one of those troll girls", I dunno, while he's smart enough to realize the need to ally with other races against your enemies, he'd still probably view the need for Warcraft orcs to rely on other races and treat them as equals as a sign of weakness.

With Slaagyr's grip slipping, would now be a good time to strike against him?

Possibly so, depending on how you handle it.

And how well would OWQ orcs get along with Warcraft orcs?

I don't really know a great deal about warcraft, but from my vague knowledge I'd say that pre-Thrall orcs might get along alright with OWQ orcs, at least for a while, though if they weren't immune to OWQ orcish pheromones, that could lead to an interesting situation.
Thrall orcs on the other hand would not get along well with OWQ orcs at all, because Thrall is a filthy human-lover.

What would Aleida appreciate more: presenting her the head of the dude who killed her husband or throwing the dude in the tent and allowing Aleida to kill him herself?

The former, she's not really a killer.

How well would OWQ orcs get along with orks? Would the orcs be super weirded out by the fact that all orks are asexual? What would the orc gods think? Could they learn to get past their differences to krump some humans? Also, would Y'zagya Zoka be super disappointed she couldn't bone Gork and Mork?

It would end in fighting. Not just because orks like to fight and would probably view the big green warrior race as the best fighting to be had, but also because orcs would be incredibly paranoid of a race of orc-like beings who grow from fungus, since it would immediately make them think of Mul'orog Grul.

>Zodiac Crab-lady when? But that guy was obviously asking about the chinese zodiac. We can probably count a shifter as Tiger once we get one for ourselves, since panther is close enough. Dragon is on the agenda, although not a lung-like dragon. Harpy is kind of like Rooster. What's next most likely?

That would be telling...

>tfw there's a chance that our tehnically oldest clan member is a virgin It's not a huge hance, but it is extant, I believe.


I'm not sure if you've answered this before, but what would a dragon-orc hybrid be like? Because knowing Ur he's gonna collect himself that female dragon.

Winged, somewhat scaly orc with an affinity for arcane magic. They can also use breath weapon dependent on the dragon type of their parent, and tend to have other cosmetic traits based on element.

I assume that both Slaggyr and Xipil are similar in that they just kind of expect people to worship them just because they're dragons and can't really understand why someone would tell them to kindly fuck off and leave them alone?

Pretty much, dragons are about as egotistical as one would expect of a race of giant flying lizards with a natural affinity for magic.

(Early twenties) Is that old for a goblin? From what I understand, goblin society is extremely cutthroat and survival depends on shanking someone before someone shanks you.

Goblins reach adulthood around 13-14, and most goblins don't live past their teens.

(Think of some crazy bullshit feats of endurance and add a touch of supernatural enhancement on top of that.) So something like Senator Armstrong, just without the nano machines, son?

"Boons, son."
Liked by: RageBob

Since you obviously can't write a scene for every instance Ur'shal has sex with one of his harem due to time constraints, is it safe to assume that behind the scenes Ur'shal is shagging his women to their satisfaction?

Yup, Ur's doing a lot of off-screen boning.

What do female orc/goblin halfbreeds tend to look like? Small, petite but extremely cut and /fit/ gymnast types of bodies? Or stocky short stacks with curves in all the right places?

Can go either way, halfbreeds born from regular goblins tend towards the former, while those born from high class goblins who've been bred that way tend towards the latter.

What produces larger litters: An orc male knocking up a female goblin or male goblin knocking up a female orc?

It's about the same.

Why is Sief your best protagonist, and why are Jareth and Ur filthy degenerates?

Jareth and Ur are both comfortable with their filthy degenerate status.

Are there any places in the world that Skor'oz Zik considers to be ideal for breeding and raising exceptionally hardy orcs?

Not in particular, Skor'oz Zik prefers that orcs become hardy of their own grit and determination, rather than coasting through life as particularly tough halfbreeds. Indeed, halfbreeds who are naturally resilient have to do more impressive things to earn his favor.


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