

Ask @BrightTegu

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I'm assuming cards are somewhat sentient, will we have the opportunity to Change our commander later? I think it might be cool to have Orc Clans and Ur from OWQ, golems and behemoths from GKQ, and elishuan sex priests make a cameo in the cards/deck types. It'd be cool to have Ur as a commander

>Wanting to replace Satira.
How cruel.
Satira's a permanent fixture of your deck barring some very unexpected circumstances, and is well worth keeping there for reasons that will become apparent as the quest progresses.
As for cameos, dunno if I'll straight up have my other quest's characters in it, I always felt kind of weird about crossovers, even between my own stuff, but there'll probably be cards along those lines in someone's deck.

Hope the insomnia gets better, Lordy. If you feel up to it, maybe you could write out an NT bio? Don't do it if you don't feel up to it, though.

Thanks. I might try and do a little something like that later, right now I'm stuck in that fun position of feeling near asleep without actually being able to sleep, which isn't a great mindset for writing things.

Good first morning of 2016 Lordy! May many slaves, victories, golems, cards, and mana be yours in 2016, even more than in 2015!

Thank you kindly anon, I look forward to another year of continuing down the inescapable spiral of madness that is QMing.

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Somehow the thread ended up being shortish in post count but felt long. Was fun, in any case. Would post this in the thread but post on 4chan is down again.

It was long, ran about 11 hours minus my little gap a few hours in.

>the dream didn't have Lucus/Paxton/dad/Shea cucks Sief I'm honestly surprised, what with what Lucus said.

Sief has no time for getting cucked, he has an Empire to save!

So Tyra reminds us of our mom?

Well, there's certainly similarities in the red hair, though that isn't uncommon on the Foundry Isles, and Tyra looks similar enough in the face (and body... NO, BAD SIEF, BAD!) that someone who knew Sief's mother could tell they were related.
Combine that with the same love of golems and yeah, there's definitely something of a reminder there.

Well, wgile I was there for the wrenchfu discussion, I seriously didn't expect them to send one of their young daughters to us immediately, I thought we'd have some back and forth letters and then they'd send her on the land route. Do they like us more than we remembered? Did Tyra sneak away?

>Do they like us more than we remembered?
Sief isn't aware that his mother's family disliked him, his father is another matter entirely these days, but perhaps they're keeping their feelings on the two separate.
>Did Tyra sneak away?
Who knows, perhaps you should ask her, or perhaps the letter will shed some light on that.

Would Virgil dislike it if we immediately made Tyra head artificer? Would she like it? Has she even been one before? Is she ready for the behavior that being one demands, telling others what to do and such? Is she going to passively improve the skills of our other artificers?

>Would Virgil dislike it if we immediately made Tyra head artificer?
>Would she like it? Has she even been one before? Is she ready for the behavior that being one demands, telling others what to do and such?
Who knows, maybe you should ask her.
>Is she going to passively improve the skills of our other artificers?
Working under the direction of a skilled artificer would certainly help, provided she could direct them properly and they were willing to listen.

Thank you for that pastebin. Tyra a qt exciteable sort of tomboy as far as I can tell. Are we going to start next thread as direct continuation? I think we can probably read the reply while Tyra spergs out about Raziel, then get on showing her all the cool loot we have. We have the bas. tail, right?

Yeah, next thread will be a direct continuation, and yes, you still have all the parts you brought back from the Expanse.

When will you run your new quest?

Planning on running either DoEQ or GKQ on monday, so my new quest'll probably be wednesday.

If a non-orc female can be turned into a drooling, incoherent mess that cares only about breeding when exposed to excess male orc fluids and affection, can the same thing happen to a non-orc man who is used as a breeding stud by a pack of orc women?

If he's subjected to orc sex all day every day for a few weeks to a few months, depending on how strong-willed he is, then yes.

If a women is in the ahegao state when an orc stumbles on her what would they do and would green fever make it worse or only focus it.

Just randomly ahegaoing?
I'm guessing you mean that she's engaged in sex with another non-orcish individual who has caused her to ahegao. If that was the case the orc would probably remove her partner and have his way with her a few more times.

We should grow rakas harem, any thoughts on what we should give him?

Various deadly predators gathered from the lands you conquer, no doubt.
Liked by: RageBob

Is Raka eventually going to fall way behind Ur on the powercurve unless we earn the right Tak'zaya Ska boons or does he have his own passive gains more or less corresponding to Ur's advancement?

Raka will be fine, anon. He's a fey beast, and while some boon bonuses would certainly help, he'll keep up with you more or less okay on his own.
Fey are creatures born of dream, they're more malleable than material creatures, they respond to thoughts, emotions, expectations. The personal warbeast of an orcish warlord should be strong, and so Raka will be strong, it's the most natural thing in the world to him.

Fuck me. I really can't imagine shapeshifter chick as anything other than a night elf druid from WoW. Can you describe her in excruciating detail, Warlord?

Slim, lithe figure, you know, like an elf. Brown skin, black hair worn loose and wild down around her shoulders. She has some obvious catlike features which don't seem to go away, perhaps a result of her greater power, or some sort of side-effect of repeated transformations, Ur doesn't know. The obvious ones are yellow, reflective eyes with slit pupils, sharper teeth, and finger and toenails which are a little clawlike. Ur has also discovered a little patch of fur at the base of the spine, though she doesn't seem to have a tail or anything. She wears little more than a loincloth, presumably because of the transformation thing, and seems pretty unbothered with nudity.

Dear Santa Orc. Please return my wife and my unpaid workers. Signed Mr.Claus

Santa Orc is truly what all orcs aspire to be. Once a year he visits the home of every attractive, fertile woman around the world all in the space of one night, and gives them a gift fresh from his magic sack.
Unless they've been naughty, then he'll be climbing down the wrong chimney, if you catch my drift.

The only thing the artist has left is a description for it, I know the Google docs give Dr, but he wants a bit more info warlord.

I sent you a message on twitter in response to your request before. Gave you an email address to pass on to him, did you not get it?

Would Ur'shal's Apex Predator boon give an intimidate and command bonus when trying to intimidate or command an orc shifter?


Would Ur be involved in that hypohetical scene involving adveturer and mother? I'm not sure if it would be better if he was or wasn't.

I wasn't intending him to be involved in what I'd come up with, no.

Were you as surprised as I was that noone has yet sperged over the fact that Izeta's body part transformation might be leveraged into a catgirl mode?

Very, yes.

Has an orc ever gone full Liam Neeson Taken when one of his whelps has been stolen by slave traders?

Sure. While orcs are in general pretty distant parents due to most whelps being communally raised and may not even care all that much for the stolen whelp itself, stealing away an orc's whelps is still seen as a personal insult and a threat to the orc's bloodline.
That's the sort of thing that makes orcs very, very unhappy.

Would the clan frown upon favoritism being paid to our whelps?

Well, yes and no. They won't object to you teaching them, guiding them, that sort of thing, because all that's doing is ensuring that the next generation of the clan is stronger. Provided they don't feel like you're wasting too much time doing so which you should be spending doing proper chieftainly things of course.
Now, doing shit like putting them in charge of war packs before they've proven themselves worthy of it, or lavishing valuable weapons and armor on them that they haven't earned with their deeds, that's how you make your clan angry.


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