

Ask @BrightTegu

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Fey aren't 100%t biological creatures the way orcs or humans are, right? They are, at least in part, actually not made of meat. If fey blood enters a bloodline, how many generations does it take before the kids are mundane creatures with odd features, rather than spirits wearing meat?

Fey are formed out of a spontaneous coalescing of magical energy into a sentient and sometimes sapient form, their physical bodies can perfectly mimic normal biological functions depending on the type of fey, but they are basically blobs of intelligent magic which are so good at playing pretend that even they often believe it.
How many generation it would take for fey/mortal offspring to become fully mundane is questionable, but at least two or three.

Do kulakin count toward Ogre sacrifices? They can use tools and are fairly weak, it'd be not too hard to trap some

They are sapient creatures, so yes.

Will we roll for impregnating the fey? What would fey orcs be like? Will they be crazy/weird like their parents?

>Will we roll for impregnating the fey?
I don't really do impregnation rolls, either you'll succeed or you won't depending on factors.
>What would fey orcs be like?
Who knows, they will most likely have impressive natural talent for magic though.
>Will they be crazy/weird like their parents?
Most likely they will be at least a little odd.

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How long are short swords supposed to be? Bit over forearm length? Are dwarven/human/elf/etc regular swords like short swords to Ur?

Yes, around-about forearm length. Human and elf weapons are only slightly smaller than orc ones, though they tend to have less weight to them, so orcs can use them, they just find the grip and feel a bit awkward.
Dwarf weapons tend to be a bit smaller (though often of more solid and heavy construction which makes them weight similar to human weapons) given dwarves' smaller size, so Ur would have trouble using, say, the axes or the mace, but the shortswords would do as what amounts to an orcish bootknife in a pinch.

She said she's had those rags for a while, but she didn't mind giving them to us. I kind of want to give them back to her tbh, maybe ask for less shiny things than what we gave for it so it's a net gain for her anyway?

Well, you're certainly welcome to do more trading.

How's the size of that fancy dwarven weapon we found? Can Ur use it?

Just about, though for him a dwarven shortsword is more like a fancy knife.

Vika likes trading. Would she maybe be interested in bets?

You could always ask. Fey in general do like wagers, though.

does Vaki just hang around these parts of the river, or is there some fancy fey bullshit going on where she can appear literally anywhere along the length of the river she wants?

Who knows.

She doesn't care that she's naked, but she seemed to care about her rags. No, wait, is she just a master merchant? Have we been swindled?! NOOOO!!!!!!

Who knows, maybe the rags are special to her, but she doesn't necessarily mind not wearing them.

Seura Isago, RAITA, Tsukin Jyougi, Todd Oyamada, Ootsuka Kotora, Jingrock, Fan no Hitori, Ryoma, and Agata draw nice big dick stuff, in case you didn't know them yet. Also Shiwasi no Okina I suppose. Maybe Rocket Monkey, or Amatarou. Yamatogawa is always god tier. That's all I can remember atm

I recognize about 90% of those artists, but I shall look up the others, thanks.

Who enjoy sleeping with their face in Ur's crotch the most? If the answer is Inka, who's the one who enjoys it the second most?

So to answer the second question, Aleida, or possibly Lokasi.

Remember to ask Za'ria how to say "Do you like that?" or "How is it? You love it, don't you?" or something along those lines but less autistic in Elvish, now that we can recognize it when Lokasi says she loves it. Fun to tease with. Or just a simple "Oh, do you now?", I don't know.

I'm sure you'll get your chance.

Can Ash/other also read/write in the languages they speak?

Ash reads and writes ogrish (which is more than most modern ogres can!), giantish, dwarvish and human.
Za'ria seems to speak most major languages, but you don't know how many of them she can read and write.

Who's the most well-versed in languages in our horde? Would an orc be better at teaching languages to another orc than a non-orc, since they know how the language compares to Orcish better?

>Who's the most well-versed in languages in our horde?
Za'ria seems to speak a wide array of languages.
> Would an orc be better at teaching languages to another orc than a non-orc, since they know how the language compares to Orcish better?

Amazon ahegao soon(tm).*3 Reporter seduction and love making soon(tm). Gregory being taken care of nonlethally maybe soon(tm). Kurdish warrior waifu not very soon(tm).

Sad we couldn't dick the amazon in our monstrous form, though I do understand the need to bug out in case of backup.

Will you denote the underground river/tunnel on the updated map you will eventually post? Like a half-transparency dotted line or something?


Is it possible to get Lokasi more open, less sulky, more comfortable being a slave, etc. with the right course of actions?


Where's Ur going to clean off? On the surface? In Vaki's river?

Probably in the river, though Vaki would prefer Ur does it downstream.

Will Ur fuck Inka before Aurora, before Inka helps with fucking Aurora? Could be fun, had Aurora not seen Ur's dick yet I'd suggest doing Inka from behind and keeping Aurora from seeing what is going to be entering her soon, then switching to Inka to cum every time instead of rewarding Aurora w/ it

Aurora has had plenty of chances to see Ur's dick while he's been fucking the rest of his harem. As for the scene, wait and see.

> the elf is a drooling, gibbering mess, muttering something over and over like a mantra in elvish. You'll have to ask Za'ria what that means later. Have we done that yet?

It would roughly translate to "I love it."

Do orcish techniques/pheromones work on fey?

Who knows, fey are weird. Vaki certainly seems to have a sense of smell though.

>trading Vaki shiny things and an artifact for her rags >not offering shiny thing and new rags for her old rags

Not like Vaki seems to care all that much that she's naked anyway.

Has Ur been sparring with orcs? Would hate to get rusty. Anything he managed to steal from fightig/watching our older guys, like Or'kug?

Ur spars fairly regularly, either with one of the better fighters of the clan, Dru'ak and Ya'zada for example, or with two or three of the regular orcs.
I'm going to give an option on which stats to boost from the downtime soon, so you may get to increase your fightan talents.

I hope the smut will be nice, nice bit of petting, explore a fey body with our hands, and let Ur's D stay a surprise until it's almost try to insert, maybe be playing with her body from behind and let it flop out between her thighs. Not sure how good an idea waifu'ing/impregnating Vaki the qt is tho

Well, wait and see.


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