

Ask @BrightTegu

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>not just making his pants have a modern jeans-like opening and be tied together in the front with magic ropes/whatever that won't ever get untied when it's inappropriate/unwanted, but become untied very easily and quickly

Considering the power of Ur's boners, those would have to be some strong ropes.

How do the hair lengths of the named characters compare to each other? Also include hair styles and color, maybe even quality/softness/chininess/etc. of you have the patience, please.

This seems like one of those times when your request results in someone's feelings getting hurt because it does not match their headcanon, so feel free to disregard this entirely and imagine the characters differently.
Firstly, all orcish hair is black (unless dyed) and tends to be quite thick and hardy. I would not say that orcish hair in general is very soft or shiny, but some orcs are more than others.
Orcs tend towards the two extremes of long hair or no hair, with some mohawks and similar things thrown into the mix in between. Ur has long hair tied back in a braid, Zo'rok wears his hair around shoulder length and just lets it grow wild, Dru'ak shaves his head, Ku'zag has long white hair kept loose, Koz'rak topknots it with a beard, Or'kaz shaves his head with a beard, Juk'ruk ties it back in a ponytail, Vor'zal has a veritable mane of wild grey hair and a shaggy beard, Or'kug shaves his head.
In terms of hair length it goes Vor'zal, Ku'zag, Ur, Juk'ruk, Zo'rok, Koz'rak, then Dru'ak, Or'kaz and Or'kug who all shave it.
For women, Sho'ka ties it back in a braid, K'zala wears it loose around shoulder length, Ya'zada wears it loose, long and shaggy (and with streaks of red dyed into it), Ashuris has her dark hair loose and long enough to reach her ass, Aleida wears her chestnut hair down to just below the neck tied back in a ponytail, Inka has long, black, straight hair, Lurashka has long blonde hair worn loose, and Rasha has long red hair tied back in a braid down as long as Ashuris'.
Longest hair is the coven by a large margin, followed by Inka, Sho'ka, Ya'zada, Aleida then K'zala.
The coven all have incredibly silky and soft hair which seems to go just how they want it to with minimum effort (not that they don't all enjoy preening if given half the chance), the other notably impressive hair is K'zala's which has inherited some of that elven softness and quality.

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Have orcs invented wheels? Can they use them? Can wheels even be considered useful our here on the wastes?

Orcs do understand the concept of wheels, yes, unfortunately the wastes is broken rocky terrain, so it's pretty shit for using wheels on.

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So we wear actual pants, not just loin cloth or Irish skirt-like thing, right?

So far Ur has indeed been wearing pants, although plenty of orcs opt for the loincloth or kilt.
Kind of tempted to switch him over to one of those to make the smut scenes simpler though. Goddamned pants just get in the way!

> facing on equal number a bad idea. All the mote reason to send orcs down to save those two small tribes. We shall rescue the Wardrides and Wurmkillers, we shall unite the tribes! We are Ur'shal!

Dat horde!

How do you know that Anon isn't stuck in such a hellish place? For all we know he's stuck in a realm with nothing but troll toenails and an internet connection and is just trying to determine whether eating the troll toenails would give him cancer.

I take no responsibility for how edible troll toenails may or may not be outside of my setting.

What kind of clothes do Orcs usually prefer to wear?

Something tough, hard-wearing and intimidating. Given what you have to work with, most of your clan's clothing at present is leather and hide, possibly reinforced with some bone, chitin or the like. Not all of your orcs are fully armored, given the lack of resources, but most at least have tough leggings or a loincloth combined with some sturdy boots and possibly armored shin guards., with hide armor on the chest and arms optional. Also any bone or metal jewelry they've got, since orcs tend to go a bit overboard with the accessories if given the chance.

If a clan, for whatever reason, has a female shaman but not a dedicated Y'zagya Zoka priestess, could the female shaman take on the duties of a priestess, at least until a replacement comes along? Or is that considered a waste of a female shaman's abilities?

Not really, no, shamans can carry out the basic fundamental rituals but the more deity-focused stuff is beyond them.

(>Your elderly shaman did spend several years in his youth banging his older sister.) How serious was their relationship? Were they just fuck buddies having a good time with each other, or were they an official mated pair? Did Ku'zag knock up his elder sister?

They were a mated pair for several years before she was killed by a rival of Ku'zag's. She had several litters by Ku'zag during their years together.

Of them, slay all their women and children, and drag those surviving men away ad either food or converts. Its a waste, especially when we'll start to outnumber the tongues 2:1 at last guesstimate

It should go without saying, but facing the tonguerippers in equal numbers in a fair fight would be a very bad idea.

How far away would the craglion tribe and wurmkillers be for a group of about a dozen orcs apiece? Do you think that many orvs would be enough to try to convince the tribes to join up, if sent with named characters? Using them as a buffer is laughable when one-two tongue raids will end either cont.

It's possible, certainly. It would be a bit silly to bring your whole clan over there, and make it easier for the Tonguerippers to notice you passing along their borders.

I'm going to say Iron, Fire, Blade are all pretty war focused gods, while Sex, Hunt, and Strife are more general survival, is that fair? I know milfgod has the enslavement aspect to herself, but that's secondary I think.

All orcish gods are war-related to some degree, but only really Fire and Blade are focused.

Survival isn't always about pleasure, Lordy. Sometimes, when you're stuck in an infinite wasteland with only things edible are the troll nail clippings that cover the infinite expanse, you have to make do with the unpleasant.

Good thing you aren't stuck in quite such a hellish place.

Maybe non-carcinogenic? Though I suppose that's still debatable, at least they aren't the "you now have troll baby cancer!" kind.

Still not a pleasant experience.

If the reason troll toenail clippings are edible is because they're not made of living troll, does that mean regular troll nail clippings and troll hair are also edible?

Yes, basically the only bits of a troll that won't kill you to consume are the bits that were never alive.
I'm not sure I'd call the nail clippings of a troll edible though, they taste like... well... like troll nail clippings.

So priests come to be in one of these ways? Divine vision, reading old texts/scripture, initiation/education by other priests?, and that's all we know of?

As far as you are aware, yes.

How would we go about having such a priest emerge on her own? Also, are Y'zagya Zoka's priests exclusively female?

Hope that one of your orcs has a divine vision, or find some religious texts or artifacts of the faith and see if it clicks with anyone, and yes, all of Y'zagya Zoka's priests are female.

How does a young orc girl usually go about becoming a priestess of Y'zagya Zoka when she grows up? Does she just have to have an insatiable hunger for cock, or are there are other qualities that the priestesses look for in a potential candidate?

A knack for magic and the right mindset. the priesthoods are usually on the lookout for those who fulfill those conditions to take under their wing and train up.

Well, we have 6(?) human prisoners, we could always just feed them the toenail clippings and see what happens. SCIENCE!

Nothing will happen, the reason toenail clippings do not result in people sprouting troll babies or getting cancer is because toenail clippings are not a living part of the troll.

What do trolls do with their toenail clippings?, is there anywhere we could buy some?

Trolls don't clip their toenails, so you'd either have to remove them from a troll (for whatever reason, since you are not an alchemist or sorcerer and know no-one who could find a use for them), or buy/loot them from someone who has them, perhaps an arcane trader, sorcerer or alchemist.

>Both. So if we were blessed by him, would equipment we wear just naturally become better, or would we have to actively make it so?

Since you are not yourself trained at making weapons and armor, it would most likely be a case of the stuff you use becoming tougher. He might also bless you by way of inspiring your smiths to create something far beyond their usual abilities for you as a one-time boon.

So the difference between fae and non-fae is that the fae are naturally emerging entities from the spiritual/arcane/etc. energies, while the races were created?

For fae, their physical form (although in some cases it stretches the boundaries of what could be considered physical) is like a shell around a core of pure magical energy, they can replicate some or all of the functions of living things (like giving birth), but in reality they are just energy given form. The difference between fae and divine servants or abyssal horrors however is that fae are naturally emerging rather than manufactured by some greater force.
The mortal races (even elves and sluagh, which are part-fae) have actually biological bodies which work like biological bodies should.

So there's the Abyss, the mortal plane, the gods' realm, and the Crones' place. Is that what we know about the setting's cosmology, or whatever it's called?

The Mortal realm, Divine Realms (every deity has one, though some tend to merge together or blend in places), the Cronelands (where all the lost souls the gods don't want end up), and myriad tiny dream and nightmare realms which grow, shrink and shift as a result of emotional or magical fluctuations throughout the realms.
The Abyss is not exactly a realm, more like a festering cancer trying to grow and consume everything.
Also at the center of all the realms is the Crucible of Creation, which is where souls (that aren't eaten by the abyss) all eventually return to to be purified and reborn, and is where all existence originally began.

Once the coven dominates someone, does it take power to keep them that way, or is it a single payment deal?

It takes a lot less power to maintain than to dominate someone in the first place.


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