

Ask @BrightTegu

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I lost what new boons we got, can you remind us from which gods we recently got boons so that we can figure it out?

I don't believe I ever specified. You all just took some guesses.

Are there any musical orc clans?

Sadly most orcs lack the discipline for big flashy choreographed musical numbers.

Can divine servants of Y'zagya Zoka be summoned by her priestesses? If they can, what reasons would her servants be summoned by her priestesses?

Yes, and they are summoned for both the usual reasons (combat, magical support) and to take part in great religious celebrations.
...which are mainly sex, to be honest.

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If a non-orc woman devoted herself to the growth and betterment of the orcish race, by birthing large numbers of half breed whelps and contributing either martial or magical might to an orcish clan, can she enter Y'zagya's realm to spend her afterlife upon her death? Or can only orcs enter?

Those slaves who give up their own faith and ambitions and devote themselves to their orcish master continue to serve their master in the afterlife.
In the case of communal slaves who serve their clan as a whole, they wind up in Y'zagya Zoka's realm.

So did we get all the boons or are more coming?

Maybe you already have another boon, you just haven't figured out what it is yet.

If Ur's new chestplate got damaged, what would happen? Would it repair on its own? Could it be repaired by any old smith? By any old skilled smith? Only repairable by a priest of Zul'orok Zhar? Only repairable by one of Zul'orok Zhar's divine servants? Would it lose anticurse/etc. powers if broken?

A priest or divine servant of Zul'orok Zhar would be required, and while it wouldn't completely loose its enchantments if damaged, they would be severely weakened.
Fortunately for you, starsteel is tough, and starsteel enchanted to be extra tough is going to require some incredible force to break through, to the extent that anything capable of punching a hole through that breastplate would probably have turned Ur's organ to a fine paste through blunt trauma anyway.

I felt like bringing in the father was kind of forced as well, and didn't let R go wild, plus took some focus away from him. I guess they wanted a "but he's not all bad, look, he makes friends!" thing, but eh. Would've enjoyed Vin working through more(~50) bad guys, like a force of nature or smthng.

That final "keep a strong spine" line made me cringe. I expected a freeze frame and some cheesy 80s rock over the credits to kick in.

>Santana >some random punk >unprofessional as shit >holds grudges and is emotional >pisses of Riddick >needlessly antagonistic and cruel >trust issues >petty revenge over survival plan He was such a stereotypical dumb scumback that his death wasn't even satisfying, it was so incredibly obvious.

The one I found most confusing was when that big merc turned on Riddick and Johns. There was no build up to it or anything, the guy must've had about three lines up until that point. Then suddenly "thanks for starting the slaughter for me!" out of fucking nowhere.

Trolls have any gods?

Not that any of your clan are aware of, possibly some of the smarter ones latch on to deities of violence or nature, but those aren't troll-specific gods.

Wait, I don't understand, why are the divine servants of the human cannibal god okay with eating orcs? Shouldn't they be eating humans?

because cannibal god is catchier than "god of eating sapient beings which can also include cannibalism".

What kind of god gives us trolls mixed with facehuggers? Somebody has to pay for this. Sombedody always has to pay

If in doubt, blame the humans.

When will the Stonetusk finally leave pleb tier and become the Irontusks?

Talk about thinking small. You need to step it up and become the Steeltusks, or the Mithriltusks, the Uraniumtusks maybe.
Fuck it, just become the Darkmattertusks.

What a fascinating bunch of creatures trolls are! Now I really want to get some new pets for the coven.

Good luck.

Could trolls just be fed bones and the general leftovers that aren't edible to orcs/slaves and live on that?

Trolls can eat pretty much anything, yes.

I meant more, how hard is it to get enough food for a troll. As in, how much food do they need and such.

Trolls need a hell of a lot, otherwise they start autocannibalizing and eventually die of exhaustion when their body no longer has the energy to regenerate new parts. Right now your clan lacks much in the way of a food surplus, so keeping even a single troll fed would be a struggle.

How hard is it to feed a troll?

If you put something in front of a troll's mouth it'll probably try to eat it, so not hard at all.
The hard part is getting them to understand that some things aren't food.

Golem thread today or Orc thread today?

No, not today. Most likely GKQ tomorrow or tuesday, then OWQ on its usual thursday.

I think the problem with Riddick was that the human antagonists were so shit tier.

Can't argue with that. Also Santana mumbled, which was annoying, can't mix mumbling with a strong accent, just meant sometimes I had to pause and go back to hear what he was saying again.

Oh, you watched it? And how did you find it? Do you agree that the first half was best? Was not!Jackal a qt3.14? Is that hot blonde dyke best girl?

First half was very enjoyable. Second half was... eh. I think I would have preferred a whole movie of Riddick surviving on an alien world overcoming obstacles and saved the bounty hunter bit for right at the end as a finale. I just didn't find them particularly engaging, and the bit with the rain was just pitch black 2: wet edition.
The not!Jackal was adorable. But then I may be biased as I'm very fond of dogs.
Hot blonde dyke was hot, no denying that, but she was basically a walking tough girl stereotype, and I found her as dull as all the rest of the bounty hunters.
Overall, good movie, could have been a lot better if it was all about the journey rather than him reaching his destination halfway through.

When Za'ria mentioned the goblins' fringe benefit as slaves, was it just the sexslaves/halforcs thing, or something besides that as well?

This is Za'ria we're talking about, so she meant sexslaves/halforcs.

>injecting yourself with baby scorpions Jesus thats retarded the children of most poisonous animals are the most lethal since they don't know how to control the dosage to not be wasteful, and also not run dry. Adults are the ones that use enough to fuck you over.

Having now watched the movie, I can tell you that that point is brought up at some point. What he actually does is catches some of the baby not!scorpions and milks the venom from them, then spends a long time injecting himself with a tiny amount every day.

(bonus) Maybe, MAYBE make personal slaves a bit more important/higher status than communal ones? Because, you know, they were found desireable by an orc, so yeah. Anyway, I think we should really avoid /tg/'s tendency to go reformer and institute modern morals, and stay mostly traditionally Orcish.

You can all do whatever you want, try to change things or leave them the same. Both options have their upsides and downsides you'll have to deal with down the line.

(2/2) And I think there's nothing wrong with the current system beyond this small inconvenience, it also discourages plotting against Ur to a degree because removes clan rivalries. We will make a special case exception for halfdragons, as is our right as chieftain.



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